Monday April 11

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Monday April 11

Postby Redetotry » Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:24 am

Good morning everyone. We have much needed rain this morning, the good kind of soaking gentle rain. Our dogwood trees are in bloom so the yard is all pink and white blossoms. The weekend was way to hot, got up to 90 degrees on Sat and close to that yesterday ACK not my idea of springtime! I went to a concert yesterday afternoon featuring the high school choir, the community choir and the Methodist church choir. It was amazing, especially the high school group. Only thing was, there was a very large crowd, I didn't get an aisle seat and about half way through I was starting to get a little panicky, about that time my friend whispered to me she was also a little freaked. Afterward we decided it brought back memories of the many hours we spent as youths in conservative church services through long scary sermons.
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Re: Monday April 11

Postby dayspring39 » Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:46 am

Good Morning red and all of the lazy bones... I got up before dawn today unusual for me but wanted to try to post pictures on the gtg... have more but they can wait... I also did dishes left over from Sat... now that is lazy but in a MH you do not get many so I save them till there is a few more to make it worth the effort... (not to mention Sarah and I stayed out past dark so we did not think of dishes!)
Today I will wash Bright Hope she is very dirty... this will surely freak out Shadow as he does not like to get a bath and water may mean he is next... :lol:
I remember those sermons Red they were indeed scarey... that is the kind I became a christian hearing... now most give the truth in a different way...
We will have rain here between the mountains today and tonight... the temps have moderated quite a bit also...
I will pull out tomorrow with any luck... heading for TN and my friends Janie and EL then on and upward to Mitch and Georges home... that will be in several days... have to catch up with my friend Janie's saga of the longer than wanted house guest... whew at least she has now moved just a week ago... she was with Janie for 11 or 12 months... well I would like to find someone so tolerant...
I trust everyone has a great day... no matter where your feet take you...
Kathleen or Kathy

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Re: Monday April 11

Postby Ljpeterlin » Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:20 am

Hello all,

After spending a considerable amount of time fishing in the backwoods of Alabama with no internet service, I have decided to use my phone as a modem and get internet service that way. It is cheaper than an aircard and easier since I already have the service and thew phone, they'll just add a fee to my already overpriced phone bill each month. only $15 more, but I'll have internet access on my computer, so that will be a plus.
Since I returned to Florida to visit a friend for the week before my Habitat for Humanity build, he assisted me in taking out the unused chair by the front door and installing a custom sized computerdesk which has Wrigley's crate under it, which means I have more room in the RV AND a computer desk which is much more comfortable and makes it easier to work on the computer.

I am excited to make the RV more customized for my needs. The chair was just a catchall, which made the front chair difficult to turn around and use properly, now it swivels and moves to just the right place to be used as my compter chair. By far the most comfortable computer chair I have ever had.

Hope you all are having a great day. Florida is hot!
LJ Peterlin

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Re: Monday April 11

Postby bluepinecones » Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:42 am

Good Morning all

I'm still fighting a bad case of bronchitis and stopped up head - feel as if I'm functioning in slow motion and under water. That has put a bit of a damper on playing tour guide for Kathleen (at least the part where we would have gotten any exercise) but nothing much severely interfers with a gtg. We explored via vehicle for several hours - will add more pixs in gtg section later.

Nicky even got to enjoy a day long play date as I dropped him off before going to Guntersville. He was one tired doggie last night.

Ljpeterlin wrote:After spending a considerable amount of time fishing in the backwoods of Alabama with no internet service

Where in AL? Looked at blog but could not tell where.

We have storms marching this way for the afternoon.

Stay safe and have some fun today.
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Re: Monday April 11

Postby Nasoosie » Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:13 am


It sounds as if storms are still threatening most of the country north of FL. It's time for these things to STOP! Kathleen seems to be having a fine time traveling home, and visiting as she goes. I am thankful you have missed the worst weather so far, Kath, by stopping where you have been.

Li, what kind of phone do you have that you can use it as a modem?

Sorry Sarah is still feeling sickly----get well fast, Sarah!

90 degrees is a bit hot, Rede, but I am enjoying it. However, I would definitely not enjoy being trapped in a church pew in that kind of heat!

I have been getting the trailer ready to leave for the week in St. Cloud, driving back here to Orlando, watering my plants with my bathwater (waste not, want not, and all that!) and finally getting to the computer. It is another record-breaking day for heat down here, and I intend to spend much of this afternoon in the pool! First I will mail my income tax money I owe. ACK!

Not much going on here other than the heat, so now off I go to do my bills, taxes, and then swim.

Hope you all have a good day wherever you may be. I also hope all those danged storms are over for a long while.
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Re: Monday April 11

Postby HorizonSeeker » Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:19 am

Morning all!

I'm back at work after another weekend run in Horizon Seeker. Wrote about it in my blog and even remembered to post a picture of the steak and veggie kabobs! Check it out.

37 classroom days to go and they are the worst. We aren't "teaching to the test" becuase that would be wrong. But we are reviewing like mad over the areas that the students have shown weakness in on the past tests which to me is a fine line of distinction. Oh well, I just follow orders these days.

