Goooood Morning Sistahs!!!!
Just a quickie this morning I've been lolly-gagging around and time has gotten away from me. I need to get my butt dressed and ready to go. Kelly is in the shower and will be out soon.
Temps are better here than yesterday, it's a whole 30f out on the back porch. Rather breezy but at least I didn't get frosted this morn.
We have lost a few people out of our training class. I guess a few didn't even want to try doing the mortgage thing. From what I can figure out they tried to get back into collections but were told no, so they quit. ??? Excuse me? It's not like jobs were so plentiful out there that they can walk right into another one. Shoot if nothing else at least give it a try, ya never know ya just might like it and be a perfect fit.
Got the coffee ready and waiting. Gots the goodies laid out on the table, ya'll need to get some of this ate up so that new can be gotten. Oh we have muffins, English muffins, bagels & cream cheese, a few cookies are still hanging around and of course Biscotte. Might see if I can get the fixins around for sausage, egg and cheese biscuits tomorrow. And baggie omelets too.
Opps my mistake, it wasn't Kelly in the shower. It was Jenny and Kelly is fit to be tied!!! I think we will get a slightly later start out the door this morning!!!!
Hope everyone has a super day, please remember to keep warm and to be safe!!!
Love to all