ahhhhhhh, Mornin
can't say that I slept good, stayed awake for a long time, don't know why and
then woke up several times. But I do feel rested so I'm not complaining.
Coffee is mighty tasty and gonna grab the last banana and I think Zeee's
kitchen has some Biscotti somewhere here.
Hope everyone is staying warm and I feel bad for those in the icy regions.
I guess Kentucky is in really bad shape with lots of power outage. Times
like this makes me so grateful to be where I am. (I won't say that come
summertime when its 117 for 6 weeks straight)
I guess this is finally Superbowl Sunday, will have the tv on watch movies
all day, but will check into the game on occassion. Its gonna be a late game
so I'll probably be asleep by the 4th quarter. I'll also get outside a little bit
today and do a little yardwork. That means picking up dog do and that
just means I gotta rake and make the gravel look good. I do miss having
grass but then I'd have to hire someone to mow so I guess its a good thing
they won't let us plant any.
Well, I guess I've rambled long enough, everyone have a great day and lets
see what your up to.