Pickup Truck Camper info wanted

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Pickup Truck Camper info wanted

Postby Colliemom » Sat Feb 18, 2012 4:18 pm

Okay, all you nice folks out there, who either own or have had experience with TC's, I need some advice.

This is a bit early, but I need time to plan and we all know how time gets away from us. I'm planning to retire if all goes well, in 2014 and then spend that summer touring out West. Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, SD, OK, and wherever else the mood and the road lead me. Have been debating about hauling my little TT along or getting a small 5er, but the idea of a TC is starting to sound like a better idea cause of the freedom to just drive and not worry about pulling anything on wheels. Granted a TC is much smaller than a TT or a 5er and I do have two dogs, but who's to say I will have two by then considering my dog's ages.

I currently own a 2011 Chevy 1500 equipped with a MAX trailering package, heavy duty suspension, 6.2 V8 and all that good stuff for pulling a TT. According to the label in my glove compartment (why they call them "glove" compartments is beyond me, how many of us store gloves in there ) says the truck is rated for a camper no more than 821 lbs. So I think this truck will have to be traded for a 2500 to be on the safe side.

There are a few manufacturers out there making campers. What's the experience been with some of the different models, not that all are available here in MI. I see Northern Lite more than anything else at dealers around here and there. If necessary, i can go out of state around MI to get one. Lance I know makes about the best. And I know that a pop up camper can be just as heavy and sometmes more than a hard side. But nice for driving against wind sometimes. Some have slides, some not. I'm not really looking for a top line loaded with everything camper per say. But would love to hear from you about your experiences with TC's. How does the truck handle, what about wind, tie downs, etc. etc. In other words, what are things I should consider when looking at TC's and accessories. And what are the logistics for one person to load and unload one off the truck? There may be places where I might want to leave it on site for a week or two and use the truck for other things. So any advice, suggestions etc., would be much appreciated and will add to my already fuddled brain. I've also posted this to the ORS site as well, as I know there are some TC owners or former owners over there too.
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Re: Pickup Truck Camper info wanted

Postby Yakn1 » Sat Feb 18, 2012 5:55 pm

I really don't know anything about truck campers, but I have heard that Lance is a very good brand.
Good luck with your search.
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Re: Pickup Truck Camper info wanted

Postby chalet05 » Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:06 pm

I posted on ORS but will put it here as well in case others are interested....

Sue, if not for your large dogs, I would have recommended a TC for you long before now.

With what I am going through right now, I am not sure I would recommend Lance! Loved my 815 but this new one has been a pain with one thing after another needing repair. Northern Lite is well thought of. Lots of opinion in Camper Forum on RV.Net.

Definitely want a 3/4 ton truck. Rather than airbags, get Timbrens - then you aren't worried about air leaks, etc.

I wanted a TC when I sold the 5er after Steven died, and people scared me with their sway talk so I ended up with the Chalet. I still see that sway talk on RV.net and, quite frankly, I don't get it. The wind can be difficult, but just slow down.

Loading alone can be done, but it can be a pain. However, we just talked today about putting wooden guides in the bed of my truck. Again, great info on RV.net for how different people do different things. I never take the camper off, but it would be more convenient at times.

I really think you, and some others on here, would be very happy with a TC.
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Re: Pickup Truck Camper info wanted

Postby Acadianmom » Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:23 pm

Doesn't Big Foot make a truck camper?
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Re: Pickup Truck Camper info wanted

Postby chalet05 » Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:52 pm

The Bigfoot I wanted was too heavy - at least to my way of thinking - for 3/4 ton. They are wonderful.
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Re: Pickup Truck Camper info wanted

Postby HorizonSeeker » Sat Feb 18, 2012 8:05 pm

I really considered the TC route at first. Like you, the idea of the freedom was very appealing. Finally decided on a little more room and went with the small C and I only have 1 old dog. Go with what feels right for you and the dogs will just be glad to be with you.
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Re: Pickup Truck Camper info wanted

Postby dpf » Sat Feb 18, 2012 8:48 pm

Funny...I had just looked at this today on Craig's List http://sd.craigslist.org/rvs/2824272405.html Do TC maintain their value longer than a TT? I was a little surprised at the price considering that it is a 2002, although it does look like it's in good shape.
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Re: Pickup Truck Camper info wanted

Postby Echo » Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:37 pm

My parents had a truck camper when I was in my teens. As a kid, I loved it. Mom and Dad liked it well enough tho Mom used to crab about the lack of room and storage. Dad crabbed about what a pain it was to put on and take off. Sway? Oh yeah! It's high and when the wind catches it on the sides you will know it. With just the camper on it made the handling of the truck different over all. Dad was the better driver for sure but Mom could handle it with no problem tho 'she' was the first one that backed into an somewhat immovable object. Tho in honesty it wasn't totally her fault. We stopped and filled the gas tank, she had just walked around the back. By time she got in and started the truck someone had pulled right up to our bumper, Mom had to back up about 2' to clear what was in front of us. I think she moved less than 6" and hit the car than had pulled up behind us. Cops were called and the guy told them that she had no reason to back up and that he was just trying to reach the pump. His explanation didn't jive with what the cop could see for himself. The vehicle in front of us was still sitting there and the guy behind us, as close as he was? Was still about 6' away from the pump. He got the ticket. Thank goodness for eyewitnesses! They are also wind ? drags? The front sure cuts down on the fuel mileage. Mom also would grump about the top bunk, that's where they slept and she hated having to crawl over top of Dad to get to the bathroom. Dad wasn't a big fan of her waking him up when she crawled out either.

