Cold and Snow Dusted Morning

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Cold and Snow Dusted Morning

Postby flick4411 » Sat Jan 08, 2011 7:15 am

Good Morning Ladies

Well, I was sooooooooo tired last night, I went to bed at 8:30! Slept through until the darned alarm clock went off. Was so tired last night, I forgot to turn it off. Woke up to hear the DJ talking about snow on the ground from last night and snow coming on Tuesday--maybe up to six inches. OMG. There goes school again...

When I look outside this morning, I see a bit of snow has dusted our grass. But it's not much, altho Richmond to the north (22 miles) got 2 inches! When will this winter end? (Yes, I do know it's only the 8th of Jan!!!!) Going down to 18 tonight. and once again, the forecaters can't detemine what's really going to happen on Tuesday. hahahah!

I'm not sure how long I'm up for...I don't think I'm done sleeping yet. I don't have anything to do today--anything that I HAVE to do. So I could conceiveably spend the entire day in my robe and slippers. :shock: :o

I'll get caught up on the reading later... I feel so far behind when I only miss one day. I don't know how some of you manage to keep up with more than one forum. I can barely keep up with this one! Later, Ladies!!!! :D

Li Lammert
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Re: Cold and Snow Dusted Morning

Postby Colliemom » Sat Jan 08, 2011 7:33 am

Morning all,

Rather frigid out there this morning. A whopping 2 degrees. And a nice dump of what looks like about 6 inches of light fluffy snow to go with it. Been snowing since Wednesday night, but not steady. Winding down here today as the wind shifts. So I wlll be out for about 3 hours with the blower and shovel, cleaning up the drives and deck, porch etc. for both myself and my neighbor. Been almost 3 weeks since I have done any snow removal around here. Unusual for this area this time of year.

Breakfast was poached eggs and sausage topped off by a bowl of strawberries. No coffee for me this morning. Anybody wants to stop in, I will brew up a pot.

Other than that, I don't have much on my plate today. Maybe do some work on my scrapbook again, take the dogs for a walk later on and just kind of putter around here. Except for painting a door frame, my list of to do's around the house here is finished. Well, I do plan to get into some wall washing and curtain washing. Makes everything smell so good.

Had a nice lunch with my friend yesterday. We try to get together every once in awhile as she runs a busy schedule including two days a week of taking care of her litle grandson. She's also active with Rotary and has been very involved with the community over the years. Both she and her husband have gotten all kinds of awards for their civic work over the years. Very outstanding people.

While we were sitting there, it started to snow and then really started coming down. Big fat flakes and was piling up pretty fast. A band of heavy lake effect snow. And it kept coming down too, even after we left and headed for home. Was actually hard to see too far ahead to drive. Had there been any wind, it would have been white out conditions easily. I made one quick stop and then hit the road, running out of that band as I came south toward home. I was even able to stop by my co workers for about an hour and pick up my eggs on the way home, cause it wasn't doing anything down this way. Typical of lake effect. Found out later in the evenng that Gaylord had almost 9 inches of snow yesterday, so I guess that snow just kept on cranking it out. We had snow showers here, but not like that.

Li, sounds like you are getting a case of cabin fever. Get your camera and bundle yourself up and take a walk. Even with two inches of snow, you will be surprised at what you might see and some of us would enjoy seeing what "winter" looks like in other parts of the country. As I type this, dawn is beginning to break and from what I can see, it looks like a winter fairy land out there. Every twig, branch and tree covered with snow and a clear sky to boot. Shaping up to be a beautiful picture taking day I think.

