Foggy Morning in McIntosh

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Foggy Morning in McIntosh

Postby dayspring39 » Thu Dec 23, 2010 7:44 am

Good Morning everyone... coffee is on and it is good... no cookies but one donut left here come and get it...
I got up early this morning... have to clean a bit and if it gets warm enough will scrape and sand my steps getting them ready for a coat of white paint... I left them outside this summer and the sun did a number on them... :roll: this was not good with my daughter Margie... oops my bad...
I have had so much given to me that I did not have to make any sweets here... and I think Christmas will be the same... I am looking forward to getting together and hopefully play some games with people...
I trust you have all your preparations ready for the big day...
take care everyone and drive safe if you are on the road... if home enjoy your day
Kathleen or Kathy

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Re: Foggy Morning in McIntosh

Postby avalen » Thu Dec 23, 2010 8:01 am

Good morning ladies
first real people workday went great, and very interesting as well. Will be more of the
same today. The girls fared well in my absence, had made arrangements for Mr HP
to feed them their dinner and I see they left just a few kibbles so I know they ate, but
soon as I walked in the bedroom they ran over and ate the rest of it. Funny dogs.
We had just a good rain, nothing alarming but I have yet to view my weather site
to see what today will bring.
Will take care of a few errands this morning and then get on with the work day.
Everyone stay dry and hopefully warm and be safe.
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Re: Foggy Morning in McIntosh

Postby AlmostThere » Thu Dec 23, 2010 8:30 am


Today is a "down" day for me and my family. We are all exhausted and need a day to just veg. Hopefully my DS/DIL will fly back in time for this evenings Christmas service at church. It would be wonderful to have both my whole family together for that.

Right now the weather here is typical for our area. No rain for two days, but we know it's coming yet again as that's the norm for our winter.

Ava, glad your new job is going well and Mr HP is feeding your babies. When I leave my dog along for long periods of time he doesn't eat much. After I'm home for a few minutes he then gobbles his kibble.

Wishing anyone traveling a safe journey. Looks like the Midwest is getting some messy weather.
Have a blessed day!
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Re: Foggy Morning in McIntosh

Postby Colliemom » Thu Dec 23, 2010 8:33 am

Good Morning Kathleen,

You certainly are up bright and early this mornng even if the weather isn't too bright. It is cloudy here, but otherwise not bad. Clouds are a normal anyway. They were just saying the other day, that Washington and Michigan are the two top states in the country for the most cloudy days. Our long range forecast doesn't show anything much happening in the way of weather problems, maybe some lite snow showers here and there, but nothing to be bothered with. Next week is show a bit of a warm up into the mid 30's one day and most of the week will be upper 20's to mid 30's. Sounds cold I know, but it actually isn't that bad.

Not sure what will be happening around here today. Was thinking of baking myself some butter cookies as they have been a tradition here for Christmas seems like my whole life. Will only make one batch as I'm the only one eatng them and I don't want to add to my weight gain anymore. Need to pick up a few little things for my dinner tomorrow night and Christmas Day, but will do that tomorrow morning. They will roll in the last of the rugs around 6 in town. Close up tight for the holiday. Want to get my hair cut today too. Getting a bit shaggy here.

One of the ladies on ORS, mentioned yesterday about missing all the familiar Christmas things she used to do and got me to thinking about that too. This time of year we can't help but think of those that are gone now and the "way it used to be" when they were here. Came up with the conclusion that being alone at Christmas is not so much a matter of feeling sorry for one's self cause you are alone. It's the rememberances. You long for the days when your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters etc. and the familiar traditions. When I grew up, we had Christmas at home. Dad always built a fire in our fireplace. It was special. We opened gifts. Then we went to church if we didn't go to midnight mass. After that it was off to grandparents and friends for the dayto visit and see what verybody got. Christmas Eve was always with aunts, uncles, cousins etc. We rotated dinners among each other for Christmas and Thanksgiving. Once we moved up here though, my one aunt and uncle moved next door, so we were a smaller bunch then, but we still got togethr at Christmas. My uncles sister was across the lake and they would come too. We would take "chrstmas" walks on the road after dinner and just enjoy the snow and being here. Now of course everybody's gone. So those day's are over. And even if well meaning friends etc. invite you over so you won't be alone, you are still "alone" cause it's not the same.

Enough remeniscing. Time to get this day going. Have a great day everyone. And MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all.

