The clouds are moving into southern California and we are in for some heavy rains for the next couple of days, like up to 9 inches! Already sleet and snow coming down just north of LA.
Things are settling down some at work. I have been able to get my cut times down just under 15 minutes this week, so the manager is happier with me. Hopefully, that will show up on the next schedule with more hours for me. This week I am only scheduled for three days! Luckily, I have been able to put enough money aside for my April rent, so at least that is covered.
Lola had two really bad matts on her chest. I have been trying to cut them off a little at a time since she hates being held down. Well, I noticed that one I cut out was raw underneath, so I am putting some antibiotic ointment on it to keep it from getting infected. The other matt I was able to cut out today and it looks fine underneath it. She is trusting me more now so she actually layed quiet to let me examine the wound and cut off the other matt today. Now I just have to get her to hold still while I try to clip her very long, sharp claws! I have also been getting her more used to being in a carrier by putting her canned food dish in there so she has to go inside to eat it. She does so reluctantly but she will eventually get used to it. Someday, I may need to put her in a carrier and need to have her do so calmly.
My roommate and I are advertising now for her replacement. She is moving in 3 weeks to her boyfriends place to be close to her new job in North Hollywood. She said she will pay the rent for April if we don't find someone right away. (She is on the lease, so she has to, until we find a new renter).
Hope you all have a good day! I'll be working all day. Might be kind of quiet if the rain moves in early. People out here think they will melt if they get wet, so they stay home on rainy days!