Air Bags and the Dark Star

Air Bags and the Dark Star

Postby kdmac » Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:02 pm

You know how some folks seem to be born under a golden star; nothing but glorious things repeatedly happen to them while others just can't get a break, not one single break. When I was young I was fortunate enough to land a good job for thirty years, only because of the timing of a healthy economy, and lucrative defense budgets for aerospace companies like Boeing.Over those years I did see a number of these "golden" people and it always fascinated me to watch how even just the space around them seemed enveloped with gossamer goodness and many of them were not good people. While other fine, decent, hard-working co-workers rarely, if ever, could get out from under the dark star.

I considered myself to be in the middle, some good, some bad, but most of the time things were okay. Until lately, the dark star has found me, I am going down fast. When the black tank fiasco turned out favorably I decided that since I am at the RV repair I may as well get the "suspension airbags" that I have improve the ride, cause more even wear on tires, diminish the porposing action between truck and trailer, and to beef-up the rear-end of the truck. I wanted the whole enchilada, with compressor controls mounted on the dash. I will not divulge how horribly much this cost me and I only have a certain amount of money, no big dividends loading my wallet each month...a pension and very little else is all I have. I left my marriage because I saw no future there. other than television viewing until we died. I wanted to go and play, fish, kayak, explore, hike, see the desert, stand out in Monument Valley and listen to the wind. All that said to convey how money is hard to come by and these freaken airbags cost me a bunch.

Four hours and some hundreds of miles down the road from the RV repair where the airbags were installed, I am loving them, they did all I was hoping they would do, the ride is solid and just great, I am glad I spent the money, when POW!!!! all gone hundreds and hundreds of dollars wasted.

When I looked at the finished installation while the truck was still up in the air I said, "I thought those would be mounted more in the center and not near the exhaust pipe, isn't that too close to the exhaust pipe?", "Oh, not at all", he replied, "that is just fine". Well, although I studied and read all I could about these for months I figured he must know better than I, he does this for a living, what do I know? I

It's Saturday and no one is at the RV repair shop, I called and left a message, I cried, when I told them I can't spend any more money on this, I never cry, but I cried, and am crying now...I am fairly certain they won't do much if anything to help me. I am way too far away and I won't pay the gas to drive back, cost me $300 in gas to get here. The dark star has found me.
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Re: Air Bags and the Dark Star

Postby VickieP » Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:17 pm

I know s really, really hard for you right now, but I've been accused of being the eternal optimistic person before, so what came to my mind was that there was a reason you are where you are, like possible a horrible wreck up the road or some other unseen danger. Sit tight till Monday and you can get ahold of the place that installed the product, try to (and I know that's hard), try to breath and calm yourself as much as possible, then document everything you can remember about the installation and your questions and answers with the man who thought he knew it all. If you can't get something done with the shop, you may need to contact the manufacturer and see what they can do. There's always the BBB and Good Sam Action that I can think of right now or an attorney if it gets to that. He was wrong, you have every right to have it corrected, keep up updated! Now, have a glass of wine, soda, water, whatever you need and get some sleep, it's been a stressful day for you.
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Re: Air Bags and the Dark Star

Postby kdmac » Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:34 pm

Thank you, Vickie, I can't stop crying...I will take a shower and have a cup of tea, thank you for your kind words.
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Re: Air Bags and the Dark Star

Postby Forestgal » Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:50 pm

I just sent you a PM ...


Re: Air Bags and the Dark Star

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:25 am

I feel so bad for you! ((((hugs)))))

I would think that they would be responsible for fixing the problem for free since it was clearly their fault for installing the airbags wrong. Take a day to calm down and then call them on Monday in a calm, controlled but assertive manner, so they know you mean business.
You seem to be a very strong, independant woman, so I am sure you will handle this situation very well and move on down the road soon enough feeling in control again. Sometimes you just have to take one day at a time so as not to feel so overwhelmed (what I keep reminding myself every day lately too!).

Keep us updated!

PS> It's not a dark star, just a dark cloud that will pass soon!
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Re: Air Bags and the Dark Star

Postby mitch5252 » Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:05 am


KD, I'm really sorry all this has rained down on you - I can certainly empathize.
Vickie, even though she's a doofus, has some good advice.
Deep breaths, hot tea, and don't cry - makes your face all screwy...

