We all made it ! It's Friday and Morning is here too :)

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

We all made it ! It's Friday and Morning is here too :)

Postby Barbzeee » Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:24 am


We all made it ! It's Friday...and Morning is here too :) any one have a flash light ??? LOL Gosh, I have to get use to this darkness..but soon I'll be heading on down to that Southern Hemisphere....aaaah I'll see all those strange birds walking around.. hear those unfamiliar sounds..(not like Echo's) but will enjoy every moment of it.. I've gotten so many emails from my neighbors..all telling me how they've missed me, can ya believe that.. I mean these new neighbors got such a kick out of me with my reactions to my strange visitors and yep, even enjoyed my coffee and biscotti..Had to teach them to dunk though..LOL..they all tell me how my Hawk "Charlie" comes to visit and when anyone is working on my house, he sits up on the roof and yells at them... Now I have to tell ya..that kind of made me think..What's with this Hawk...but guess he put claim on me or is it my house LOL... Can't wait to greet that bird..You remember the one that kept flying into my window..and like (Splat) hit the glass...kind of flattened him LOL strange expression though.. almost like that Windex commercial.. oh yeah.. thinking about it.. I could have made one for sure LOL...

Well let me stroll through and see what's about here... Yes, see we have two new Members...of course they are not new to us...but a nice surprise for sure...

Oreganto Cal... (Chris) it certainly is great seeing you here with us..We've sure missed you too ! aah nice to have another place at my table that's gonna be filled... Chris I often thought about you and that wonderful hide away you worked at... Gosh I know it must be awesome in the wilderness...but soon you'll be heading, "Where " ? Did you say Kansas as in the land of Oz...now we have to hear this story out.. so do tell us...(searching for ruby reds for Chris )...:)

MollysMom (Trudy) Dear Trudy.....yes, we've all missed you too ! In fact often someone would bring up your name as to what you where doing and how you were making out... Almost like that Steinbeck novel..."Travels with Charlie".. that was a great story.. fun to read too...but Trudy.. now you know we've all followed your beginning..and all of us have rode that coaster with you.. and it does take time...and for some.. it's a complete culture change...and you are giving it a good go... once you get to your destination and start working you'll get a better feel of it.. We all wish you the best, and I'm sure you know that...Now we just have to be prepared for your stories LOL and sometimes Trudy... they were gooders LOL Welcome and enjoy our abode...

OregonLuvr (Karen) See.. now wasn't that really simple LOL Now you feel at home too .. betcha !

Lotus (Becky)...LOL You know us nosy women...you may think ya slip it over our heads..but there is always some one that's got to spill the beans !!! LOL... your welcome dear !

Bether's good to hear you are ok..and able to have some communication...just keep safe...

RetiredHappy (Karen) good to hear you will be ok too...Gosh Texas is gonna get some needed rain for sure..

Seeya Gal (Jenny and Dan) just reading maybe you can hook up with MollysMom (Trudy) for a visit that would be really neat.. and I know she'd really enjoy it too...Yep...pictures ...:)

Olive Oil ( OO) What can I say,... Other than, "we all have had or having a very heavy cross to bear."..but do try to bring into this forum fun, and happiness... our virtual campfire or what have you is nothing more than that..." So I apologize if you felt I or anyone was attempting to lead you astray.. I mean after all didn't Jesus par take of the fruit of the vine at the Last supper and wasn't it Jesus' first miracle to change the water into wine at a wedding ?

I have always enjoyed teasing you.. I think you are absolutely amazing, with all that you have done in your life.. Me I'm just a simple Italian lady that my only accomplishments in life have been to achieve a PHD (and breed some of the top dogs in the country ) and some days I wondered how in the heck I did that one... must have truly been a gift... So..from now on OO, I stand corrected... my only tease will be when I make you the Ruby Reds...and I'll find them and that will be my gift to you..other than my friendship which I hope you will accept...

