For some reason I thought of this today and would love to hear which you would choose.
If you HAD to walk 100 miles and had 2 weeks to do it, would you rather walk in 10 degrees below temps or 110 degrees above temps ?? Each night you'd have to put up your tent and cook your food on your little cook stove. You wouldn't have to find food, that'd somehow magically appear each day and you'd have enough water to survive during the day and at night. You'd have the right clothes for either choice.
There may be wind or snow or rain - that would vary, the temperature wouldn't. Not sure if it's warm up or cool down at night - I suppose we can say it would warm up 10 degrees during the cold days and cool down 10 degrees at night during the hot days.
I think I'd choose the heat - I really think I'd give up and just lay down and die in the cold. The cold just seems to emotionally wear me out faster then the heat does.
Hopefully none of us has to do this, but I thought it'd be fun to "talk" about