Retirement parties, trips being planned, rigs beingreadied, some already out on the road, all kinds of spring happenings going on these days. The season is truly here.
A sunny but frosty morning here this morning. Typical for this time of year since our last frost date is around Memorial Day, but that doesn't mean anything. There have been summers when we have had frost every month except July. I never plant anything in the way of flowers till after Memorial Day anyway. My neighbors used to do theirs every year in May as soon as the weather warmed up and lost them every time. I kept telling them they should wait till after Memorial Day.
Took the drive over to Petoskey yesterday and picked up the doors for my storage cabinets in the TT. Was a nice day for a drive. The "girls" especially Sassy knew I was going someplace other than town and pressed me to take them along. Course you know, none of us are going to turn down those big brown eyes when we know we can take them with us. Once I said okay, you want to go for a ride, that was all I needed to say. The barks, the paw swipes, the excitement was there in an instant. And into the truck they went. I decided that I would enjoy the day and to heck with whatevr I was thinking of accomplishing around here. Wasn't in the mood. I was in the mood for some adventure.
So off we went and drove over to the dealers, picked up the doors, I took a look at the TT I had been looking at the decided that mine was just as good even though the walk around bed was pretty neat and so was the underbed storage. Will file it in my mind for later reference. Then headed off to Burger King for lunch and a potty trip. Then it was over to Petoskey State Park. This a beautiful state park along the shore of Little Traverse Bay, part of Lake Michigan. It has a spectacular beach and a lot of walking trails all over through dense woods of cedar, pine and hardwoods. It is also the park that my former boss now manages.
The campgrounds of course are still closed and the roads are gated, but one can park and walk in. So off we went, down the long and winding road to OZ. Seemed like a long walk, but was probably only a half mile. I picked out a number of sites I would love ot park on when the park isn't busy and during the summer it is. But in the spring and fall it's more quiet. The beach and lake can't really be seen from the campsites except in perhaps a few locations due to the dunes along the shoreline. But those dunes protect the campground from the winds off the lake which could in some conditions, blow you right out of there. So my sites are picked out and the park is on my list. And I let the girls run free as we had the whole place to ourselves. They had a ball sniffing and exploring, but their tongues were hanging by the time we got back to the truck.
On my drive over I had a big class A pulling a toad with a canoe bigger than the toad behind, up ahead of me on the road. They were clipping along at a fairly good speed of about 58 or so as I had my cruise on 55 and they were up ahead of me, but never out of my sight. when we got into the outskirts of Petoskey, they turned off onto the road that headed to the casino. Figured maybe they were hoping to win enough to pay for the gas for the thing

Well, I'm off to gas up my own vehicle and do some grocery shopping. Then plan to wash a few windows outside or at least the inside screens and put them in as it's getting warm enough to maybe open some windows for a bit today. Also going to get the lawn tractor started and probably wash and clean my snowblowers and put them away. Took some stuff over to my neighbors yesterday for the garage sale next week and will be working on that tomorrow and Monday as it is supposed to rain.