Ok all it's about that time I get my table set.. I'm thirsty this morning.. woke up that way... and that means my fixation for Coffee is ready... I hear my coffee pot and smell it's aroma... Thank heavens for this nose.. I mean it's truly a gift from God... LOL finds all kinds of goodies too...oh, oh.. I made my Éclair recipe..(Bethers listen up) and of course sugar free but put in the layers.. one layer with bananas and the other layer with strawberries... will be cutting that baby today as I have the girls coming over for canasta...ooooooooh smokin'

Sista's it's coffee, tea, cola, juice what have you.. time ... goodies are on the table too...come one come all...join us..

May your Adventures be Great ones and your Journey be Safe too !!

God Bless

Last edited by Barbzeee on Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: We all made it ! It's Friday and Morning is here too :)

Postby Mtntophoundz » Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:05 am

Good Morning! Well Homecoming week at school is coming to an end. Tonight with the big football game and a dance after. They have asked me to help with the dance again. This time I am NOT dancing so I can give my back a rest. lol Tomorrow we are going to a 50th wedding anniversary party for a friend of the family. Then on Saturday Hannah has gymnastics practice. So thats my "quiet" weekend. I hope you all have a great one!!!!
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Re: We all made it ! It's Friday and Morning is here too :)

Postby Cedar518 » Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:42 am

Good morning Zeee and everyone! Whew! Like Zeee says,.... we all made it to Friday,... there were moments along the way when i wondered! haha.... :lol:

So, gotta get through that work day today, then tomorrow I'll head to VT to a great old time fair for the day. So for now,.. gotta get outa here and get to school

Off i go,....

Re: We all made it ! It's Friday and Morning is here too :)

Postby Echo » Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:48 am

Gooooooood Morning everybody!!! TGIF!

It would be even better if I didn't have to go to work today and I'm gonna work 4hrs tomorrow morning too. ~sigh~ In all truthfulness I really don't mind so much going in tomorrow. It's the Saturday that the big bosses aren't in there. Everything is so much more relaxed. As long as you do your work no one nags, rags or stands behind you looking over your shoulder. I can handle that. If I didn't go in I would only be sitting here on my butt for most of the morning anyway.

We're not gonna make it camping this weekend as far as I know. So I am going to be picking up some sandpaper and paint Saturday when I get out of work and I will do the dresser I picked up and the desk that the friend across the street gave me. Get them both painted the same color then I can do some decoration on them. I might get David to help me do the decorative stuff on the dresser and desk? He's really good at drawing and painting when he has a mind to. It's all good. And of course the regular weekend house cleaning and laundry too. :roll: Such is life. LOL

Well Kelly is in the shower and here I sit fingers on the keyboard, coffee mug cradled between my arms and in my supersized nitie. I am gonna have to give it up and go get dressed. Bummer!!!!

Hope everyone has a great day. Everyone be sure and stay safe. And for those few on or near the gulf? Try to stay dry and of course keep them feet and wheels firmly on the ground. No Dorothy's allowed down there!!!

Love to all
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Re: We all made it ! It's Friday and Morning is here too :)

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:57 am

Morning, all......geez, I read Barb's post and just had to go and read all that Chris & Trudy had posted.....glad you gals are here!!

Also had to do a little planning at the campfire as it looks like we'll have a full campsite soon.... :lol:

Yesterday was spent pampering my aches and pains from our adventure at the Caves, but am doing better today.....it was just a down day ;)

Okay, Ernie wants on the laptop, so I'll take another cup of coffee and go cross-stitch for awhile....

Have a great day!!!

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Re: We all made it ! It's Friday and Morning is here too :)

Postby avalen » Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:53 am

I'm up, finally slept til 4:00, might be my body trying to get back to normal
and I'm praying someday I'll feel normal again. One of my friends bid on my
old route and got it, he is very deserving of it as he will appreciate how polite
and well trained the children are. He is also a warm and giving personality,
good driver and the parents will appreciate that.
Onward and forward, have a great day ladies.
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Re: We all made it ! It's Friday and Morning is here too :)

Postby Lotus » Fri Sep 12, 2008 7:31 am

Good morning all! I'm up early today and enjoying my quiet time. Ron and the dogs are still sawing logs, and I hope they continue for awhile. Now I'm off to read the newspaper and see what else I might get into this early morning. A good day to all of you. Be safe.

