Super Moon Morning

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Super Moon Morning

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:17 am

OK, so it isn't quite morning here yet but it is after midnight on the east ern half of the country! Here is a photo of the Super Moon I took awhile ago, over Lake Elsinore:

The clouds are moving into southern California and we are in for some heavy rains for the next couple of days, like up to 9 inches! Already sleet and snow coming down just north of LA.

Things are settling down some at work. I have been able to get my cut times down just under 15 minutes this week, so the manager is happier with me. Hopefully, that will show up on the next schedule with more hours for me. This week I am only scheduled for three days! Luckily, I have been able to put enough money aside for my April rent, so at least that is covered.

Lola had two really bad matts on her chest. I have been trying to cut them off a little at a time since she hates being held down. Well, I noticed that one I cut out was raw underneath, so I am putting some antibiotic ointment on it to keep it from getting infected. The other matt I was able to cut out today and it looks fine underneath it. She is trusting me more now so she actually layed quiet to let me examine the wound and cut off the other matt today. Now I just have to get her to hold still while I try to clip her very long, sharp claws! I have also been getting her more used to being in a carrier by putting her canned food dish in there so she has to go inside to eat it. She does so reluctantly but she will eventually get used to it. Someday, I may need to put her in a carrier and need to have her do so calmly.

My roommate and I are advertising now for her replacement. She is moving in 3 weeks to her boyfriends place to be close to her new job in North Hollywood. She said she will pay the rent for April if we don't find someone right away. (She is on the lease, so she has to, until we find a new renter).

Hope you all have a good day! I'll be working all day. Might be kind of quiet if the rain moves in early. People out here think they will melt if they get wet, so they stay home on rainy days!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Super Moon Morning

Postby Tallulah » Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:52 am

It is after midnight here in the east and the moon is beautiful on both sides of the nation. Posting from Florida and the moon looks the same. Gee, maybe it's the same moon. lol.
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Re: Super Moon Morning

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:59 am

I'll bet it is!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Super Moon Morning

Postby AlmostThere » Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:15 am

Posting the moon taken from the PNW where it's very foggy and behind the trees. Looks Halloweenish! :shock:

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Re: Super Moon Morning

Postby Colliemom » Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:31 am

Good Morning Ladies,

BarbaraRose, it certainly is nice seeing yu post to Morning Coffee this mornng. And your moon shot looks pretty over Lake Elsinore. Leonora, your shot certainly did look "halloweenish". Beauttiful pictures. I too was able to see that moon last night. It certainly was huge and you could see the different outlines of craters, dark spots etc. on it. We have cloudy skies here this morning, so it's now under the clouds.

And Barbara I am glad that things are starting to settle down a bit at work. But thse fast hair cuts are something I am not sure I would want to have done. I like it better when whomever is cutting my hair can just relax and do a good cutting job rather than be under the gun about havng to complete it in such and such a time. I hope you find a roomate to share your apt. with.

Today is officially the start of spring. Was wondering what time it starts, and found out this morining that it's 7:21 p.m eastern time. So tomorrow willl be the first full day of spring. Course here in Michigan and probably other states as well, that doesn't mean much. Old Man Wilnter is making a comeback next week for what I call it's "last hurrah". We may see around 4-8 inches on snow on Tuesday night into Wednesday unless the strom tracks farther north. No surprise there as it is common for March. When Easter falls lin March, boots, hats, warm jackets and gloves are usually the "easter outfits" around here.

This collilemom is now in RV mode. Just about finished making the nameplate addition to my sign and have the cover for my stove top completed. Am already thinking about getting a new sewer hose and going to start making a list of what I need in terms of staples to restock the TT when the time comes. Going to be going through the stuff I brought in for winter storage last fall before long and will start washing and freshening up bedding etc. Need to get some plastic totes for under the bed, behind the sofa etc. to store stuff in an also get some cupboard doors ordered for over my sofa as I want more door up there. There are three there now, but two blank open spaces with just light wood covering them. Why they didn't put doors in those spaces is beyond me. Much easier to get into the storage areas if there were. Won't uncover the TT though till after this next snowstorm and the weather moderates again.

