Good Thoughts Appreciated - Update

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Re: Good Thoughts Appreciated for This Week, Please

Postby retiredhappy » Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:23 am

My last year of working was pure hell with a new supervisor who didn't like me. I picked a retirement date and counted how many days I had to go. Got a calendar and on each day marked a big red X and could see the exact number of days left. Silly trick but I think it got me through the last year. My last day after coming back from lunch with a few of my work friends, I was at my desk with nothing to do. Picked up my purse and walked out the door - what were they going to do - fire me? YOU WILL SURVIVE. My last year I had to get my union rep involved three times. The last time he told my supervisor that in his opinion, she was on a personal vendetta and he was going to file a grievance against her if she continued. Just a note, she was fired just a few days after I retired so there is karma.
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Re: Good Thoughts Appreciated for This Week, Please

Postby SoCalGalcas » Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:33 am

You got them Laura! Keeping my mouth closed would be the most difficult part for me too! Keep the Mona Lisa smile on and let them wonder what you are thinking about! Lyn

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Re: Good Thoughts Appreciated for This Week, Please

Postby MelissaD » Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:36 am

In the Navy we had "short timers chains". It was nothing more than an old piece of ball chain like on a set of dog tags or a lamp pull. One ball for each day. Each morning they cut off another ball until they were done. When things got bad they'd just smile and hold up the chain. The end was in sight.
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Re: Good Thoughts Appreciated for This Week, Please

Postby gingerK » Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:55 am

{{{HUGS}}} Laura. You got this. Your goal is in sight and within your reach.
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Re: Good Thoughts Appreciated for This Week, Please

Postby havingfunnow » Tue Nov 03, 2015 11:08 am

Sending lots of good energy your way today! (Some parents are total idiots.) The rest of the week will be a cakewalk; you've done lots of evals, and you're a really good teacher. Just keeping thinking about retirement!! It's coming! What will your first long trip be?
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Re: Good Thoughts Appreciated for This Week, Please

Postby monik7 » Tue Nov 03, 2015 12:56 pm

Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. You're a great teacher. Don't let that guy get in the way of how well you do your job. (((((HUGS)))))
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Re: Good Thoughts Appreciated for This Week, Please

Postby Azusateach » Tue Nov 03, 2015 7:35 pm

Well. What a roller coaster.

I didn't keep my mouth shut. But I was given permission by the Union Pres. to talk.

The meeting wasn't just between the Principal, Union Pres. and me -- the Assistant Superintendent for H.R. was there as well -- totally catching me off-guard, and slightly surprising the Union Pres.

Without going into all of the sordid details, I have agreed to not be so honest (read: not ruffle crazy parents' feathers). That's it. I flat-out stated that nothing I said, apart from one statement, was in any way unprofessional or inappropriate. But if they don't want me saying certain specific things, then I won't.

What I feel good about is that the Union President has exacted an agreement that I will never have to meet with this parent alone again. The Principal AND my teaching partner will both have to be present. The Principal didn't understand why I wanted another person present, and I told her it was because I didn't trust her. She heard that several times from me.

At the end of the conference the Principal said that she essentially wanted the two of us to just get along and have this warm, fuzzy working relationship. I said that I would work for her, but she can't tell me how to feel about doing it. I will do my job, and do a good one, but how I feel is none of her business. So the Union Pres. piped up and said that hopefully, with time, our relationship can be built up, but that will take time and trust, and I quickly added, "which has been totally shattered".

The Principal wanted me to acknowledge that I had acted inappropriately, which I wouldn't do. I only conceded that I made one statement that could have been stated differently. I continually stated that she had NO idea what was said because she never asked the ONE person who said everything what was said. I was livid. And she knew it.

The Union Pres. & I left, and she said that as far as she was concerned, it was a "win" for us. She thought that the Assist. Sup. was there because the Principal didn't know what she was doing, which turns out to be the case. HE was totally mislead as to the intent of the meeting, and after we left, the Union Pres. had to call him about something else, and he basically told her that the Principal got her hand slapped BIG TIME for doing such a poor job with the meeting. Never did she mention that this was a "verbal warning", so we don't know if this will be anything other than a "conference" or some other stupid ... thing.

