Well.....I really did consider all the input about this subject that was posted here...and I did do a lot of web surfing regarding cameras....I talked to a few people who take pics a lot, one being my son...who said...go to Costco, pay $100-$150 for a camera that will satisfy you (as you're not a perfectionist type picture taker) & when it breaks or you lose it....throw it away & buy a new one...cheap enough not to worry.

Well....coming from a different mind set for spending $$$, I kept looking. Some people really like the pics they get with their cell phones...daughter has a Droid & says it takes better pics than her camera.... Well, I don't have a 'Droid'....matter of fact my cell phone is adequate (and 4 yrs. old)...& I seldom take pictures with it....Anyhow, I went to Best Buy a couple times, concentrating on seriously looking at different models, etc. Learned a few things, but nothing that helped me make a choice/purchase at that time. Checked Amazon & serveral such websites & EBAY...Well, there on Ebay was the Canon Powershot SX100 brand NEW being bid on. But it was still a week or so before the bidding would close...Anyhow, I put in a low bid & watched it over the next few days. Meantime, I again went to Best Buy & spoke to an 'experienced' camera person. Went over again, the cameras I had kind of been interested in & mentioned the SX100 on Ebay that I was bidding on. Longggggg story short, for the money, the salesperson said if it were them, they'd buy it as it was a absolutely great camera & that's why you can't find them anymore, even though it doesn't have a viewfinder...Yes, the newer ones have some different & upgraded features, but that SX100 would fill my type of use perfectly & at the price I really couldn't do better. Came back home & bid again...right to the last 20 min. Went to put in my final bid & it wouldn't go through...I was beyond upset. Ended up calling Ebay & even at that the rep. could not figure out why my bid wasn't accepted. Of course the time ran out & I lost to someone who bid $194.00 + shipping. I was really disgusted, so I sent an e-mail to the Seller (in Canada) & to Ebay asking what the he** happened as I bid more than what the final bid was & my bid didn't go through. Thought that was the end of it & gave up even thinking about cameras....figured it was just not meant to be. Well, guess what...I got an e-mail from the Seller who explained what happened to my bid (something about paying by Paypal only & I didn't have an acct. with them ??? Course not...I never buy on Ebay...

) Anyhow, they ended up saying they'd accept my bid & would be sending the camera either today or tomorrow. I know....very long story...but it's Monday...thought I'd start it out for everyone on a 'positive' note......

Can't wait for it to get here......