Offf to church this morning and not sure where the rest of the day will go. Thought about going to visit some friends south of me in a little town called Roscommon. It's about 30 miles from here. But will decide when I get home. Rain is supposed to be moving in later on. With my neighbor having a garage sale in a couple of weeks or so, I am planning on going through the house this week to see what else I want to get rid of. Had not planned on any more garage sales till I put my house on the market, but since neighbor is doing one, may as well throw some stuff out there. Makes hers look bigger too. They usually wind up being neighborhood sales anyway. At least for some of us. And for a number of her friends as well. She has a big 4 car garage, so plenty of room. Her house is up for sale and she has some more things to clear out.

Hope you all have a wonderful day today. Those on the road, drive safe.
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Re: Super Moon Morning

Postby BirdbyBird » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:11 am

Miss Izzy's potential adoptive family are driving up from Louisville to meet her today. They should be here after lunch. (Don't roll your eyes, we drove to the coast of Maryland back in the late 1980's to pick up our second English Cocker. :? ) Yesterday I swept up the larger piles of dog and cat fur, spot cleaned the kitchen floor, dusted an inch of ? :o off the picture frames and spent the day uncluttering the public areas of the house. Took one car load of sacked up books and stuff to Goodwill. I keep telling myself that a car load at a time does help. Many of the "Want to Save" things went into the backs of closets and the spare room which means that I will need to move them and have another chance to pitch them when I get to that area....but the house almost looks civilized. ...and well the two kakaks aren't both sitting out in the dining room. Yes, now they are sitting tucked in around the sit of my desk in my office. Need to know that the garage is husbands territory so I don't put valuable items out there and I didn't want to put the kayaks "away" any farther from the car than I needed to. Hoping to get them out on some water around Ohio soon.

So the dogs are looking good. They have all had their nails trimmed, hair trimmed and baths. Need to sand blast the bathroom and I am ready to relax and work on getting my Step mother's taxes ready for her taxman. Figured that paying bills and tax prep should distract me well enough.

Hope everyone has a day full of wonders and good memories. I was also sitting here thinking of Carolinagal and Maggie out on their adventures. :) If she doesn't get back off the mountain after a week or two or three, we might have to worry about her! :D

The Blueberry tea in the kitchen is very good. I recommend it.
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Re: Super Moon Morning

Postby dpf » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:58 am

We couldn't see the moon last night because of heavy cloud cover. In the middle of the night we had thunder boomers with a light show. Today it's very foggy and 45* suppose to get up into the 60s. Areas of the state are expected to experience flooding for the rest of the month. Luckily we won't have to worry about that but if we start getting heavy rains we pray that the sump pumps can keep up. Only had water in the basement once last year after a wicked storm in August and we were without electricity for about 7 hours.

I had big plans of going shopping today but think because of the fog I'll just stay put. My BGF is back at her greenhouse so I'll probably actually get something done at home. We have a tendency to lead each other astray when it comes to accomplishing something constructive that either of us had planned to do! :lol:

Won't be seeing much of DH for the next month. They're in the middle of calving at the farm. Last week they bought 45 head of new heifers for breeding stock and they were delivered yesterday. Shortly thereafter they spooked and broke the fence and scattered throughout the country. So there was an old time round-up! Not fun with muddy fields and cattle that have no idea where home is! The poor horses were just plain tuckered out by the end of the day...guess they're out of shape from being a little inactive through the winter months,too! Last night there was still one at large. Neighbors will be helping to keep an eye out for it.

Well I'd better catch up on posts and then get busy. Have a great day everyone.
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Re: Super Moon Morning

Postby HorizonSeeker » Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:16 am

Morning ladies! BarbaraRose I loved your moon photo. The goddess and I watched the big ol' moon last night from on top of Monte Sano mountain. Sure was bright. Had to close the curtains by my bed to get it out of my eyes to fall asleep. Sorry, didn't take pix. Had a nice visit with BluePineCones yesterday afternoon. We accidentally ended up spending our last night here in Huntsville so I gave her a call and she came to visit. Glad she reminded us of the moon! Packing up this morning and heading back to Nashville :(
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Re: Super Moon Morning

