Woke up and watched the church service online. Just had peanut butter toast for breakfast. Will be getting my laundry going and working on the kitchen soon.
I have a cool house/RV floor hack to share!
When I noticed Lola slipping on the floor when jumping up on the bed and eating at her dish, I decided to get some shelf liner to put down for more traction in those areas. I got some pretty liner (NOT the peel and stick kind) that is like a vinyl with texture. I cut the pieces and layed them down. They work great! Lola isn't slipping anymore! And they don't slide around when I walk on them and they lay flat. I decided I will get more and put some in the kitchen for me to walk/stand on, instead of a rug that is more expensive and much harder to clean. They are easy to remove and clean if needed. Then as I was thinking about this, this morning, I pulled out some other rubber shelf liner I have that has tiny holes in it and sticks well to surfaces. I put some of that down under the other shelf liner and it keeps it even more secured to the floor and also gives it a little more cushion.
This would also be good for dogs on wood or tile floors. Doesn't leave any residue and is easily moved/removed. They come in several designs and colors. I am including photos below.
this is the pattern I got...
this is what the back of it looks like...
this is the rubber grippy one with holes in it...
with it under the other shelf liner...
So there is my idea of the day for you all!