Just did a lesson about hyperbole and you would think as much as they use it they would recognize it. No such luck. Today is my light day. 3 hours of the classes from He double hockey sticks and then 3 hours of planning.

Li, I'm thinking about giving up the aircard too. Who is your service with?

Gotta run and get the kiddies to lunch
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Re: Monday April 11

Postby OutandAbout » Mon Apr 11, 2011 1:47 pm

Afternoon all. Beautiful day here today. Sunny and in the high 70's. The weekends weather missed us, just a thunder clap or two but no rain. We really need the rain something awful. We have been under a burn ban for almost 2 weeks now and it has just been upped. We can not burn anything outside, no campfires, leaves, no pit fires, nothing. To increase the fire hazard warning we are not allowed to BBQ until further notice. WAAAAAAAAAH.I kid you not, we are under a BBQ ban. I was so looking forward to some chicken wings. Our next chance of rain is Thursday.

Everyone seems to be busy getting ready for the upcoming camping season, traveling, GTGing or just enjoying their lives. Take care all. Linda
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Re: Monday April 11

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:05 pm

Didn't get much sleep last night. Was tossing and turning and thinking too much about everything (job, roommates, money, etc). I hope things settle down soon!

My roommate is gone now. She has a few things left here to pick up but most stuff is out in her garage since no one showed up for the moving sale. She is gonna have Salvation Army pick up the furniture this week. If I was her, I would be putting it all in storage in case things don't work out with her boyfriend. Oh well...

The internet guy showed up this morning (wasn't scheduled to come until after 3pm) and got that switched over to me from my roommate's account. Now I have my TV and computer out in my living room instead of the bedroom. Felt like a hermit in the bedroom all the time! Kind of sparse around here now but it works for now. Will spend the day reorganizing the kitchen and bedroom. Would love to go shopping for things I need but no money right now until payday on Friday.

It is starting to warm up here now. Highs back up into the low 70's which is perfect! Should get my new swimsuit this week and can keep working on my tan!
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Re: Monday April 11

Postby JudyJB » Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:25 pm

80 degree temp yesterday and some rain made our grass in Southeastern Michigan turn green overnight! Yea!! Can't wait for the buds on trees to bloom. Wish I had planted some daffodils last fall, but didn't. Even though I live in a condo, I can plant perennials near my porch.

Next fall I am going to plant at least a 100 daffs and some crocus at my son's house. He and his wife have a really lovely, three-year old home, with almost an acre of land, but neither of them knows anything about planting anything. They have paid a landscaper, but beds are still skimpy. Turns out they have not planted bulbs because they thought they were annuals and would have to be replanted every year!! He said he would help me with the Daffs next September when I told them they would last several years.

I have tried to make suggestions, and periodically have pruned their bushes and clipped a sucker branch or two from a young tree, but just don't feel free to do much else. Oh, and I did warn him he should put topsoil down before he planted grass instead of planting it on the final grade soil, which was a lot of gravel--the rolling hills are glacial moraine. (Wonders why his lawn does not look good.) When I go down in two weeks, I will pull the dead leaves from the daylillies. Don't know where he got any of his genes!
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Re: Monday April 11

Postby Irmi » Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:23 pm

Good afternoon ladies!

I was here before noon and had typed out a nice long post, hit submit and I lost my internet connection at work. We have broadband service in my office which leaves little to desire.

It's great reading about about all the GTG's, of those traveling or getting ready to travel and retiring. Life is good!

I had a busy weekend, spending some time on Saturday delivering meals to my parents house. When I got there, Dad asked me if I would take Mom grocery shopping. Since he's still recuperating from his carpal tunnel surgery and going through PT, he isn't driving yet. After I got home from their house, I put together a pot of turkey noodle soup, of which some of that was delivered to their house today.

Yesterday I finally made it out to the gazebo to start cleaning to ready it for relaxing when the weather warms up. We have a set of wicker furniture plus a table & 6 chairs out there, so we are able to spend lots of time there just relaxing.

I hope this finds everyone well!
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Re: Monday April 11

Postby Forestgal » Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:22 pm

Nasoosie wrote:
Li, what kind of phone do you have that you can use it as a modem?

Soos, I have a DroidX with Verizon and can "tether" it whenever I want to my laptop to use as an aircard. All I have to do is either use my land line & call Verizon or dial 611 on the Droid to activate it. I can turn it on & off whenever I want & they'll pro-rate the $30/mo. charge. The only thing to be careful of when doing this is not go over whatever the pro-rated data allowance might be. So I use it mostly to check email & check the few forums I like to keep up on. Using it for any kind of video-related internet stuff would put me waaay over.

Don't know if I'd ever get an aircard with the ability I have to tether my cell phone at will.


Re: Monday April 11

Postby Bethers » Mon Apr 11, 2011 5:56 pm

Soos, when I had my Blackberry I tethered it. You pretty much can with all the smartphones.

Barbie, if she's going to give all the stuff away - couldn't she give any to you if you could use it? Just a thought.
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