Not a coffee drinker here, so no coffee. But I can offer you tea or a nice cup of hot cocoa. And I will even top it off with a dollop of whipped cream

A chilly start to our day here at the 45th. About 25 and cloudy compliments of that big storm that spawned so much ugly weather across the midsection and east coast of our country. At least all of you are okay. Reminded me of the Palm Sunday when 100 tornadoes broke out and caused a considerable amount of damage and loss of life a number of years ago.
Up here we had very strong winds and also snow. Yesterday was blustery and snowing on and off all day. We probably picked up about an inch of wet stuff. I expect it will b gone before the day is over today if the sun comes out as predicted. This entire week looks to be kind of crappy weather wise with a sunny day thrown in for good measure here and there. I'm hoping it gets it act together before I go back to work, cause working out in this kind of weather isn't my favorite thing especially over by the lake if the winds are strong. Putting plumbing together and working with water in this kind of weather isn't the most pleasant thng to be doing, but we have work to do, so.........
So I guess today I will clean house this morning and might run up to Lowes and get a piece of lumber to do that work I have to in my TT's cupboards. Would like to get it cut to fit so I can stain it in the house here and get it installed once weather warms up. I wanted to try to get into my chiropractor this morning cause I threw my pelvis out over the weekend, helping carry some heavy stuff up the bsement stairs at the neighbors I think and it is very painful. But she is booked solid this morning. M, W, F they have office hours from 6:30 a.m. to 1 and Tues and Thurs, they go from 8:30 to 5. So I will pop in a Tylenol once in awhile and go about my day. I'll live.
I spent yesterday afternoon down in my basement going through what remaining stuff is down there. Have some set aside for the garage sale in two weeks again, and also a pile out in the trash this morning. Have to go over to neighbors and get my labels so I can price this stuff and get it over there before we start up again the weekend after Easter, especially considering I have to start back to work in a week. Will be a busy week ahead.
So I guess I will take my aching body and get with it. Hope you all have a wonderful day wherever you are and whatever you do.