So, once the day lightens up more, I will get my duds on and head out to snow removal duty. Hope you all have a great day in whatever endeavors you get into.
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Re: Cold and Snow Dusted Morning

Postby avalen » Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:36 am

good morning ladies
miss one day and there's so much to get caught up on! It was a really long day for me, was
suppose to get off at 8:30 but one of the other drivers supposedly broke a tooth during
his dinner break and was in a whole lot of pain and they asked me if I could stay longer
so they could send him home. I finally got clocked out at 10:20, I was so tired and it wasn't
even a busy night.
Will spend the morning getting chores done that got neglected during the week and hopefully
find a little time for myself and the dogs before I go to work for the evening. I absolutely
have to clean out my car, its looking like some homeless person has taken up residence
in it. Its very embarrassing to me so thats on the chore list for sure.
Coffee is calling my name. Enjoy your day and be safe.
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Re: Cold and Snow Dusted Morning

Postby asirimarco » Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:04 am

Good Morning to All
I see it is 10 degrees and been snowing again back home in Indiana - Here in Mazatlan it is foggy and dreary again. Probably in the low 60s. Hope the sun pops out pretty soon. Have to laugh - there is a couple out walking their dog. He has on long pants and a heavy coat - she is wearing shorts and sleevless shirt - love those "warm later years of life" The Driver says I have my own endless summer now.
My ears are still plugged and my voice Minnie Mouse sounding but feel pretty good - BUT I heard The Driver sniffing and snorting - sure hope he hasn't caught it.
Went out to have laundry done yesterday - love that - take in a dirty basket and get everything back all nice and clean and folded AND IRONED! Iron - now that is a four letter word.
Also bought a bunch of movie DVDs - About US $5 each - We have to be sure to check that they say list English as one of the languages.
All of you in the snowy areas - be careful driving.
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Re: Cold and Snow Dusted Morning

Postby Redetotry » Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:17 am

It is 17 here and we also have a dusting of snow. Sure hope we don't get more. Sue, you don't seem to mind the cold and snow but I shiver just thinking about you going outside for 3 hours of snow removal. Ava sounds as though you are enjoying your new job. Carol, I hope The Driver doesn't catch your cold, give him some extra vitamin C.
Not much on my agenda today except yoga class which I love and wish I could go every day, but two classes a week is all they offer in the type (easy) of yoga I do.
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Re: Cold and Snow Dusted Morning

Postby Forestgal » Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:16 am

Greetings from the Left Coast. :)

It's going to be a cold -- for us -- day, not getting above 60. They've said that the La Nina effect causes us to be drier and colder. Well, the colder is for sure, but right now we're about 15" above our average normal rainfall, thanks to December's monsoons. It won't last, though, and before June we'll probably be running a deficit.

My thumb has sealed itself up nicely with only one spot where the skin was torn off. So I think I'll live. :roll: I was going to work in the yard, but think I'll wait another week before getting my hands that dirty. Even with gloves on I seem to come in with yucky hands. Not sure what I'll do today, but will have to make myself scarce for a few hours as my cleaning lady (bless her heart!) comes today. I'm going to enjoy her magic as long as I can, because when I retire I know that'll be one luxury that I forego.

So I'd better get myself dressed and the dishes in the sink dealt with before she gets here. Have a great day everyone!

Laura -- and Jed

Re: Cold and Snow Dusted Morning

Postby Nasoosie » Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:17 am


The sun is shining and it's in the 70s here! I am in shorts and a T-shirt outside in January! The wind has just picked up considerably, however, which makes it a bit cooler. Melissa's parents and grandmother and their guide dog, Fallon, are here, so Fallon and Molly are having a great time chasing each other and balls around the huge yard!

Just checking in, and will get off now to go outside and walk with everyone. Hope everyone has a fun day doing something that will make you smile!
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Re: Cold and Snow Dusted Morning

Postby Acadianmom » Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:35 am

It's almost 60 here and sunny. The weather people are predicting that tomorrow night North Louisiana might get snow but it won't get to the South. I sure hope they are right that it won't come South. They can't make up their minds how cold it will be here. One day they say 27 and today they are saying 31. When my boys were little if we got enough snow to play in everything they owned would be wet in an hour from them going out, getting cold, coming in and changing clothes and going back out. We don't have the clothes for really cold weather.

