Chilly, Windy Friday

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Freaky Weather Friday

Postby HorizonSeeker » Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:40 am

Up early this morning to load Seeker. Plan to leave out after lunch and drive about 90 miles to a private camp where I will cheer on my nephew at his first retriever trials. Now I plan to go no matter what, but I'm not crazy so I'm watching the weather news closely. That bad weather in OK yesterday is headed this way. My hope is that it will stay to the north of Nashville since I'm heading south, but we will see.

I can't leave earlier because I have a carpenter coming to put up a wall between the livingroom and diningroom to create a 3rd large bedroom and hopefully sell the house faster. I took the house off the market Wednesday night but still had the sign in the yard. And wouldn't you know that I got a call from a man who was driving through the area and really liked the property. Well, I had to put him off for a week so I hope he stays interested. Keeping my fingers crossed. When I quoted him my higher price for the 3 bedroom version he seemed pleased. So, while I blithely drive the road into thunderstorms this afternoon in the back corner of my mind will be the hope that he stays interested for another week and I can get a quick sale. We'll see.

Stay safe and Carolyn, I know you plan to start heading north this weekend so I hope you have good weather all the way.

Time for one more cup before the carpenter starts.
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Chilly, Windy Friday

Postby Colliemom » Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:54 am


A bit of a chilly strong East wind here this morning. But at least the sun is shining. For now. Going to cloud up and rain moving in by evening and tomorrow. Highs are only hitting the 40's and with that wind, makes if feel colder. We all got a bit chilled doing the garage sale yesterday as my neighbors garage faces East and with a NE wind, we caught some of it. Today will be worse, as the wind is predicted to be out of the East at 20-30 mph, gusting to as much as 40. May have to lower one of the two garage doors to keep stuff from being blown around in there. Will leave it up to her.

Sale is going great right now. We were pretty busy yesterday. I've sold a lot of my stuff and to tell you the truch, I've taken just about everything from this house out now, except for stuff I am using and my furniture. Told my neighbor if I take out any more, I will be sleeping, sitting and eating on the floor :lol: . I'm hoping that some of the RV stuff I put in the sale will sell. I have a 5ft sewer gise extension I want to sell as I am getting a different hose system, the tire covers I used last winter which are in great shape, cause they are just a bit too snug. Need one size larger and also the truck mirror extensions I was using last year till I got my new truck and that has trailer mirrors. If that stuff goes, I will be happy. It is always interesting to see what people will buy.
So gotta bundle up in a bit here and head over for another day.

Didn't get to CW as yet. That's tomorrow's doing as some others are going to be helping at the garage sale. So I will tool down to CW unless the weather is miserable and I deceide to heck with it. Free lunch down there tomorrow :) .

Soos, fantastic job on your cement repair. It really looks good. Maybe you should hire out :lol:

Liz, sounds like you and Swissmigrator are having a good time together. Will she be touring north with you late on?

Amy, glad to hear you are on the mend and yes, follow the Dr.s instructions and just enjoy a good book on a lousy day.

Kathleen, hope you aren't getting a bug. May just be from traveling and visiting and all the fun things you are doing, wearing you out a bit. I hope. Take care now.

Lenora, you sound like I did back in January when I was getting winter weary. You like me, need some sunshine for awhile. Hopefully the weather will clear off and stay that way. Or else you are going to be hunting for new stomping grounds :)

So, time to get the ball rolling around here. Got three boxes of dolls to take over to the sale. I kept two that I want for now and my one cousin is keeping three, the rest I will sell. I hope. Really don't want to give them to Goodwill. Neighbor is talking of maybe doing a one day sale again next weekend, but we shall see. It's in between Easter and Good Friday, so might be changed.

Have a wonderful day all.
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Re: Freaky Weather Friday

Postby Nasoosie » Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:56 am


I sure do hope you will be keeping an eye to the sky today when you set out. That weather is not nice at all. I suspect that traveling between here and home for me is going to be a challenge, to say the least, unless the current weather patterns make a change for the better.

Today I will finish putting screens over my gutters (arched gutter screens) to keep out debris this summer while I am back at home. It's cloudy and cool, and a perfect day for doing that on my high step ladder.

I see that the sun is peeking out of the clouds now, so I'd best get moving here while it's still cool enough.