I don't want to feel smug, or gloat, but right now I'm feeling pretty okay about things. This Principal really screwed up, and got caught by the Assist. Sup. The Union Pres. will be taking this whole debacle to the Superintendent, which will not go over well with her. Apparently the Principal tried something like this with another teacher earlier this year, and it got back to the Superintendent, and the Principal got her hand slapped big-time for that.

Now I just have to get through tomorrow and Thursday. I feel okay about what I'm going to be teaching, so it should be fine. But if she tries anything stupid, the Union President is only a phone call away.

I still really would appreciate your support and prayers.

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Re: Good Thoughts Appreciated for This Week, Please

Postby JudyJB » Tue Nov 03, 2015 7:44 pm

Sounds like you did a great job. :)

Amazing that after what she did, the principal could expect warm and fuzzy feelings between you. Sounds to me as if she felt threatened by the results of the meeting and did not want you to do anything else that could reflect negatively on her. You let her know that you are not a pushover, which hopefully will keep her off your back in the future.
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Re: Good Thoughts Appreciated for This Week, Please

Postby Bethers » Tue Nov 03, 2015 7:46 pm

Thanks for the update. Good news, for sure. Expected, but I know that didn't keep your tummy from being in turmoil. And you principal needed this comeuppance.
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Re: Good Thoughts Appreciated - Update

Postby dpf » Tue Nov 03, 2015 11:14 pm

Keep it up the good work, No Mercy! If I'm getting the jest of the principal she doesn't want parents to hear the truth. Parents need to hear the truth at a conference and not some candy coated half truth. When my oldest son was in second grade every time we went to conferences everything was just wonderful according to the teacher. Report cards were great. I knew the teacher and knew that that wasn't the case. Ryan was struggling with homework. The teacher should have been dismissed years before but her husband was the school lawyer and did everything pro bono for the school.....I think it was a cheap way to keep his wife employed. At the end of the school year we received a letter that Ryan was a candidate for summer school. I went to the superintendent/principal and asked how a student who didn't have below a B on a report card could possibly need summer school. I knew darn well that she gave good grades so she wouldn't ever have any type of conflict with a parent. She seldom gave homework and never were there any corrected papers in the backpacks. The superintendent stuttered and stammered around and I finally said "you know damn well why and I don't like to be lied to for nine months!" Parents should want the truth about their children's performance.

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Re: Good Thoughts Appreciated - Update

Postby gingerK » Wed Nov 04, 2015 10:37 am

Good for you Laura. "Warm & fuzzy?" Sounds like somebody needs to pull their head out of their posterior.
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Re: Good Thoughts Appreciated - Update

Postby mtngal » Wed Nov 04, 2015 7:24 pm

Best for a good day tomorrow Laura!
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Re: Good Thoughts Appreciated - Update

Postby Liz » Thu Nov 05, 2015 6:44 am

Thinking of you today, and pray all goes smoothly for you.
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Re: Good Thoughts Appreciated - Update

Postby Azusateach » Thu Nov 05, 2015 1:25 pm

Thanks, everyone.

Had my observation at 9:00. The Principal was in here for 45 minutes. We were busy, and the dog-and-pony show went well enough. I can always think of things to do better, and I'm sure she will too. I meet with her this afternoon to get her feedback, and then I'm done until February or something (I have to do 2 this year).

Frankly, I don't give a whit about what she says. Even if I'd failed miserably and she insists on evaluating me next year, I WON'T BE HERE!! Plus, if she tried to exact revenge this way, I'd just have a little sit-down with the Superintendent and share with her what's been happening.

Thanks again.
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Re: Good Thoughts Appreciated - Update

Postby Rufflesgurl » Thu Nov 05, 2015 2:42 pm

Laura - Have a great weekend!! Won't be long when every day for you is a weekend.

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