Ava, it's a good thing I don't embarrass easily because my van always looks like a homeless person is living in it. It was a running joke when I worked that if we decided to cook lunch there would be something in my vehicle that we could use.

I want to go to town and my DH has decided he wants to give the calves a shot. We couldn't have done this yesterday when I wasn't doing anything. Now we have to wait for a neighbor to show up to help us. Grrrrrrrrrr Farm livin that's the life for me. My boys would get mad when I would sing that song from Green Acres. My oldest was studying the economics of raising cattle and said it didn't look like you could make any money. DUH Unless you have a large operation the only people that have cows today like cows. That doesn't include me, they're a PIA.

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Re: Cold and Snow Dusted Morning

Postby bluepinecones » Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:51 am

Good Morning All
Most people around here busy with prep for "major winter storm event" forecast to begin Sunday afternoon. Hard to believe we will get another round of this. Forecasters not sure if we will get mostly snow (up to 8 inches possible - a record if it happens) or ice (1 to 3 inches). No matter which, it will cripple things in this southern city. Not forecast to get back to even 40 degrees before next Friday so whatever we get will hang around all week. I'm hoping for just snow as it is a little less likely to cause major power outages. I can handle staying put as long as power keeps working and there is no shortage of things I need to be doing around the house. About the only prep I have left to do is pick up some extra batteries and fill van with gas (not planning to go out once the nasty stuff starts but am more comfortable with idea of full tank).
Perhaps one of you more accustom to dealing with cold conditions can help with another issue. How do you keep your feet warm without making them sweat which in turn makes them feel colder? My feet have been freezing all week trying to work in garage on cold, damp concrete.
Wishing all a great day.
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Re: Cold and Snow Dusted Morning

Postby mitch5252 » Sat Jan 08, 2011 12:02 pm

bluepinecones wrote:How do you keep your feet warm without making them sweat which in turn makes them feel colder? My feet have been freezing all week trying to work in garage on cold, damp concrete.

Wrap 'em up in a fluffy down blanket, prop 'em up on the footstool, turn on the tv and enjoy. Tootsies should be warm in no time, and the work in the garage will be there when the temps warm up!

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Re: Cold and Snow Dusted Morning

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat Jan 08, 2011 12:36 pm

I am SO excited this morning!!! I just saw my missing cat!! I was looking outside earlier at the fog and saw a kitty sitting on the 6 ft wall that surrounds our complex, and when I put on my glasses, realized it was her! I brought out a dish of food and left it near the wall, and eventually she came down and started eating. I tried walking toward her but she ran under some bushes until I left. Then she came back out to finish eating. I watched her from my apartment window for about 20 minutes before she jumped up on the wall and jumped down the other side. She looks healthy (obviously is, since she can jump a 6 foot wall!), so I am very happy about that! I took lots of pictures of her. It looks like she still has the pink plastic collar on her that they put on her at the shelter. She is so fluffy, it was kind of hard to tell, but I thought I saw a flash of pink under her fur. I will keep putting food out there for her and hopefully, eventually, I can live trap her.

My intestinal stuff is back this morning :roll: . Took a couple of Immodium, so I can go to my Reiki meet-up soon. May have to postpone the hike I was planning to go on later, tho. Will see how I feel...
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Cold and Snow Dusted Morning

Postby Echo » Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:10 pm


Still a little chilly outside this morning but the sun is shining brightly and the weather website says it's suppose to be 40 maybe low 40's today. I can handle that for sure.

No sooner got done posting to the morning coffee room and the power here in the back row where we are went out. And the internet went out too. Called the camp ground manager and let her know, she was on her way to St George, said that she would call Brent. Well before he got back from where ever he had gone to the power came back on but no internet! And the internet is still out. :x :x :x I'm using the Sprint internet stick at the moment. Don't get a real good signal here and of course only one of us can be on at a time. Don't have the fancy modem type stick. Camp ground manager still isn't home so she must have spent the night in St George. Gonna ask Brent if he has a key to the inner office so that maybe we can get in to reset the modem. Pain in the patoot not having that wifi up and running.

