Herschel - thank you so much for the story and pix. You are such a handsome boy!! Your hooman is so laid back too. Glad you had a very nice cruise on the river.
PeggyinCT wrote:I love Herschel.
OutandAbout wrote:Herschel I can relate to your itchies. Mine are on my tummy. I really get it bad when the grass is just getting long as it rubs my belly. I am short (like Mitch) and when the grass is too long, I have to hop over the tufts. (Mitch, my human made me say that, I would never be that mean.) I started doing the stomach scratching on the carpet dance, and have received carpet burns on my private parts, or what's left of them, for my efforts. OUCH. I now get some itch cream on my tummy and neosprorin on my other part. I would post pics but with the recent scandal I will let your imaginations do the work. Hope your foot is better soon. Yours, Ozzy.
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