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Re: We all made it ! It's Friday and Morning is here too :)

Postby Paulette » Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:00 am

Morning everyone. TGIF is all I can say. I'm beat from the week, no reason in particular other than I'm just getting more tired as I age. I'm glad it is friday so I can get prepared to do all the housework that goes undone during the week...fun fun fun! Tonight is my night off as the GD goes and spends the night with my EX. Stays for most of the day on Saturday too, which gives me the chance to really get something accomplished (I hope). Sunday she spends from noon till dinnertime with her Mom. Yeah, it's a crazy schedule for sure.

Chris and Trudy, welcome to the forum. We're all glad to have you join us and look forward to your travel tales.

Hope everyone has a great day.
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Re: We all made it ! It's Friday and Morning is here too :)

Postby Bethers » Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:03 am

Good Morning all. As iKE, fickle as he is, has truly headed so much farther north, I'm headed back towards my park, however, I'll spend tonight at my g/f's off the island (parked in her driveway) just to really be safe. Probably would have been ok not to leave at all. But better safe than sorry - and I didn't want to end up in a tangle of traffic.

Gonna stop at WalMart - want to replace my short sewer hose, so I don't have to use my good one that requires work to connect on this short trip (my old short one got run over by maintenance folks at a park) and a new water filter - time to replace that also. Then, while at my g/f's I'm going to borrow her GOOD vacuum and really do a good vacuum job in here - it needs it - and my little one hasn't been working so well. Ordered a new little one, maybe it'll be at the park waiting for me when I get there.

I'm concerned for all the others who are still in IKE's path - and for what he's going to do longterm to our gas prices. Luckily I filled up when I got here - cuz yesterday prices jumped more than a dollar. Wooeee, that's bad. I'm glad I didn't drive further that I did - and I hope this isn't long term. Thought the prices were bad before, but this is really, really bad.

Okies, have a great day all - and I'll see you down the road.
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Re: We all made it ! It's Friday and Morning is here too :)

Postby oliveoil » Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:04 am


First Barb--- I love your teasing & will take it about anything BUT alcohol!!!!!!!!!!! I have seen way toooo many people abuse it- & have delt with way too many people who have an addiction to it! In my family there seems to be a strong problem with it----- & I don't touch it or go near it----or anyone useing it!!!!!!!

The morning that you chose to tease me about alcohol------I had received a call the night before that my older brother who lives about two hours from us--- who is an alcoholic---and borrowed my 94 year old Mother's car & wrecked my Mother's car while driving drunk & without a drivers lic-----& he had let the insurance lapse on the car-----while Mother had let him borrow it----& it didn't have current tags-----& he had hid the car on his property-----as he was probably involved in a hit & run!!!!!!! Oh----- & it gets much better from there--------

I attended Family of alcoholics meeting for years------- to be able to leave my first abusive husband & then how to deal with alcoholic family members------- & NOT be enablers to them!!!!

One of the many things I learned over the years at those meetings is to never ever joke about the use of alchol---or make light of th4e use of it--- & to state you position up front & make it clear to anyone who does choose to use alchol--- how you feel about it!!!!!!

If you want to or choose to use alchol------that is fine -----but when ever anyone decides they need to use alchol where I am----- you will see me quickly get up & leave!!!!!!!! I don't want any part of it!!!!!!!!

My husband that I am married to now & have been over 35 years------- was a bar tender when I met him----& co-owner of a club-at that time--he has not done that type of work for years now------- he has the same feeling about alchol & those who choose to use it-------& is sorry he ever was co-owner of a club------ but he didn't have the same belief in Jesus as he does now either!

If people don't abuse alchol------& want to NOT drive & drink & do it some where other than around me------- I could care less--------But if I see you drinking & get into a car to drive------ I'll be all over you like flyes on shi#!!!!!!!!!!! So quick you won't know what hit you!!!!!!!