Today is my daughter, Amanda's, birthday, so I will be calling her, too. She heard the heartbeat of my grandchild-to-be the other day, so she is now officially a human incubator with a little parasite growing in her gut! She goes for her first ultrasound either today or Monday, I forget what she told me. She promised to email me any pictures resulting from that event, and I can't wait! Hopefully it won't have two heads or 3 leg-buds, or anything like that, but, if it does, I have already volunteered to take it over!

Happy Friday to everyone!
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Re: Freaky Weather Friday

Postby dayspring39 » Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:06 am

Good Morning Horizon and Soos... oh I am keeping my fingers crossed for a sale on your house Horizon... that would be a wonderful start to the summer... Soos you did a good job on the driveway... hope it sets up good... a little water on it if it is real hot will help it cure slowly...
I am having coffee in Bright Hope this morning as the rains are coming down here in TN... I should clean her but may just forget about that and concentrate on getting myself in gear and get into the house... Last day to visit Janie and EL then on the road to Mitch's house tomorrow sometime... I feel rested this morning as I took a pain pill before going to bed last night...
I hope this day dawns with good things for everyone...
Kathleen or Kathy

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Re: Freaky Weather Friday

Postby Irmi » Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:48 am

Good morning Horizon, Soos, Kathleen!

I saw Sue also started a morning post, so hello to Sue, too!

Horizon, I hope the storms don't bother your travels. Be careful out there.

Soos, be careful while you are screening your gutters. You have been one busy lady this winter.

Kathleen, I'm so happy you're feeling better today. Enjoy the visit with your friends.

Sue, I hope the garage sale continues to go well for you.

It's sunny for one more day in MD but we have heavy rains moving into the area tomorrow with temperatures only in the 50's. It'll be a good day to stay home and enjoy the warmth of the woodstove.

Enjoy your day!
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Re: Chilly, Windy Friday

Postby HorizonSeeker » Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:23 am


Looks like we were posting at the same time. Both about the weather which is so important when you're selling a house/living in an rv. I will try to make my dash to Pelham between storms.

Know what you mean about sitting/sleeping/eating on the floor. I have gotten rid of my dinningroom furniture to turn the room back into a bedroom. I have sold my large livingroom furniture and it will be gone this weekend. Sold the back patio furniture and an old singer sewing machine this week too. Have several ads on Cragislist. Still have lots to be rid of and will be storing some things at the DIL's house in her basement. I will follow your lead and get rid of the smaller stuff that I don't need with a garage sale which I hate to do but guess I have to.

Stay safe everyone with an eye to the sky today.

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Re: Freaky Weather Friday

Postby bluepinecones » Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:24 am

Good morning
Just a quick check in this morning as we were already under a tornado watch, wind advisory, flood watch, and severe thunderstorm warning by the time I got up. Vickie, hopefully you can wait until after midnight to leave as I see Nashville is also under all sorts of warnings for the day. Forecast for the weekend is good but today has the makings of a stay home type day - exactly what I plan to do.
I did not get the debris cleaned up from last Monday's storm in spite of having a couple of perfect spring days for the work. Instead I opted to rest and try to shake the remains of this nasty bug. I think it helped as I do feel some better; much of what's left may be side effects of the medication. Only 3 days of the meds left.
Biopsy results on my niece show no cancer; was so happy about that that I forgot to ask her what next (growth on thyroid).
Stay safe out there today.
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Re: Freaky Weather Friday

Postby Rufflesgurl » Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:37 pm

Good morning all - We are having a super sunshine Friday here in CA.
Soos - I remember getting the amazing pic of the first few ultrasounds of my twin grandbabies. And then, later in my daughter's pregnancy, we got to witness the ultrasounds in person - that is really special. We could actually see the babies (boy and girl) interacting (holding hands) with one another and in one, my grandaughter was sticking out her tongue. LOL What miracles. These little babies are now almost 14 months. Hope you are close to where your daughter lives as her pregnancy progresses!!

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Re: Freaky Weather Friday

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:48 pm

Sunny and 76 here in SoCal with a high of 85 :D Sorry to hear so many of you back east are under the bad weather. Good day to stay in and read a good book!

I was gonna go lay out by the pool for awhile before going to work, but I still have a little bit of a sore throat (being kept at bay by the Zicam) so will stay in and relax for now. Just sitting here watching Lola go crazy playing with her catnip mouse and running all over the place! She's so cute! Last night, Sophie had me in stitches while she was chasing and attacking her own tail! Too cute!

Tomorrow my old roommate (Naomi) will be back to finish moving the rest of her stuff out and clean up, so then it will really look empty in here, until the new roommate (Karen) moves in in a couple weeks.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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