Postby avalen » Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:29 am

Good Morning Ladies
I saw the moon last night too, as it rose, it was huge but as it got up higher into the sky
it just seem to me to be the same as always. Not planning on doing anything extra this
morning before I go to work. Normal routine bedroom cleaning for me. My schedule at
worked has shifted by a half hour so I have to remember to get to work at 1:00 instead
of 1:30. Means I get off at 9:30 instead of 10:00. That half hour makes me "mentally"
think I'll get to bed earlier :lol:
Tomorrow starts the school routine and all will be back to normal.
It seems a little overcast today and I think I remember something about a little rain in the
forecast for tomorrow but wondering if its going to happen today instead.
Coffee is fresh and hot and a little yogurt will hit the tummy just right. Ya'll have a great
day and be safe.
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Re: Super Moon Morning

Postby Ladyhawk » Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:09 am

Good mid-morning. I never got around to doing any homework yesterday because I found so many other interesting things to do... Guess I'll have to make up for it today, but it looks so nice outside....

Barbie, 15 minutes sounds like my kind of haircut. Any more than that and I get twitchy. I like to be in, out, and on my way.

Hope you all have a good day. I'm off to do my homework. Hahahahahahaha.
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Re: Super Moon Morning

Postby Irmi » Sun Mar 20, 2011 2:05 pm

Hi everyone!

I'm late again as usual, but it's weekend. I know that's no excuse, but that's what I'm using today.

I saw the moon last night and called my parents with hopes they might enjoy it. Mom walked to the front door and enjoyed it as much as I did but Dad was in too much pain from his carpal tunnel surgery from over a week ago. When I got up this morning, the moon was actually prettier than it was last night.

Hubby & I went to K-Mart this morning and bought several things, among them being a new crockpot for the motorhome. Ours died last year so now I'm good to go for another 20+ years. We got a fire going in our fire ring and burned lots of twigs & branches that were in the yard. I've called my parents to check on them. They seem to think they'll be ok tonight. This will be the first night they've been alone for almost 2 weeks. Even though I live 30 minutes away, they know I'm only a phone call away.

Sloppy Joes is on the agenda for dinner tonight, along with coleslaw & French Fries. Visitors are welcome!
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Re: Super Moon Morning

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:52 pm

Irmi, what time is dinner? I'm hungry and sloppy joes sound great right now!

Got cold, windy and rainy today. The heavy rains will be later tonight. Feels more like a MN day here! Brrr! Turned on the heat in the apartment tonight!

Well, got called into the office by the manager today. Guess what? I had two redo's come back this week. No surprise there! However, she says if I have any more, I will lose more hours and then I could be terminated. Ha! So I am screwed either way. I told her that I wasn't surprised by the redo's since I have been stressing out so much about getting my cut times down, so I expected that. So I have decided that I would rather be fired for having longer cut times than for poor quality haircuts, so back to taking my time and doing a good job. My customers really like what I do for them and when I take my time, I get really good tips and they ask for my card for next time. That means more to me than meeting unrealistic time restrictions (I am sure that goes for my customers as well).
The other stylist (who was demoted from assistant manager) quit today. They've only had her scheduled for 5 hours per week just because her cut times were too long. Looks like I better get serious about looking for another job! Got tomorrow off, as well as Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Between that and my roommate situation, I am getting a little nervous!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Super Moon Morning

Postby Ladyhawk » Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:20 pm

Barbie, I would definitely be looking for another job. Are you able to start your own business? I know it's a lot of start up stuff, but you seem like a level-headed business woman. It doesn't sound like a pleasant situation and working a stressful job just isn't worth it. Hope it works out happily for you.
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Re: Super Moon Morning

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:32 pm

I would love to work for myself, but right now I couldn't afford to do that. I need a steady income in order to cover my rent and bills. I am looking into getting an esthetician job with Massage Envy, but need to get more info on that this week.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Super Moon Morning

Postby JudyJB » Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:52 pm

Barbie, go for two jobs, then you can try them out to see which one is best for you. I don't know anything about your line of work other than some people in regular salons who are good, as you are, make good money because clients come back for years and years. Even though you said you didn't want to color hair, just tell them that when you interview. Tell them it is an allergy or something.

Those fast-clip places don't sound like a good place for someone who is ethical!

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