Herschel Kayaks the Little Miami River

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Re: Herschel Kayaks the Little Miami River

Postby Rufflesgurl » Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:17 pm

Herschel - thank you so much for the story and pix. You are such a handsome boy!! Your hooman is so laid back too. Glad you had a very nice cruise on the river.

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Re: Herschel Kayaks the Little Miami River

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Jun 06, 2011 3:33 pm

I also noticed a sore on Herschels left paw in previous photos. What's up with that? Is that self-inflicted or did he get injured?
He is such a sweetheart and great storyteller!
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Re: Herschel Kayaks the Little Miami River

Postby Colliemom » Mon Jun 06, 2011 4:14 pm

Herschel, you luck stiff. Your hooman spent a whole day with you on a river and all our hooman does it work. She's got this big house and big yard to take care of and also works at a state park besides, so we dont see much of her somedays. And since she bought this crazy travel trailer she takes us off camping with, we don't seem to be going on as many of those little day trips she used to take us on. Says she can't afford gas to go runnig around as much anymore. Maybe if she sold that crazy thing, she could spend that camping money on some gas and we could go more often. And she could buy a kayak on get on the water more often like she used to. She says the's thinking of selling this house and getting something smaller. Don't know ifwe like that idea or not as we are happy here and kind of set in our ways. But she says she needs to downsize to cut expenses etc. and give her more time to monkey with us and other things. So maybe there might be a plus there.

Sounds like your GHL is having some memory problems. Maybe that's why our air has been so cool up here until lately. All that cold air from the Short Bus frig. Well, I guess hoomans aren't the perfect creatures we are. Havea good one Hersch. Keep bugging her to do things and we will keep bugging ours.

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Re: Herschel Kayaks the Little Miami River

Postby BirdbyBird » Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:11 pm

Sassy and Tessa,

I can explain the time thing. First I make her feel bad about leaving me all day to go to work (or that 4-H judging assignment.) I listen to her tell me about how she puts that money in some travel fund but I don't get to see the books so I have to take her word for it. What I do know is that if she has to decide between taking me someplace hiking, visiting my nursing home friends or cleaning the house, I almost always convince her to see it my way. :) Sometimes the "reading a book" beats me out though. :roll: So good luck. I recommend the traveling thing. I have been to some pretty neat places. Some of the "private" campgrounds I have stayed in though this forum have the nicest "dog" hosts. The hoomans were pretty nice, too.

(But then if you ever come by the house unannounced it may not look very presentable. But it works for us!)

Barbie, Thanks for asking about my paw. As I got older, I developed more problems with both food and airborne allergies. I am on a grain free diet now and urge to chew is a lot less. The airborne stuff usually sees my ears "bloom" and can contribute to secondary infections so the GHL watches those pretty close, too. And when I chew, the moisture can create an environment in my feet that encourages "fungus" to grow which causes stuff to itch more which makes me want to chew more.... :? When I talk to the animal communicator I tell her that some of it is just habit after so many years. Foot chewing for many dogs is often initially caused by allergies.
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Re: Herschel Kayaks the Little Miami River

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:42 pm

Herschel, glad to hear it is nothing serious. The GHL may have to put booties on you to keep from chewing! :lol:
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Herschel Kayaks the Little Miami River

Postby Birdie » Tue Jun 07, 2011 7:21 am

Aawwwhh, Herschel, you are so good to the GHL. She must really really appreciate knowing that you are helping her to keep young like you. Yes, i know that you have lots of demands on your time what with keeping your rep up with your sibs (sort of) and the nursing home visitation (those folks love you too), so you just keep on doing your hooman training and tasking thing. Life is way to short to worry about anything but today for you.

Hugs to you my fur friend!
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Re: Herschel Kayaks the Little Miami River

Postby JoanE » Tue Jun 07, 2011 7:27 am

I think Herschel should write a book. It might be made into a screenplay. Remember that pig, Babe? What's Babe got over Herschel? Nothing. Redheads are more interesting, I think.
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Re: Herschel Kayaks the Little Miami River

Postby bluepinecones » Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:33 am

So good to see you out and about again. Herschel, do give some serious thought to that writing a book thing - if you contribute to the travel fund, you get to go more often.
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Re: Herschel Kayaks the Little Miami River

Postby PeggyinCT » Tue Jun 07, 2011 3:20 pm

I love Herschel.
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Re: Herschel Kayaks the Little Miami River

Postby mitch5252 » Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:37 pm

PeggyinCT wrote:I love Herschel.

HEY, YOU! I had dibs on him first...he's my soulpooch.


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Re: Herschel Kayaks the Little Miami River

Postby OutandAbout » Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:05 pm

Herschel I can relate to your itchies. Mine are on my tummy. I really get it bad when the grass is just getting long as it rubs my belly. I am short (like Mitch) and when the grass is too long, I have to hop over the tufts. (Mitch, my human made me say that, I would never be that mean.) I started doing the stomach scratching on the carpet dance, and have received carpet burns on my private parts, or what's left of them, for my efforts. OUCH. I now get some itch cream on my tummy and neosprorin on my other part. I would post pics but with the recent scandal I will let your imaginations do the work. Hope your foot is better soon. Yours, Ozzy.
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Re: Herschel Kayaks the Little Miami River

Postby mitch5252 » Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:25 pm

OutandAbout wrote:Herschel I can relate to your itchies. Mine are on my tummy. I really get it bad when the grass is just getting long as it rubs my belly. I am short (like Mitch) and when the grass is too long, I have to hop over the tufts. (Mitch, my human made me say that, I would never be that mean.) I started doing the stomach scratching on the carpet dance, and have received carpet burns on my private parts, or what's left of them, for my efforts. OUCH. I now get some itch cream on my tummy and neosprorin on my other part. I would post pics but with the recent scandal I will let your imaginations do the work. Hope your foot is better soon. Yours, Ozzy.

I was going to highlight the funny parts of this post and reply, but hell, it's all funny.
Thanks for the chuckle.

I am now going to Google "jokes" (if any yet) about our latest political scandal...it is ripe for the picking, for sure.

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Re: Herschel Kayaks the Little Miami River

Postby Liz » Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:02 pm

What a great ride on the river, Herschel! So glad you're beginning to enjoy it as much as the GHL.
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