Excel wrote:Just want to add a little info on a somewhat similar situation with my Grandson. I co-signed on a loan so he could buy a SUV (used). He decided to sell it after a while & did sell it to some guy. However, he didn't go to DMV to have title transferred as the guy said he would do it. Well, he didn't. Ryan started getting the DMV notices that it needed renewal paid... then tickets were added to it for parking & not paying tolls... So Ryan called DMV & told them he had sold it... but somewhere the paperwork was lost or something, so Ryan had no name or info on the buyer. DMV said Ryan should pay the fees as the title is in his name... this has gone on for 8 or 9 yrs. now. Finally, because my name is on title also, I called DMV explained situation... well, guess what.. they don't care & this will go on until buyer transfers title. It seems that he goes in each year, pays cash for his tags & whatever added costs are included & gets the renewal tags. So I said why doesn't DMV make him prove he owns vehicle... because they don't care who owns it as long as they get their money... So, my advice to one & all.... never, ever sell anything, car, truck, RV, etc. without going to the DMV with your buyer & making absolutely sure that the sale/transfer is made.. otherwise you could really be sorry. The only consolation I have is that (being as I'm on title), if this person ever has an accident or hurts someone, after all this time & the evidence of our numerous (Ryan's & mine) calls to DMV which are all on record, a court of law would not come after me.... It is a nightmare however, and there is nothing I can do to change it.... Take heed !
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