Well, I was sooooooooo tired last night, I went to bed at 8:30! Slept through until the darned alarm clock went off. Was so tired last night, I forgot to turn it off. Woke up to hear the DJ talking about snow on the ground from last night and snow coming on Tuesday--maybe up to six inches. OMG. There goes school again...
When I look outside this morning, I see a bit of snow has dusted our grass. But it's not much, altho Richmond to the north (22 miles) got 2 inches! When will this winter end? (Yes, I do know it's only the 8th of Jan!!!!) Going down to 18 tonight. and once again, the forecaters can't detemine what's really going to happen on Tuesday. hahahah!
I'm not sure how long I'm up for...I don't think I'm done sleeping yet. I don't have anything to do today--anything that I HAVE to do. So I could conceiveably spend the entire day in my robe and slippers.

I'll get caught up on the reading later... I feel so far behind when I only miss one day. I don't know how some of you manage to keep up with more than one forum. I can barely keep up with this one! Later, Ladies!!!!