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Re: Cameras

Postby Excel » Mon May 30, 2011 8:06 pm

Well, went to Best Buy & checked out the cameras....Any of the Canon point & shoot type cameras do not have a viewfinder. According to the salesgirl, all point & shoot cameras (by Canon anyway) are eliminating the viewfinder, but she did agree that not having one can be a problem due to glare etc. on the screen. I am more than disappointed. The one Liz has is not available (it doesn't have a viewfinder anyway), but gal said it was a great camera in its day (3 yrs. ago when it came out), but there are better ones out there now...I didn't much look at any other brands as I really don't want to get into something complicated....I need the simple stuff...point at something, press the button....Golly gee....there's a great picture (all focused, etc. automatically)....Something that I don't have to look up in the manual that may or may not come with it, to see how to take a short movie... :? Not feeling up to par anyhow, so this isn't a good time to shop....coming down with something....not surprised as our weather here has been super strange & between the cold, then mildly warm, then cold, then rainy, then mildly warm, then windy...well seems like it's windy a lot lately....Anyhow, don't feel good & know better than to spend $$$ when not well. Thanks again for opinions...but IMHO right now, I'm gonna park in front of my TV & go into blissful mental shut down...might even close my eyes..... :roll:

By the way Linda....All 3 of my Grandson's graduated from Valley Christian as Lifers...Alec being the last one this past Saturday....and of course it was windy up there on the hill....I think it's always windy up there....Maybe that's where I caught this dreadful cold/flu/cough/achey bones, etc.,etc.
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Re: Cameras

Postby Liz » Mon May 30, 2011 8:13 pm

Hope you feel better soon, and yep, I wish I had a viewfinder too.
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Re: Cameras

Postby JoanE » Mon May 30, 2011 9:42 pm

This is Sarasota. I was trying out the new camera today. It was quite windy so I was having issues with unsteady hands but overall I was happy with the outcomes. I also did some funny video but my daughter would kill me if I posted any. That is my oldest daughter, Ellen, waving to me. She and her friends were about to start a race around Lido Key.




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Re: Cameras

Postby JanetA » Mon May 30, 2011 9:47 pm

i agree about the camera in the phone,,, i use it more than my samsung digital,, which took great pics in alaska,,, oh well....

It's just that i always have my phone w/ me and rarely carry my camera ,,, just me....

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Re: Cameras

Postby Liz » Tue May 31, 2011 5:48 am

Nice pics, Joan. You'll have fun with that camera.
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Re: Cameras

Postby BirdbyBird » Tue May 31, 2011 8:59 am

Another 2 cents worth. I grew up in a photography home and both my children have turned into talented shutter bugs thanks to the early encouragement from their Grandfather. He made sure they got good Nikons at an early age. So I too have had some good camera with view finders, etc. Guess which one ends up in my pocket, purse, jacket the most these days. The inexpensive "If I lose or break it I won't cry as long" camera without the view finder. With small digital camera I really do just point and shoot. I can use the screen to get an idea of what is being framed and then I take several shots (and I can always delete ;) ) The iPhoto system makes minor editing so simple. I may be missing some of those grand National Geographic quality shots but I have many many more nice memory shots...because I actually take the little camera along and use it. As Laura says there are cameras and there are cameras. I just haven't gotten around to replacing my last "good" camera. :lol:
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Re: Cameras

Postby Bethers » Tue May 31, 2011 3:33 pm

I have a small Canon that is ok, but I don't like the pictures it takes as well as the small Kodak I replaced it with. The reason I bought it was it was a previous years model and had the view finder. I have two larger Kodak point and shoot cameras which I LOVE. The 2nd one is because it has a better zoom than the 1st. And after all the trips I've taken (Alaska for one) where I got good shots, but wanted even a better zoom - I got this last camera. I still use the "mid" one most of the time - it's my comfort zone, I guess. I purchased Kodak after RetiredHappy was happy with hers and the similar more expensive Canons didn't have a view finder. I wouldn't buy without a view finder except for a "cheap" camera. I have no clue how Liz manages the pictures she does without. I truly don't. (And any of the rest of you without them). It's sad that the camera companies are removing them on so many cameras to keep prices down. I wish they'd make both ways and give us a choice. I would pay the extra cost to get the view finder.
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Re: Cameras

Postby JudyJB » Tue May 31, 2011 6:22 pm

I would stick to your guns about the viewfinder. I can't tell you how many times I have not been able to see anything on the screen and had to use the viewfinder. It's also important to be able to hold the camera and see how well it fits into your hand.

