Gracie saw the doc today

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Gracie saw the doc today

Postby avalen » Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:35 pm

Finally a little money left on the budget that I could get Gracie to the vet
to check on her diarrhea issue. Took in a sample too! No girardia or other
parasites but over abundance of the wrong bacteria in her colon. He gave
it a name but my crs didn't latch on to it, but he said think in terms of
colitis. That word I know. Got a bottle of metronidazonol benzoate and he
said give her a tablespoon of activia and a sprinkle of metamucil on her
food. He also trimmed her nails, she needed it badly! (Linda knows) and
also looked at a bump on her temple that he stuck a needle in it and then
took it out. It was just a cyst like a hard pimply whitehead only bigger.
With all of that, they only charged me 37.50. Love it when the vets under-
stand a failing budget and still know the need for medical care. They put
it in the computer as a recheck cause it would be cheaper for me. :D
After she gets all healthy again, she will go in for some work on her teeth.
She needs that too. But they will have to knock her out for that cause she
gets so stressed out at the vets office she pees all over them. We also
have to put a teeny tiny muzzle on her.
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Re: Gracie saw the doc today

Postby VickieP » Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:38 pm

Ava, I'm glad you were able to get Gracie to the vet today and now she's on her way to healing.
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Re: Gracie saw the doc today

Postby mitch5252 » Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:45 pm

Glad you got Gracie taken care of!
Must make you feel good to know she's gonna get better now!

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Re: Gracie saw the doc today

Postby flick4411 » Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:45 pm


So glad that Gracie is on the mend. There is always such stress taking the babies to the doc. That was a number of things all going on at once in that dear babe. The Kuwaiti kitty needs a teeny muzzle too when she gets her nails cut. I cut the other girls myself, but Habibi won't tolerate it from me.

Here's hoping Gracie gets better soon. How old is she? (((hugs for Gracie and her mom)))

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Re: Gracie saw the doc today

Postby avalen » Mon Dec 27, 2010 7:31 pm

flick4411 wrote:Ava

So glad that Gracie is on the mend. There is always such stress taking the babies to the doc. That was a number of things all going on at once in that dear babe. The Kuwaiti kitty needs a teeny muzzle too when she gets her nails cut. I cut the other girls myself, but Habibi won't tolerate it from me.

Here's hoping Gracie gets better soon. How old is she? (((hugs for Gracie and her mom)))

She'll be 5 years old in April! where did the time go?
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Re: Gracie saw the doc today

Postby retiredhappy » Mon Dec 27, 2010 7:59 pm

Glad Gracie is on the mend. I think I posted before that Sophie has to be knocked out to get her nails cut. Don't know what her history is but the first time it took 3 vet techs to hold her down and I decided that was way too stressful. It costs me more but I can just eat less. Right? As my vet said, they don't put her all the way out, just till her eyes cross and she quits fighting.
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Re: Gracie saw the doc today

Postby OutandAbout » Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:25 pm

I'm glad that Gracie is on the mend. Hugs to her. Linda
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Re: Gracie saw the doc today

Postby Bethers » Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:47 pm

So glad that Gracie can start feeling better now. Probably was all brought on by the stress her Mommy is under. They do recognize that, ya know. So glad you got this 2nd job and everything can work itself out for you. Give Gracie a hug from Peaches and me.
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Re: Gracie saw the doc today

Postby mtngal » Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:55 pm

Good news Ava, I bet that's a load off your mind. ((((hugs))))
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Re: Gracie saw the doc today

Postby Barbzeee » Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:04 pm


Glad to hear Gracie is doing ok.. and that you got a good Vet that cares not only about his patients but their owner..

I found a good one here too... and I'm crossing my fingers...

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Re: Gracie saw the doc today

Postby Nasoosie » Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:22 pm

Thanks for the update on Gracie, Ava. What a great vet you have!

Colitis can be a pain to clear up, but at least you now know what you are dealing with....way less stress!

Hugs to you and Gracie
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Re: Gracie saw the doc today

Postby bluepinecones » Thu Dec 30, 2010 12:28 am

So glad you let us know Gracie is getting better now. Nicky sends her a big get well soon lick.
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Re: Gracie saw the doc today

Postby bikerchic777 » Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:47 am

So glad Gracie got to go to the vet and she is getting what she needs to get well...and I'm especially happy she got those nails clipped before she got entered in the Guinness Book of World Records :lol: I'm sure she feels like dancing now :D Sure wish I could get vet care at that price :shock:
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Re: Gracie saw the doc today

Postby avalen » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:37 am

Gracie's system seems to be back to normal, I didn't buy the Activia and Metamucil, but
opted for Yoplaits version called Yo-plus, its the same as Activia with Metamucil added
in it, so one product, and made it cheaper on my budget. She gets a big dollip everyday
and so does Pixie, course they just love it and clean the dish right up. Now I'm looking
forward to some nice weather so we can go out walking. Suppose to be in the 50's over
the weekend and then next week up into the 60's. :D
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Re: Gracie saw the doc today

Postby bikerchic777 » Sat Jan 01, 2011 1:57 pm

So glad Gracie is feeling better ;)
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