Brrr! It's Saturday!

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Brrr! It's Saturday!

Postby Forestgal » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:58 am

Well, here I am, the first one up! Probably not really, but maybe I'll get to make the first Saturday post.

I was warm and toasty last night -- maybe a little too warm (I sleep HOT). Jed got me up at 5:30 to go potty -- that's what I get for going to bed at 9:00! Went outside and I could see stars! No clouds right now, but it's made it quite nippy outside. Another wave of rain is on its way, so we're not done. And since it's not light out yet we've come back inside & I'm going to enjoy the peace & quiet.

Hope everyone has a nice day, doing whatever's on your list. Catch you all later!

Laura -- and Jed


Postby Colliemom » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:58 am

Morning all,

Our nice shot of warm weather has left us now and winter is back. Was nice while it lasted but it's too early for spring here anyway. Temps dropped yesterday and it's now 20 degrees at 8:30 a.m. At the moment it's cloudy with a little light snow falling, but promise of a sunny day starting to emerge. Had a light dusting of snow last night. Am wondering if the snow pack froze up enough for the dogs and I to walk on top. Guess we will find out later.

This is the morning of the "Polar Plunge" over at the park. It's always held there as it's easy access in and out for everybody. Big crowd, so head ranger plowed out the rest of the parking lot. About 80% is now open for parking. Of course there are the usual emergency personnel there too and divers in the water to assist the "plungers". And a ladder in the water to help them climb out. Hole in ice is close to shore, so they are in a bit less than armpit deep. Hope the sun comes out for them. I will bundle up in a while here and go watch. Then when it's over, I am going to get some gas for the snowblower unless I think there's enough in the can. Winter storm on the way for tomorrow afternoon into Monday morning. Haven't looked at the forecast yet, but last I heard, some areas could get at least 8 inches of snow.

Gotta decide if I want to "doggy" sit for a friends dog next month. They are leaving for FL next Friday till April 1st. She was going to leave him at a boarding kennel for the month, but that's a long time for a dog to be in a kennel. Poor baby. So I may take him in. He gets along fine with my dogs and I am not going anywhee anyway. Make a little extra money in the process. She used to leve him with a neighbor here who has a dogsitting business, but she fell and fractured her hip and we don't know if she is taking dogs in anymore. She told me to think about it over the weekend. I can just see my two. "Here she goes again. Disturbing our routines and all that" But he would be happier here as there is plenty of open yard out back here, fenced in so he can spend time out there and go for walks with us etc. Way better than sitting in the kennel (not that they don't love him there), waiting day in and day out for his owner to return.
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Postby Forestgal » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:03 am

Morning all!

Drat! I knew I wouldn't be the first to post today. But one's gotta try every now and then. Not that I want to steal anyone's thunder, but us Left Coast people usually don't have a chance unless we get up in the wee, small hours of the night. Anyway, Beth can merge the 2 threads and all will be well.

It's too early to do much, so I think I'm going to wrap up in a blanket and take a llittle snooze. I LOVE getting away & being cozy in my trailer! (Have I said this too much yet?)

Laura -- and Jed


Postby dayspring39 » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:25 am

Good Morning... nice sunshine but a tad bit cool 56 this morning... will be 80 later... sorry all of you snow people... Laura you can post first that is fine... it is who ever is up and on the computer... I think Sue and Soos are early birds...
Sue have you ever taken the polar plunge? it sounds so cold burrrr I would never last if I did that... once when I was way younger a friend of mine said we can lose weight by taking a totally cold bath every morning... that was suppose to get the engine burning fat... yikes that only took one try and I could not do it... so guess that lets me out of the polar plunge...
My 'friend' Nancy never showed up yesterday... kind of odd to make plans to spend a day with someone and never show up or even call... I have never met her but my friend in NC said oh you should meet her she is such a great lady... hmmmm wonder now...
I hope you all have a super day...
Kathleen or Kathy

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Postby avalen » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:28 am

good morning ladies
suppose to be a rainy day here down in the desert, its not too cold so I don't expect any
kind of chill with it. Not a lot of plans for today, going to strip the bed and wash linen
and tidy up the bedroom, do some vacuuming and maybe a little re-arranging.
Time for another cup of coffee, add a little fruit with oatmeal and call it good. Off to
get started on my day. Enjoy yours and be safe.
ps..I can't imagine ever doing anything like a polar bear plunge but I do see it on the news
when they do that sort of stuff.
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Postby Ljpeterlin » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:41 am

Good morning
I am ready to be moving on...Daytona has been fun, but I have spent too much time here in one spot, and after the race on Sunday, will be ready to get going. Think I am telling Mom I will drop her off Monday at her brother's.
I want to see the shuttle launch, but not anxious to be around huge crowds, and really want to be alone in my RV, just Wrigley and me.
I am thinking about going down to Key West or somewhere fun...then heading back to NC for March 20th Habitat build.
I also want to stop back in Savannah...Mom hurt herself there, and I did not get to see anything other than the CG.

Any suggestions for Florida?

