to check on her diarrhea issue. Took in a sample too! No girardia or other
parasites but over abundance of the wrong bacteria in her colon. He gave
it a name but my crs didn't latch on to it, but he said think in terms of
colitis. That word I know. Got a bottle of metronidazonol benzoate and he
said give her a tablespoon of activia and a sprinkle of metamucil on her
food. He also trimmed her nails, she needed it badly! (Linda knows) and
also looked at a bump on her temple that he stuck a needle in it and then
took it out. It was just a cyst like a hard pimply whitehead only bigger.
With all of that, they only charged me 37.50. Love it when the vets under-
stand a failing budget and still know the need for medical care. They put
it in the computer as a recheck cause it would be cheaper for me.

After she gets all healthy again, she will go in for some work on her teeth.
She needs that too. But they will have to knock her out for that cause she
gets so stressed out at the vets office she pees all over them. We also
have to put a teeny tiny muzzle on her.