Ice and snow here is slowly melting off. But boy oh boy!!! Talk about some mud and muck!! Even Shade at only about 5lbs is leaving foot prints 1/2" deep where she's walking. I am gonna go out and dump the black tank before it warms up to much and turns the ground out there all to mud. Right now it's still good and hard. Better kneeling on the hard stuff than sinking out of sight in the mud. Will end up needing to replace the section of piping that has the dump valves in it. The tabs on the pull for the black tank broke off at whatever point so for me to dump it I have to use my pliers and it's ? stiff enough that i have to twist and turn the handle/rod to get it all the way out. Then to get it back in I have to hammer it with the palm of my hand. Double pain in the patoot! The piping is already screwed up and there's duct tape on it so I'm really afraid that it will break completely. Thank goodness for now that it's only the pipe for the gray tank and not the black!!! That would NOT be kool to have that break all the way while dumping! EWWWWWWWWWWW

OK, gonna go and do some catching up on the postings from yesterday. With not being able to do that after posting yesterday I know that it will take me a while! Hope ya'll have a good Saturday and be sure to stay safe!

Love to all
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
and now has a truck & travel trailer to live in!
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Re: Cold and Snow Dusted Morning

Postby avalen » Sat Jan 08, 2011 3:32 pm

bluepinecones wrote: How do you keep your feet warm without making them sweat which in turn makes them feel colder? My feet have been freezing all week trying to work in garage on cold, damp concrete.
Wishing all a great day.

I remember that real well, it was the biggest problem I had back in Colorado, my solution..
I moved to Arizona :lol:
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Re: Cold and Snow Dusted Morning

Postby Carolinagal » Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:19 pm

Got a good laugh out of your response, Ava, to Sarah !! Only, Haven't I read some posts on how cold its been there? :o :roll

So glad your jobs are working out so well for you, so far, Ava. You'll be back on your feet financially in no time. You are one woman with a lot of gumption, so you will always come out on top, or know why not !!!! You go girl !!!

Hope everyone has had a nice day today, and stayed safe. Sarah, that storm is headed this way too, canceled my dr. app. for Monday as roads are expected to be baddddd. Schools have already announced they're closed. Means this gal doesn't get out on those mountain roads, either.

Echo, hang in there, you'll get things all good soon. One thing winter does NOT last forever, just seems like that sometimes, then you can really get things done up right. You didn't have much time to do much after getting that trailer to do the maintenance after it had set for awhile as you should have. At least this way, you know exactly what has to be done. I'm sorry that you have ended up with more then expected. But Spring will come and you are one very strong person, Hope you got the internet back.

Sue, loved your winter walk pictures, Maggie and I, would love to have been there, lovely countryside.

Li, hope you took a good rest day for yourself and enjoyed a good book.

With the weather as it is everywhere, stay dry, warm and most of all SAFE.
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Re: Cold and Snow Dusted Morning

Postby dayspring39 » Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:36 pm

Good Evening Ladies,
I got back from Ocala Walmart about an hour ago... am all hooked up again... but there are more things to take care of... I got my hair cut but had to wait an hour and a half last night for my name to come up... made for a long long sit... got a few things after that and then went to bed... last night I ate at Steak and Shake was in the parking lot so was an easy choice... this morning a friend came and took me to breakfast... we gabbed for 2 hours... it was a nice break...
I have my appointment to get the extended stay installed on Monday... oh yes I did get a small vacuum with a brush that goes round and round... ha ha ha that will help keep the endless fur under control I hope... I am having mashed potatoes (Bob Evans original) and tyson ham with gravy for dinner... I have oodles of fresh vegies also... what a treat...
Sarah if you find a way to keep your feet warm let me know... when it gets cold mine freeze... burrrr...
Have not read many of the posts but wanted to leave a note...
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