Sorry it is colder, and yes, Sue, dog sitting is nice and will get you some extra money!
LJ Peterlin

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Postby asirimarco » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:27 am

Good Morning to All from the beach at Matanchen, Nayarit, MX - we got here yesterday after almost two months in Mazatlan. If any of you follow Ms Tioga and George blog this is where he spends his winters. Lots of families on the beach already this morning. And lots of seagulls for The Driver to feed. Guess we'll be here about a week - then not sure where we're going south along the beaches or inland.
See the cold is back in the north states - been a rough year. At our place in Indiana it is still warm mid 50s - but raining and raining. UGH
They have a "jungle cruise" here i'm trying to talk Bill into going on - we'll see. San Blas area is known for its jee-jee-nees - tiny biting bugs - but there don't seem to be any here where we are - so far anyway.
Stay warm and travel safe.
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Re: Brrr! It's Saturday!

Postby Bethers » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:44 am

I just split topics and merged topics to get all the right ones together here today! And Laura, after doing all that - you came out as first. Maybe by seconds, as the minutes show the same - but the board knows :)

Sometime today I'll probably get a blog post done with pics from where I'm at this week. Have spent a lot of my time just trying to heal from that fall - as I started doing stretches, etc - just a bit too soon, and my back has been spasming. It didn't stop me from taking the kayak out twice, but did stop me from a third time. Will probably put it away today - as I do want to kayak where I'm going for a few days the beginning of this next week.

Hope everyone has a great day.
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Re: Brrr! It's Saturday!

Postby Ljpeterlin » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:21 am

Oh Beth, I hope you are feeling better.
Sorry to hear you are not 100%.

Sending wishes your way for a speedy recovery!
LJ Peterlin

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Re: Brrr! It's Saturday!

Postby Irmi » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:39 am

Good morning ladies!

It's still morning in MD for 10 more minutes.

It's blowing a gale out with wind gusts up to 60 MPH. The 72 degree temperatures we had yesterday are done and the temperatures before the wind chills are in the low 50's. It's supposed to be only in the 40's tomorrow.

I got my grocery shopping done for the week and bought some food for my parents as well. I'll go to their house tomorrow morning to prepare some meals for them. Then home to watch the first Nascar race of the year. I need to fine tune my figures for my accountant for our meeting Monday afternoon.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their day!
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Re: Brrr! It's Saturday!

Postby Echo » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:42 pm


YUCKY, YUCKY snow outside our door this morning. BLECH! :( :x When I took Shade out at 8:30 it was just rain, great big puddles and not that chilly. But now!! We have probably 1/2" of the stuff. Dang clumps are falling off the tree and it sounds like there's a gremlin doing a stomp dance up there! Dang rotten snow!

Well with the snow on the ground and still coming down there sure wont be anything going on here today. OMG, I am so ready for Spring! Tree buds got me all excited last week and now it's snowing. :cry: I don't know if I can handle all of this fast paced exciting life!!! ~sigh~

OK enough whining, gonna pour myself another cup of coffee and play on the puter! Hope everyone else has a good day and stays safe.

Beth sure hope that ankle gets back up to speed real soon.

Laura! You won and got in the first morning coffee post!! :D

Love to all
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
and now has a truck & travel trailer to live in!
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Re: Brrr! It's Saturday!

Postby mtngal » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:49 pm

Hello from snowy CA! We don't get snow often, maybe once every couple years, and this one was just a dusting, but that didn't stop me from going out at sunrise to take pictures. Tomorrow is a planned day of snow shoeing, I'll see real snow then.

My nephews are building a 'gold' processing plant. They called early this morning wanting to go to the hardware store for an 'o' ring. It seems they are recycling an old pool filter pump. What fun to watch them create these things. Both talk about being engineers. I think they are well on their way! (btw, the got the gold mining idea from their great grandfather).

Beth, I was wondering how your knee was doing, take good care.

Time to head to the hardware store, have a fun day everyone! byeee
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Re: Brrr! It's Saturday!

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:55 pm

Laura, you made it in first anyways! Yay! We need pics of the lake up there! Have fun before the rain moves back in.

Sue, I would go for the dog sitting. Would be a good way to get out of your mind off of the winter blahs until spring.

Kathleen, sorry that woman never showed up. Odd that she didn't even call to cancel. Either she isn't very reliable or something happened to her and she wasn't able to contact you yet.

Ava, your plans sound like my plans for the day. Just have to get off this machine and get busy with stuff around here! :roll: Too chilly and wet to do anything outside today. Finally get a Saturday off, and it rains! Go figure! :roll:

Have a great day everyone!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Brrr! It's Saturday!

Postby Colliemom » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:21 pm

Laura, I'm glad to see you wound up first today. I popped in and nobody had posted, so I thought I would wait and went over to the other site and did a post there. Monkeyed around reading through the different threads and then came back here and still no morning post. So......

Yeah, you folks on the left coast kind of have it rough. Those of use over here are alway up earlier and always ahead of you folks no matter what it is, even voting. Well, tomorrow is church day, so I won't make coffee in the mornng, so it's all yours :D
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Re: Brrr! It's Saturday!

Postby Bethers » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:32 pm

My knees are doing great. My ankle is doing good. My back, the least of the problems at first, is acting up. So I'm having to baby it. It feels so good one day that I start doing my stretches again - and nope, shouldn't have. So am being very very careful. Thanks to those of you who asked. And to those of you who thought about it :)

A lady here gave me the pressure points on my feet that might help my back. One of them is where the one ankle hurts - which might be what's hurting the back more. I massaged all of them yesterday, gently on the one ankle, and whether it's what did it or not, today's the best my back has felt in a week and a half. I'm a big believer in the pressure points - just don't always know which ones are good for where.
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