by Azusateach » Tue Nov 03, 2015 7:35 pm
Well. What a roller coaster.
I didn't keep my mouth shut. But I was given permission by the Union Pres. to talk.
The meeting wasn't just between the Principal, Union Pres. and me -- the Assistant Superintendent for H.R. was there as well -- totally catching me off-guard, and slightly surprising the Union Pres.
Without going into all of the sordid details, I have agreed to not be so honest (read: not ruffle crazy parents' feathers). That's it. I flat-out stated that nothing I said, apart from one statement, was in any way unprofessional or inappropriate. But if they don't want me saying certain specific things, then I won't.
What I feel good about is that the Union President has exacted an agreement that I will never have to meet with this parent alone again. The Principal AND my teaching partner will both have to be present. The Principal didn't understand why I wanted another person present, and I told her it was because I didn't trust her. She heard that several times from me.
At the end of the conference the Principal said that she essentially wanted the two of us to just get along and have this warm, fuzzy working relationship. I said that I would work for her, but she can't tell me how to feel about doing it. I will do my job, and do a good one, but how I feel is none of her business. So the Union Pres. piped up and said that hopefully, with time, our relationship can be built up, but that will take time and trust, and I quickly added, "which has been totally shattered".
The Principal wanted me to acknowledge that I had acted inappropriately, which I wouldn't do. I only conceded that I made one statement that could have been stated differently. I continually stated that she had NO idea what was said because she never asked the ONE person who said everything what was said. I was livid. And she knew it.
The Union Pres. & I left, and she said that as far as she was concerned, it was a "win" for us. She thought that the Assist. Sup. was there because the Principal didn't know what she was doing, which turns out to be the case. HE was totally mislead as to the intent of the meeting, and after we left, the Union Pres. had to call him about something else, and he basically told her that the Principal got her hand slapped BIG TIME for doing such a poor job with the meeting. Never did she mention that this was a "verbal warning", so we don't know if this will be anything other than a "conference" or some other stupid ... thing.
I don't want to feel smug, or gloat, but right now I'm feeling pretty okay about things. This Principal really screwed up, and got caught by the Assist. Sup. The Union Pres. will be taking this whole debacle to the Superintendent, which will not go over well with her. Apparently the Principal tried something like this with another teacher earlier this year, and it got back to the Superintendent, and the Principal got her hand slapped big-time for that.
Now I just have to get through tomorrow and Thursday. I feel okay about what I'm going to be teaching, so it should be fine. But if she tries anything stupid, the Union President is only a phone call away.
I still really would appreciate your support and prayers.
Thanks, you all. You're the best.