I have also lost a family member who never ever took a drink in their life who was killed by a drunk driver!!!!!!
Alchol is no joke to me!!!!!!!! In any way shape or form! And I have seen very-- very-- very few people who have been able to control the the alchol they use--but the alchol usually controls them-if they want to believe it or not!!!!!!
We have chosen to NOT use alchol in any form----- & we don't care to be around anyone who does us it----that is our choice!!
I think a campfire is a good thing-------as we have had a million camp fires over the years--while camping & with sooo many friends---but we never had alchol at any of them------ I guess I personally didn't like the joking over use of alchol----& I won't ever go to your campfire again----on this forum-------- you girls can do anything you want to do & if cyber drining floats your boat- then go for it---------I will join you all in everything BUT that!!!!
Those are just my own personal feelings------ & that is just how it is------- hasn't got a damned thing to do with our friendship!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't talk behind anyone's back---or PM anyone to talk about anyone else----- I just say what I have to say & in front of God & everyone------ & I'm a shoot from the hip person--you either like me or you don't--------I like to have a really good time--------& have tons of fun BUT none of that has alchol use with it!!!!!!!!!

PS--- when I was asked to come get my brother---out of trouble---- I said-he got him self into this mess-by HIS OWN CHOICES & he can get himself out of it!!!!!!!!
Many years ago-----I was used by every alcholic in my family to help them & bail them out of their jams---it has taken me a long time to get to the point of saying NO------ (now when I got of the phone I went & threw up----because he is in some really deep shi# from his drinking-------but he made the choices & I can't help him!!!!!! Do I care-----yes------do I love him-yes---but for 60 some years this man has made the wrong choices because of alchol & how it rules his life & every activity in his life & his health is terrible because of the alchol use also!!!!!!!
So am I a radical about the use of alchol---maybe so--------but many who have had to live with the effects of alchol on their own lives when they don't use alchol --feel the very same way I do---- & I have met them at meetings all over!!!
I'll joke my friend with you & have a good time with ya------about most anything if it doesn't hurt anyone---- & it doesn't have anything to do with alchol!!!!!!! ;)

Well we are off to work at the warehouse again today------ it is raining here again today----rained all day yesterday & all night & is still raining----------

But the really good news is-- we got a call this morning that a couple is very interested in our home-they just sold their farm & love our old home & want to come & look!!!!!!! THANK YOU JESUS--ANSWERED PRAYER!!!!!!!

Well hubby is waiting on me-------- I'm off------ everyone stay safe----- & drive safe--
---later OO
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Re: We all made it ! It's Friday and Morning is here too :)

Postby Sunseeker » Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:37 am

Good morning, all! I'm holding onto my Shreveport mug a little tighter than usual this morning and watching the weather channel intently.

Old Ike looks like he wants to turn northeast after making landfall, and that brings him skirting our neighborhood. Now the coastal storms and hurricanes normally don't bother us here with much more than lots of rainfall and a little stronger than average wind. That is the reason all our shelters are filled currently...it's considered to be a safe haven here. But somehow the old man has a different course in mind. We will probably get tropical force winds here and hard rain this time. Our local channels are predicting power loss for several days. We already got gas yesterday and stocked up on bottled water and non-perishables. We have only been home two days, but the mh is ready to go again if need be.

Our plan so far is to sit tight and keep the generator handy unless things go really bad and we'd be better off leaving. It sure is nice to have this mobile option!! I'll keep you posted. The worst isn't expected till wee morning hours, and into the day tomorrow.
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Re: We all made it ! It's Friday and Morning is here too :)

Postby Bethers » Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:42 pm


Here I sit, breathing easier, and even headed back towards the coast (no not all the way in, but to my gf's driveway and Peaches and I are in the house). But my gain is your loss - and I'm so concerned for those in Ike's direct path and those, like you on the dangerous "dirty" side of IKE I'm glad you are prepared to take off if necessary.
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Re: We all made it ! It's Friday and Morning is here too :)

Postby Sunseeker » Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:57 pm

Thanks for your concern, Beth. I'm glad you don't plan to return completely for the time being, but it's nice you can scootch a little closer to "home'. Yep, this is an unusual prediction for this area, but we've watched the drills played out so often down south that we almost know the routine verbatim.

We will most likely stay here tonight with our storm provisions and a wary attention, but if tomorrow looks to be getting worse, it's a "no brainer".... retirement and a home on wheels are luxuries in this weather for sure!
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