Monday, April 18th

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Monday, April 18th

Postby Colliemom » Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:33 am

Good Morning Everyone,

Not a coffee drinker here, so no coffee. But I can offer you tea or a nice cup of hot cocoa. And I will even top it off with a dollop of whipped cream :)

A chilly start to our day here at the 45th. About 25 and cloudy compliments of that big storm that spawned so much ugly weather across the midsection and east coast of our country. At least all of you are okay. Reminded me of the Palm Sunday when 100 tornadoes broke out and caused a considerable amount of damage and loss of life a number of years ago.

Up here we had very strong winds and also snow. Yesterday was blustery and snowing on and off all day. We probably picked up about an inch of wet stuff. I expect it will b gone before the day is over today if the sun comes out as predicted. This entire week looks to be kind of crappy weather wise with a sunny day thrown in for good measure here and there. I'm hoping it gets it act together before I go back to work, cause working out in this kind of weather isn't my favorite thing especially over by the lake if the winds are strong. Putting plumbing together and working with water in this kind of weather isn't the most pleasant thng to be doing, but we have work to do, so.........

So I guess today I will clean house this morning and might run up to Lowes and get a piece of lumber to do that work I have to in my TT's cupboards. Would like to get it cut to fit so I can stain it in the house here and get it installed once weather warms up. I wanted to try to get into my chiropractor this morning cause I threw my pelvis out over the weekend, helping carry some heavy stuff up the bsement stairs at the neighbors I think and it is very painful. But she is booked solid this morning. M, W, F they have office hours from 6:30 a.m. to 1 and Tues and Thurs, they go from 8:30 to 5. So I will pop in a Tylenol once in awhile and go about my day. I'll live.

I spent yesterday afternoon down in my basement going through what remaining stuff is down there. Have some set aside for the garage sale in two weeks again, and also a pile out in the trash this morning. Have to go over to neighbors and get my labels so I can price this stuff and get it over there before we start up again the weekend after Easter, especially considering I have to start back to work in a week. Will be a busy week ahead.

So I guess I will take my aching body and get with it. Hope you all have a wonderful day wherever you are and whatever you do.
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Re: Monday, April 18th

Postby Ladyhawk » Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:36 am

Hi all, back to work since the surgery. Should be an interesting day.

Spent the weekend in Grandby (near Winter Park) in a cabin and relaxed and read all weekend. I think doctors should prescribe that kind of thing more often.

Hope you all have a productive or relaxing day, depending on what you're hoping for.
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Re: Monday, April 18th

Postby Irmi » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:00 am

Good morning Sue, Ladyhawk & everyone that follows!

Sue, I hope your weather warms up for you before you start your job.

Ladyhawk, I hope you're feeling better & stronger everyday.

It's dry and cool in MD and we'll end up in the mid to upper 60's today. The fullmoon was absolutely gorgeous last night but it must have been hiding behind clouds this morning, as I never saw it.

Other than going to my job and getting a workout in this afternoon, there is nothing out of the ordinary on my agenda today. Have a good day everyone!
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Re: Monday, April 18th

Postby Nasoosie » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:09 am


Sorry to hear about your back strain, Sue----that's no fun at all. Carrying heavy stuff is best left to younger, more supple bodies, I have discovered recently!

Another beautiful, cloudless morning here, with nice cool temps which will rise to the mid 80s by this afternoon when I get to the pool. This morning will be for seeing about painting my bookshelves...notice I said "seeing about"----I hate painting stuff like that!

Molly and I will go for our walk while it's still cool this morning, right after my morning computer fix. The news video coverage of that latest mess of tornadic activity to cross the Carolinas and Virginia is totally horrifying. I sure hope Carolinagal is ok----please check in with us, Carol. And I also wonder about Kitty and Richard. If you get a chance, you all, please let us know how you fared. There are probably others in that area I have forgotten, too. I just pray you all found some place to take shelter. I just heard there's a chance for more tornadoes tomorrow----good grief, when will this weather take a turn for the better.

I hate the thought of heading back home, not only because of the weather patterns, but I simply love it down here when it's so nice all the time. I realize that the summer pattern of horrid thunderstorms every afternoon will not be like this, however, and I do love my northern home in the summers and fall. I guess I'll just savor every minute while I am here.

Ladyhawk, don't get over-tired back at work----resume your activity slowly. I can't remember what you do for work, but do it carefully at first. It seems to me you are going back in a hurry?