Keep looking and don't give up. There has to be the right camera out there for you.

I think I am getting that cold also. Felt lousy and coughed most of today. Must be catching.
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Re: Cameras

Postby cpatinjones » Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:33 am

I am a deicated DLR Nikon user, but I do like Cannon point and shoot cameras very much. In fact, I own a Cannon point and shoot.
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Re: Cameras

Postby kelpie » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:53 pm

I have a Sony cyber shot and I love it. It is my 2nd one - the first one got sane in the shutter my first year in TX. I replaced it with the same model, newer version around $100. Have taken( and kept) over 1500 pics with it.
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Re: Cameras

Postby Paulette » Sat Jun 04, 2011 12:30 pm

I just recently purchased a cannon elph 100. No view finder but I don't use one much anyway. I really like this camera. You could zoom in on a gnats arse if you wanted to! :lol: it has a really good zoom, which is why I got it. Wanted to be able to zoom on different birds and flowers, etc.
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Re: Cameras

Postby Excel » Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:48 pm

Well.....I really did consider all the input about this subject that was posted here...and I did do a lot of web surfing regarding cameras....I talked to a few people who take pics a lot, one being my son...who said...go to Costco, pay $100-$150 for a camera that will satisfy you (as you're not a perfectionist type picture taker) & when it breaks or you lose it....throw it away & buy a new enough not to worry. :roll: Well....coming from a different mind set for spending $$$, I kept looking. Some people really like the pics they get with their cell phones...daughter has a Droid & says it takes better pics than her camera.... Well, I don't have a 'Droid'....matter of fact my cell phone is adequate (and 4 yrs. old)...& I seldom take pictures with it....Anyhow, I went to Best Buy a couple times, concentrating on seriously looking at different models, etc. Learned a few things, but nothing that helped me make a choice/purchase at that time. Checked Amazon & serveral such websites & EBAY...Well, there on Ebay was the Canon Powershot SX100 brand NEW being bid on. But it was still a week or so before the bidding would close...Anyhow, I put in a low bid & watched it over the next few days. Meantime, I again went to Best Buy & spoke to an 'experienced' camera person. Went over again, the cameras I had kind of been interested in & mentioned the SX100 on Ebay that I was bidding on. Longggggg story short, for the money, the salesperson said if it were them, they'd buy it as it was a absolutely great camera & that's why you can't find them anymore, even though it doesn't have a viewfinder...Yes, the newer ones have some different & upgraded features, but that SX100 would fill my type of use perfectly & at the price I really couldn't do better. Came back home & bid again...right to the last 20 min. Went to put in my final bid & it wouldn't go through...I was beyond upset. Ended up calling Ebay & even at that the rep. could not figure out why my bid wasn't accepted. Of course the time ran out & I lost to someone who bid $194.00 + shipping. I was really disgusted, so I sent an e-mail to the Seller (in Canada) & to Ebay asking what the he** happened as I bid more than what the final bid was & my bid didn't go through. Thought that was the end of it & gave up even thinking about cameras....figured it was just not meant to be. Well, guess what...I got an e-mail from the Seller who explained what happened to my bid (something about paying by Paypal only & I didn't have an acct. with them ??? Course not...I never buy on Ebay... :| ) Anyhow, they ended up saying they'd accept my bid & would be sending the camera either today or tomorrow. I know....very long story...but it's Monday...thought I'd start it out for everyone on a 'positive' note...... :lol: Can't wait for it to get here...... :!:
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Re: Cameras

Postby JoanE » Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:03 pm

Great story and shows what perseverance can do for you. Good luck with your new camera. As many on here have said before WE WANT PICS!
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Re: Cameras

Postby Bethers » Mon Jun 06, 2011 5:11 pm

Glad you got the camera!
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Re: Cameras

Postby Excel » Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:46 pm

Well....Got my camera today :D I am absolutely thrilled. Downloaded the software, spoke to a Canon Rep. in everything taken care of...NOW I get to take pictures....I am very happy.....Thanks Liz for your opinions & sharing your pictures...that was my motivation....Anyone wanna buy a Sony CyberShot....(HATE that camera... :evil: ) It's a great day here in Northern California.......... ;) :P :!:
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