I remember those hot temps, Ava. I used to live in the Mojave Desert in CA. It has been cool and rainy here, but cleared up this evening. It did get up to 70 today, but supposed to be in the upper 80's by Sunday That will be a shock for us. Windy, of course!
My exciting news is that I don't have to go to court in SD, after all I called the courthouse today to confirm and the clerk said the judge changed his mind and doesn't have to see me. I'm glad I called! I bet I would have gone all the way up there to find out I didn't need to I will still need to go to change my DL and address at my mail forwarding service, etc., but at least I can wait 'til I get paid now.
I got my flowers planted in my little flower bed today It looks pretty good! I put 80 lbs. of potting soil in there first. Could have used more, but made it work. Glad I bought it because the soil was clay when I dug down in it. I still have some flowers I want to plant in a planter, but I need to get some more potting soil tomorrow. One of the rangers brought me some more mulch a couple of days ago, so I got that spread out yesterday. I could use some more to make it deeper and hopefully keep the weeds from popping through. I may put in a work order for some rock on my site so I don't keep getting puddles by Myrtle when it rains.
I think I told you about the coons taking my bird feeder night before last? Well, I found the feeder in the weeds (empty) and filled it back up. The Oriole feeder was empty, but they couldn't get it off the shepherd's hook. I had to straighten my shepherd's hook, as they bent it over. I didn't know you could bend those! I put a 5' piece of stove pipe around the pole and so far so good There were muddy footprints on the stove pipe so I know they tried Wish I would have seen that! Mom gave me an old feeder of hers so I hung it up on the shed. It's rigged so that if a squirrel tries to feed, this thing flips down and they will fall off. Hope the coons don't get it down or I will have to move it.
Well, better get to bed. Have to work in the morning! Keep the fire stoked