Haven't looked at truck campers in a very long, long time so I don't know how they are configured today. Hopefully they now have 4 legs on them rather than the 3 my parents camper had. Acted kind of like a tripod and if Dad wasn't dead on when backing under it the thing would twist on him and he would have to start all over again. With the main bed being up in the top?? There's no way I would be wanting to climb up and down to get in and out of bed. My knees would be raising all kind of he77 with me!

The ones I did look at about 10yrs ago sure were pretty tho!!!
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Re: Pickup Truck Camper info wanted

Postby AlmostThere » Sat Feb 18, 2012 11:03 pm

dpf wrote:Funny...I had just looked at this today on Craig's List http://sd.craigslist.org/rvs/2824272405.html Do TC maintain their value longer than a TT? I was a little surprised at the price considering that it is a 2002, although it does look like it's in good shape.

That's allot of overhang in the back. Is that how they are making them now? Interesting.
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Re: Pickup Truck Camper info wanted

Postby chalet05 » Sat Feb 18, 2012 11:11 pm

AlmostThere wrote:
dpf wrote:Funny...I had just looked at this today on Craig's List http://sd.craigslist.org/rvs/2824272405.html Do TC maintain their value longer than a TT? I was a little surprised at the price considering that it is a 2002, although it does look like it's in good shape.

That's allot of overhang in the back. Is that how they are making them now? Interesting.

I'd have to research that price - seems high for the age. That one would require a 1 ton.

My camper is about 3 feet longer than the truck bed.
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Re: Pickup Truck Camper info wanted

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:12 am

Sue, with a Class C, your dogs would be able to move around more while you are driving. Just a thought...
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Re: Pickup Truck Camper info wanted

Postby Colliemom » Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:54 pm

Thanks for all the interesting input on this thread. Lots to think about and I see that it has attracted interest from others as well.

I have always looked at TC''s when I saw them and know people who had them and loved them. But I think they are either a love or hate affair. Over the past two or three years i have noticed more of them on the road than I've seen in a few years. Maybe they are making a bit of a comeback again.

I do agree, there isn't a lot of room inside one of them, and getting up and down from the over the cab bed could be a bit of a pain. And yes, as some of you have mentioned, I do have two dogs. That in itselg was a reason I went for a TT instead. However, both of these dogs are "seniors" and getting down to the end of their life span. By the time I am ready to head out west in two years, I may be down to just one or non.

Barbie, I have thought the MH thing over and I don't really want to go that route. I have no desire to pull a toad and when I head west, I am going to mosey along and let my whim be my direction, other than WY and CO. I have an idea of where I want to go, but who knows, I may go all the way to OR too since I am going to be so close. I plan to base myself in a camground and then range out from there. That's the reason why I am thinking a TC or perhaps a 5er. The TC can servce as a sightseeing vehicle as well as my base camp. A 5er or a TT can be left at the camp and I can take off free of anything and go explore. I will continue to ask questions, do research and hey, who knows, maybe I will just get a van and throw my sleeping bag in back :lol:
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Re: Pickup Truck Camper info wanted

Postby avalen » Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:49 pm

I've had both types of the tc, one similiar to what Anita has taking up the full bed and then some with the queen bed over the cab. Also had a pop up with a queen
bed over the cab as well. Both beds stuck out way over the windshield. The pop up one was a small one (no toilet) that fit on a jeep truck, 8' bed. Made driving
easy with the compact style and at that time we had the cat and the little kitty carrier fit through the crawl through window. No room for a big dog, just little.
The bigger one I had many years before that, fit on my 1/2 ton although it was too heavy for it, which I never gave that thought about it back then. I was just
un educated about that sort of stuff then although I had no problems I could just feel the top heaviness. I did offload it and lived it for 6 weeks while I was
looking for a condo to rent. It was a total pain to load back up cause of the way the jack system worked. (one on each side and they had to be balanced) Would
never have one again unless it had 4 jacks all the way around. I did fine with that camper too for the time I had it, until ex borrowed it and drove under low
clearance. Never got a penny out of him for the damage either. Being that I'm by myself now, I would not do the tc route again. I sure miss my conversion van
though. Been thinking seriously on doing that route again rather than a class c. But time and finances will play a bigger role in that when the time comes.
When I had the bigger camper, didn't have any dogs and I can't say that there would have been any room for one either. When I had my van, I had the two
dogs, both medium size and they could walk around with no problems.
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Re: Pickup Truck Camper info wanted

Postby Acadianmom » Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:28 pm

I have a 2003 Ford conversion van that I drive all the time. It has 4 chairs and an electric sofa in the back. I have camped in it a couple of times. Just put a porta potty in and an ice chest. The only drawback is no air conditioning. It seems most of the van conversion companies have gone out of business and the ones I have seen on-line they want about $55,000 for. The passenger vans are more in the $30,000 range. Depending on how much someone wanted to "ruff it" I could see van camping as a way to go. You could park anywhere a car can park. My van gets 15 mpg city driving and 18 on the highway. Newer one might get better mpg. I don't know why you couldn't camp in tent sites with a van. If they get technical just throw out a pop up tent.

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Re: Pickup Truck Camper info wanted

Postby Marslet » Sun Feb 19, 2012 5:30 pm

We had a TC because DH wanted to be able to fish as well as camp at the same time. We had a 3/4 ton crew cab that it was on, with a long wheel base. The brand was Palamino and the sides were of the foam kind so light weight. They still make them. No bath, but had portable potty and used campground shower. Did have required A/C. :lol: , 3 burner stove and small fridge, double sink. We loved it. We took it everywhere we camped. Top went up about 18 inches. Never had a sway problem with it. Had 4 jacks, and we wound them up, but newer ones have electric jacks, so shouldn't be a problem for a single person.
So you should be able to remove it from the truck easily. Just jack it up, drive out from under it, and lower it if you want to a better height to be on the ground, so it is easier to go in it.
Wish you luck.


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