Gooooood Morning Sistahs!!!
Yep it's a cool one. Brrrrr Frosty and breezy on my back porch this morning. Go out with the dogs in my winter coat, jammies and house slippers. Oh goodness that breeze sure hits my heels and ankles and right the legs of my jammies. Talk about a wake up!!!!
Yesterday at work was a bust! Could not get on the computer at all so was unable to take any calls. There's about 6 of us I guess whose security clearance didn't come thru. Well Kelly's was ok? But for some reason now her password wont work. They tried all day yesterday to get the mess straightened out but Buffalo NY was having phone issues themselves and the security help desk couldn't help. ? Go figure. So we are hoping that today we can get things taken care of and actually do
something today. Sat and twiddled my thumbs for awhile, did a whole lot of reading, have gotten thru 1/2 of my book and listened in a more than a few calls some of the others were doing. Not doing anything much sure did make the day go by slowly. And we were big time bored.
Lots of goings on here in the forum. Newbies posting, life styles changing, new rigs getting bought, travel being done, boo boos happening and lots of care and laughter!!!
Only caught a tiny bit of CNN on TV yesterday so missed almost all the hoopla out of DC. Only caught a few scenes of the crowd, parade and Obama and wife walking down the parade route. Tell you the truth as much as the powers that be are so freaky at the thought of terrorists??? I'm betting it was a major security nightmare up there. With past and new president, gov officials, the representatives from other countries, rich people, poor people, simply all the the people crammed into one area, can you imagine what shape the free world would have been in if any terrorist plot had been hatched???? Now for the life of me I simply can not remember her name?? Michelle? I think she looked beautiful in her outfit, but I would not have worn something like that only to spend 3/4's of the day outside. Good God she had to be about frozen. I know the whole world was watching? And she would have been dragged over the coals if she had dressed down. Awww he77 someone will still say something about she should have looked better or something. But I'll tell ya with the cold temps and the wind??? I would have been dressed a whole he77 of a lot warmer!!! Geeze he had a long winter wool coat on and there she was in her coat with only one button on it so that it flapped in the breeze. Why in the he77 are so many freaking people more worried about fashion than being practical??? There ought to be a dang law that says people (women) no matter their station in life can throw high fashion out the window and dress for the weather sensibly. There! That's my political rant for the day!!!
Ok, need to get my butt around. Get dressed, take the dogs out again and get my comic fix! LOL
Hope ya all have a super great day. Stay safe and warm. Hey Barbz?? Pass that coffee pot!
Love to all