And Barbee, you take care. I don't like the sounds of that water rising near you. And everyone else impacted by all the rains,be safe. And up here in Northern iMchigan, a few families have lost their homes to fires. So many people impacted just days before Christmas. So sad.
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Re: Foggy Morning in McIntosh

Postby mtngal » Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:32 am

Good morning travel pals! although, I think most of us are settled in for the next few days anyway, except maybe Ali!

My 'to do' list was growing this morning to the point where I just crossed off HALF to be saved for next week. I intended to drain tanks and run the generator today, but that can wait until AFTER the crazy holiday week-end. Today, I'm going to the shops to do some last minute errands and just enjoy the holiday fun. Maybe I'll even go to the mall!?!?

It's a bit cooler here, but still no rain. Seems like when an El Nina hits the west, it causes dry conditions here. Not a drop of rain for 40 days.

I have one more half off coupon for a night at a Texas State Park, but must stay TWO nights to use it. Don't think I can swing that before the end of the year.

My DGD was asking for a Xmas tree 'her' size last night. They have a BIG tree all ready. Where to draw the line? I think her Mom said no. :)

Waiting to hear how Echo and Kelly are doing today. S CA finally looks to be drying out. Good to have a break!

Byee all
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Re: Foggy Morning in McIntosh

Postby flick4411 » Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:13 am

Good Morning Ladies

It's clear and cold here in central VA. Looks nice outside cuz it's so sunny, but there's a stiff wind which makes it really really cold if you are out in it for long. Which I don't plan to be...hahahhaha!

Glad to see that the weather in SoCal has abated a little. Would love to see pictures of the "LA River" as it must be nearly full. For those of you not from LA, the "River" is really a series of huge cement encased deep "gutters" leading water from the inland areas out to the sea. Normally, there is a little stream in the middle of the bottom. But in times like this, the water collects and does become a deep, fast running river. Inevitably some ijit decides to go rafting or tubing on the river and get into trouble. Hopefully, that hasn't happened this time. Causes the first responders to spend time rescuing the ijit instead helping those who are truly in need.

Looks like that big storm is going to bring us some snow, but no one can really say how much snow. Luckily, I don't have to go anywhere after Saturday.

I, too, have a long to-do list. Unfortunately, I also got a great book from my friends up north. It's called "The Help" and is about the lives of Black domestic help in Mississippi during the height of the civil rights upheaval in the 60s. It's really engaging...started it at the Toyota dealership while waiting for the RAV to get her 30K checkup. I was up until 1 a.m. this morning reading...I didn't want to quit, but had to prop my eyes open to see! :o :shock: Unfortutnately, the to-do list is going by the wayside until the book is finished. Maybe I'll multitask and put the laundry in and read in between loads...that way I'll feel like I've accomplished sum'thin!

Stay warm, stay dry, and have a wonderful day, Ladies!

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Re: Foggy Morning in McIntosh

Postby Echo » Thu Dec 23, 2010 1:00 pm


YAY! I made it in here and it's still morning. :lol: Quiet here other that the truck out dumping the trash dumpster. We have not washed away yet here. Last night after supper was outside talking to Jodi while she was moving a couple of buckets of gravel from her walk way to over where she is now parking her truck so that she can walk/step on the gravel at her drivers door. Because of all the mud on the incline where she usually parks she is rather afraid to park there now. While backing out to go to work she slide and thought she was gonna whack the tree. She had already asked the neighbor behind her truck if he could pull up a little more cause she came close to his truck one morning. The rain we've had has almost flattened out the ruts in her usual parking spot. The camp park manager has taped/roped off the whole center section so that no one goes in there as it's a lower area and is nothing but a mire right now. One of the pickup sized county trucks got stuck in there the other day and had to call in to get a tow truck. Last night some nut in a small silver car I didn't recognize was buzzing thru and around the road in here and got buried in the muck. Why in heck he went into that area I don't know? Only thing that you could really get to was the dumpsters unless he got playing around. Wonder how he got out and what it cost him??? As of yet this morning I have NOT seen it rain. Shade and I have been outside twice and there was no rain. WOW, that's over an hour of no rain. :lol: :lol: Thermometer on the picnic table says it's about 38f and they are calling for snow showers. Hmmmm? Maybe the rain is done and the snow 'is' coming? But tomorrow is suppose to be clean and sunny! :o :D I can barely wait!!!

Didn't mess with the truck yesterday at all. The rain was still falling and Jodi says I'm in denial. Yeah I probably am as I just don't want to face the idea of the truck not running and trying to get it fixed!!! But today I will have to give it a shot and see what happens, we need to run to the store as the meat type groceries are super low. If it wont run I have asked Jodi if she will take me to the store and she said yes. Whew...

