I think the sun will be shining here once the fog clears! For some reason i was awake until nearly 2 a.m. this morning,... geeeesh,.. now I'll be tired all day. have chores to do,... gotta do more laundry, mow some lawn and vacuum in here.
Soosie, I think one of your mice found my house! Saw it in the kitchen this a.m. I now have a trap set with swiss cheese,... I don't have a "catch and release" program,.. for me it's more like a "goodnight irene" program. can't help it,... they breed like crazy,... yukky things. Dang little thing came out from under my dishwasher and sat there and looked at me and I stood there and looked at it. We were both so surprised,... little stinker!
Well, I'd better get busy,.... I want to get enough done so I can have a clear conscience to watch a movie later today.
Have a great day everyone!