I agree that the full moon was absolutely gorgeous last night. Molly and I went for an after-dark walk (although after dark down here is nothing like after dark at home where we have no cities and streetlights) and enjoyed the brightness even above the human-made lights. It's such a treat to be able to walk at this time of year in sandals, shorts, and a T-shirt with no bug repellant needed! I can't get over the lack of biting bugs down here.

Coffee is Hazlenut, half decafe and half real, which I mix myself for the flavor, so stop by and tell us about your section of the country.

Happy Monday, and keep a wary eye to the sky again.
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Re: Monday, April 18th

Postby dayspring39 » Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:56 am

Good Morning from cloudy western TN... I am enjoying my visit here with Mitch and George... so peaceful and quiet... I will be sad to leave tomorrow...
Amy you have recovered very quickly... glad you could go for a restful weekend...
Sue you may keep the snow as far north as you can...
Soos glad you could celebrate an early mothers day with your son... you have had many wonderful days this winter and now spring... is there any snow up on the mountain?
We had a fire last night and enjoyed the evening... but it got a bit cool way to soon... last night was not as cold as Sat night was... so no complaints...
I trust you will all have a great day what ever is in store...
Kathleen or Kathy

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Re: Monday, April 18th

Postby AlmostThere » Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:52 am


Coffee was welcomed this AM as it was so clear out last night (very bright moon), that I knew the temps would also drop, so it was frosty out this AM. BUT the sun is shining right now and hopefully will dry out the grass some so I can mow and edge.

It was also nice yesterday so lots of neighbors out washing vehicles and mowing. I got to chat with some as I walked Choco. I talked with David whose wife has the ovarian cancer. Asked about what foods they liked so I would know what to fix for a meal for them. Poor Sherri is doing those treatments where they put the meds in an IV right into her abdomen area and she has to endure that for 12 hrs a session. She is now at the point where she's getting so tired of being sick that she's wanting to quit treatment. Prayers for her, please.

Also chatted with the guy who bought my DD/SIL's house 4 yrs ago, just two doors down. I hadn't seen him much all winter and was a bit concerned as he's usually out and about and chatty. He shared that he has prostate cancer and it has spread to his spine area. Will have surgery on May 4th. What's with all the cancers lately!?!? I think it's the crap we eat/breathe (chemicals/additives).

Ok, need to shower and get to the grocery store. The GDs wiped me out of all the essentials; bread, milk, eggs, pancake mix and fruit.

Enjoy wherever the Lord planted you today!!
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Re: Monday, April 18th

Postby Liz » Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:57 am

Nasoosie wrote:GOOD MORNING ALL!
I sure hope Carolinagal is ok----please check in with us, Carol.

I talked to Carol today. She's off camping with friends in No. GA and having a good time. As far as she knows, her house is still there. :o

As for me, I just got back from another tough morning on Orange Lake. From the boat ramp, we paddled north to the campground, but too shallow to get close. The eagles were active again. One pair is nesting close to the boat ramp.

Later this afternoon, I'm going to take Roe for a hike and search for another geocache located in/near an historic cemetary, just north of town.

Hope everyone on the forum is safe and doing something fun today. Prayers for those who are ill.
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Re: Monday, April 18th

Postby khenrie » Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:23 pm

Good morning! Yep, still morning here for about 40 more minutes.

Busy, closing on sale of business tomorrow and then FREEDOM.

Will check up on you gals on Wednesday!
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Re: Monday, April 18th

Postby Liz » Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:25 pm

khenrie wrote:
Busy, closing on sale of business tomorrow and then FREEDOM.

Yay Kim! Here's to freedom! :!:
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Re: Monday, April 18th

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Apr 18, 2011 4:19 pm

AlmostThere wrote: What's with all the cancers lately!?!? I think it's the crap we eat/breathe (chemicals/additives).

I think you are right. I know of so many people with cancer now. They even say that cancer is the leading cause of death in cats and dogs, and I know from experience, also ferrets. I can only assume a lot of it has to do with the processed foods.

Soos, Amy is a school teacher.

It is cool and cloudy here in SoCal today. Supposed to get to 72 but still only 64 at 2pm, so probably won't get there. Feels nice tho, after the 90's we had this weekend! I work this afternoon and evening, then off tomorrow. No plans yet, tho. I renewed and updated the ads for a roommate/renter. Hope I will hear something soon!

Glad to hear no one on here was affected by all those tornadoes over the weekend! I sure don't miss dealing with those things anymore! The weather all over is definately getting more extreme and dangerous. Climate change is upon us!
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