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Re: Air Bags and the Dark Star

Postby AlmostThere » Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:02 am

Kathy, gosh it seems you can't get a break lately, huh? I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hopefully it will work out to your favor.
Keep the faith. Hugs!
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Re: Air Bags and the Dark Star

Postby WickedLady » Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:29 pm

Don't forget about the Consumer Protection office thru that state's Attorney General.
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Re: Air Bags and the Dark Star

Postby cpatinjones » Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:00 pm

I am so very sorry to hear this. But I am with Vicki, stay positive. I am sure everything will be fine. Deep breaths and a good nights rest.
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Re: Air Bags and the Dark Star

Postby carold » Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:16 pm

Wow, can understand why your first reaction was so negative. Think all of that would be my first reaction also. Hopefully, when the sun comes out tomorrow, you'll take a deep breath and tackle the problem. As usual, the women have good advice and soft shoulders. ((((hugs)))). carold
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Re: Air Bags and the Dark Star

Postby Irmi » Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:16 am

KD, I hope you have given the RV shop a call and are on the way to getting this fixed. Sending lots of good thoughts & prayers your way.
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Re: Air Bags and the Dark Star

Postby Nasoosie » Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:40 pm

Oh KD---I am feeling your pain, and I am so sorry. That amount of money for the gas alone is horrendous for those of us on fixed incomes, and to have bitten the bullet and gotten these damn things installed only to have that happen (when, intuitively you KNEW it didn't look as if done right) has got to be totally devastating. Let's hope and pray they are humane, ethical, and will not only pay to re-do your rig but pay for your gas, too. By rights, they certainly SHOULD fix it properly for not a cent more money from you. I'm not wise about how to legally get something done like this, but others on here might be?

The only good thing about this ordeal, so far, is that you know how wonderful these suspension airbags are when installed properly. You made the right decision----they messed up royally.

Take some deep breaths, cry all you need to, and then give 'em hell when they get back to the shop!
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Re: Air Bags and the Dark Star

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:00 pm

Am anxious to hear what you found out on Monday? Let us know...
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Air Bags and the Dark Star

Postby kdmac » Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:32 pm

BarbaraRose wrote:Am anxious to hear what you found out on Monday? Let us know...

It's hard to convey it all without writing a small novel. I won't know untill tomorrow Wednesday). The managers here completely trust the mechanic across the road (Dennis). So, I made an appt. with him for tomorrow.

Since it happened on Saturday I was't able to contact Tillamook RV and the owner (Stumpy, who did the installation) till Monday, although I left me tearful voice msg on Saturday. I called on Monday and the front desk gal was empathetic and called me "hun". She ran out to find Stumpy and he said for me to call his cell; I did. He answers and says, "Hey, give me five minutes and I will call you right back!". He never called..... Today I called ready to open the gates of hell but, he gets on and apologized all over and committed to fixing the problem, so we hung up as each others greatest buddies; WE SHALL SEE.

But, anyway, on Sunday I took a little drive up on a dirt road along the raging Rogue River. I had my window down and I could hear something was rattling, so I figured that the cause of the problem was likely that one of the air tubes blew off and is now dangling. If that's the case it will be a simple I have left my truck parked till tomorrow's appt so the loose fitting doesnt get damaged. If there is a charge Stumpy says he will pay....WE SHALL SEE.

It's funny how my intial thought was a blow out from being too close to the exhaust, then with the rattling I heard later, I figure it's a detached fitting that is now dangling. So, it proves (I hope) that you just have to think and analyze and piece things together. Tomorrow I will fill you in on the conclusion of the "Old Bag and the Air Bags"
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Re: Air Bags and the Dark Star

Postby Irmi » Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:44 pm

KD, it sounds like you have the ball in your court. You've talked to Stumpy, he knows what has to be done and it sounds like you won't be out any moolah. Do you have to go back to Tillamook RV or is Stumpy sending you elsewhere to have the work re-done? Will you have to pay out of pocket and then be reimbursed by Tillamook RV? I hope you can drive away without forking out another dollar and put this behind you.
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