The Maiden Voyage of the new kayak

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The Maiden Voyage of the new kayak

Postby BirdbyBird » Mon May 30, 2011 11:04 pm

After trying to break my leg getting into the Short Bus to retrieve my sun screen I decided to head out to one of the nearby lakes to try out my Advance Element kayak. It was all blue sky and above 90 degrees. I explained to Remi that besides not being a true fan of the water that the expected heat out on the water would be too much for him. It isn't as if he would be interested in popping into the lake to cool off. :o :D

Anyway, I was very proud of myself. I actually remembered (mostly) how to inflate the chambers. Don't tell anyone that I forgot one of the smaller ones that serves to hold up the front decking....guess I didn't notice that too much. Well, not until I went to let all the air out and started counting how many chambers there were. Oops! :roll: Thanks Liz and Birdie for their input. I am happy that I went with the Advance Element....the smaller kayaks would not have been comfortable for my legs. It paddles easier than my Sea Eagle and I have less paddle "drip" on me. It also travels through the wind better. It feels more stable than my hard shell kayak but not as rock solid as the Sea Eagle. I also am going to have to think about if I want to take in down the rivers in this area. It would do fine in the Silver River or some of the other rivers I have seen pictures of in the FL area but the rivers around here usually have large sections of rocky rapids. Problem is the rocks in this area are often sharp shale and flat creek rock with all sort of edges and points instead of those smooth round granite things. :) The bottom of the Sea Eagle is designed to travel through white water and bounce over and/or off rocks. I also am glad that I will have the Sea Eagle to use when I want to take a dog or two with me (Well people could come, too...just not all at the same time.) It also didn't seem to take very long at all to inflate. That first time in the driveway seemed to take for ever probably because I had to stop and actually read the directions.

Here are a few small turtles out sunning themselves. The turtles here are not as big as the ones in the river.



And there was this little guy that I almost clobbered over the head with my paddle....At first I just thought he/she was just another bit of floating lake stuff.


These picture show the water line from a week or so ago after all the rains that came through the midwest. The water in the lake was up at least 20 feet.



There were lots of boaters out today for the holiday but I only crossed paths with one other kayaker. We both had taken off from the same boat dock and headed around to the deep cove and creek where the no wake "rule" rules. I was about back to the dock when I noticed that the yellow kayak was heading across to the other shore. I know that the lake isn't quite as picturesque on a busy Memorial Day but it was the Maiden run and all. If I am going to have an equipment failure I don't want to be half way down a river with 3 more miles till take out. Here on the lake there is an increased change of someone coming to help. After today I have not problem going out on the deserted lake mid week. :lol: :lol:


Then it was time to think about getting out of the water and loading up. The traffic was lined up at the docks with all the trailers and tow vehicles. Boats lining up to come out of the water and others coming in for a late afternoon boat ride on the lake.



Well I guess I had better go get the big strong tow vehicle and get in line...... :roll: NOT! :lol: :lol:


And my real reason for wanting to use the Honda for a Toad. I won't have to fold the kayak up as carefully to make it fit inside the Short Bus. My theory is the fewer folds the better the air gets to it! :D

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Re: The Maiden Voyage of the new kayak

Postby Liz » Tue May 31, 2011 5:42 am

Thanks so much for my kayak fix, Tina! I've been missing that. Hope to find some water soon. Nice looking kayak (and toad). I usually reinflate my kayak when I get home to let it dry thoroughly before putting away. It's a pain, but better than mold/mildew.
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Re: The Maiden Voyage of the new kayak

Postby bluepinecones » Tue May 31, 2011 8:45 am

Good to see you are out on the water again - and with a new ride no less.
Don't forget there are some nice oversized lakes in north AL with no big rocks. So pack up your kayaks and head this way when you can.
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Re: The Maiden Voyage of the new kayak

Postby BirdbyBird » Tue May 31, 2011 9:02 am

Yes, Liz, I remembered that FL technique, but didn't want to give all your secrets away...... And well I was hoping to get out again one evening this week. :)
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Re: The Maiden Voyage of the new kayak

Postby Redetotry » Tue May 31, 2011 9:31 am

Thanks for taking us along Tina, your new kayak sounds perfect. I think I would like trying that as I love being on but not in the water. Do they tip over easy ?
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Re: The Maiden Voyage of the new kayak

Postby mitch5252 » Tue May 31, 2011 9:52 am


Great pictures, Tina! And not that I know anything about them, but it's a really nice looking kayak!

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Re: The Maiden Voyage of the new kayak

Postby AlmostThere » Tue May 31, 2011 11:43 am

Tina, that was great fun! Loved the little turtle pic. :lol: So cute.
Glad you are enjoying the new toy!
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Re: The Maiden Voyage of the new kayak

Postby Acadianmom » Tue May 31, 2011 2:04 pm

Nice looking toad, is that a Honda Fit? My son and I looked at cars for 2 months. The Fit was on our list but he ended up getting a Ford Focus Hatchback. I would like to have a Honda CRV for a toad, like I need one. My van is 8 years old but I just hate thinking about giving it up. There aren't many companies making custom vans anymore and they want as much for them as a small RV.

Has anyone tried to fish from their kayak? The lake where my sister and I like to go is down so far it is hard to fish from the bank now. I don't feel like hauling a boat and trying to launch it anymore. I look at he kayaks every time I go to Academy but don't know how comfortable one would be.

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Re: The Maiden Voyage of the new kayak

Postby VickieP » Tue May 31, 2011 2:15 pm

Martha, I know Vicki/Yakn fishes from her kayak. She did some fishing when we were at the AR GTG last year.
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Re: The Maiden Voyage of the new kayak

Postby Bethers » Tue May 31, 2011 3:20 pm

That was my first choice in kayaks. I know, I know, I got the less expensive - but still made by AE and I'm happy. I am missing kayaking this summer. The little lake here is so small - will be looking for places next winter. Or I could look for places to take mine on my day off. So glad you like it!
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Re: The Maiden Voyage of the new kayak

Postby BirdbyBird » Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:00 am

Beth, I thought long and hard about the other kayaks and am so glad that I have this seasonal scoring position so that I can rationalize purchasing the toy I want. My legs (and butt) really appreciates the extra room. You and Liz are both more petite women, just saying :D @ BJ, to me the inflatable kayak is much more stable than my hard shell. Others can chime in with their experiences. Sitting on the softer inflated floor is easier on the butt. Still have to work out the bladder issues that effect me on long paddles will trying to remain hydrated... though it is easier to find a potty stop along the lake shores of Ohio than the alligator/swamp rivers of FL. (But don't try to be discrete if Liz has a camera in her hand. 8-) ) On the fishing front, many individuals use the inflatables for fishing. Yes, you can't be careless regarding sharp fish hooks (as you might be in the old aluminum fishing boat I grew up fishing from) but it would just depend on what sort of fisherman your are! :lol: :lol: I believe there are useful bungies on the deck that makes packing your sunscreen within arms reach..... :? well that and bug spray..... So, Beth doesn't have to run back to her rig and get some for me when I forget.....
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Re: The Maiden Voyage of the new kayak

Postby cpatinjones » Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:24 am

Happy to hear you enjoyed your new kayak on its first outing :-) . I am sure you are going to have lots of fun with it!
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