Other than that nothing much at all is going on, such is our exciting life. :lol: OK, gonna go read any new postings to catch up with everyone. Hope ya'll are staying safe and that you have a good day.

Love to all
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
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Re: Foggy Morning in McIntosh

Postby kdmac » Thu Dec 23, 2010 1:53 pm

Morning All! I wrote a post this morning, sent it and it seemed to go into the world of cyber-somewhere. I was in a hurry when I did it trying to beat the storm that is coming. I just made it. Went outside to batten down anything unbatttened. I recranked my jacks and did a walk-around. Winds of 50 mph are coming for the next two days then subsiding. I got done before the rain now falling and the trees are starting to dance. Yesterday was such a lovely day, I will post photos, I hope you don't mind ocean photos and more ocean photos with maybe a few more ocean photos.

Colliemom: I too am alone at Christmas and I am telling myself it is just another day...and that Christmas Day is for children. I plan to give my inner child a nice drive somewhere that day. The memories of such generous parents with Christmas mornings of presents "put out by Santa at night" that spread across the entire living room, truly amazing. A wonderful childhood with the greatest parents back in the day. I've been watching the childeren I have seen in the last few days with their Christmas excitement. It sure is a time for the children..... Do have a joyful, contented Christmas Day.

When I look back over the years the innocence and magic of childhood were the best years of my life, I pray for all the children who don't have that. I think that's what I will do the first thing I wake up Christmas morning is pray for all the little ones that aren't having it so good.

A Merry Christmas to all of you and most especially the gals that are alone; be strong and do a little special thing that gives you joy.
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Re: Foggy Morning in McIntosh

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Dec 23, 2010 2:02 pm

Woke up to clear skies, sunshine and quiet! (except for the birds which are happily singing this morning!) YAY!!! It's finally over! Whew!

Walked down to the canal this morning and it has come down some, and the poor trees are all bent over from the force of the water. There are a bunch of white cranes (or egrets? Not sure which?) and seagulls and other birds down there hanging out on the tree tops. Took some photos of them. Will check out the beach later on and see how that looks. Still a ton of water flowing into the lake. Have posted a few photos on my blog and will post more tonight.

Need to go to the library today and then will probably spend the day just hanging out with the cat and reading. Sophie is bonding more with me now and is getting really sweet and affectionate. Took her awhile to really trust me and feel comfortable with me. She still slinks around the apartment tho, expecting something to jump out at her! So funny to watch!

Sounds like everyone is getting set for the Christmas weekend. I hope this storm system we just had, doesn't cause too much trouble as it moves across the country, for the holidays!

Echo, I hope your truck doesn't need too much repair to get running again! And now maybe you can get those leaks fixed on the roof!

Flick, that book you are reading, there is a thread on that in the "Books" forum you might want to check out.

Ava, glad to hear your new job is going well!

Sue, our Christmas's have changed alot over the years too. When my mom was alive and still living on her own, she would still make a huge stocking for me. In fact, she would have so much stuff to put in it, she would attach a smaller stocking (piggyback) to it with more stuff in it! Each little thing was individually wrapped in tissue paper. I so looked forward to opening it all up on Christmas morning! I sure miss those days!!! Since she passed 3 and a half years ago, Christmas just hasn't been the same. Just not fun and exciting like it used to be. That is why I don't feel like I am missing anything this year by being out here alone. Now I can start my own tradition (hanging out on the beach!)!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Foggy Morning in McIntosh

Postby Nasoosie » Thu Dec 23, 2010 2:36 pm


I spent last night at Goog's and Melissa's house, in the trailer, and had left my computer here. We had a fun time playing cribbage, wandering in the yard, playing with Molly, and trying out the trailer's sleeping quarters for a campout next weekend, in a campground on a lake not too far south of where they live. I can't remember tha name of the place, but Goog said he'd be happy to help me hitch and pack, and he can back into whatever campsite we might find. I am hoping for nice weather, although this coming week is supposed to be freezing once again. I am looking forward to camping!

They are on their way to Tampa now, to Melissa's parents' house. Her 98-year-old grandmother will be there, too, so it should be a fun family time. I will be missing my family this year, for sure, but at least I get to see some of them, both before and after Christmas. Sue you are so right about its not being alone, but reminiscing about past Christmases filled with family, that makes one feel melancholy. My brother said he will call me on Christmas Eve so we can play "Mary's Boy Child" by Harry Belafonte and have a good cry together. That was my mother's favorite Christmas song of all time. He is as sentimental about Christmas as I am.

It was another sunny, albeit a tad cool, day out there. Molly got a good running time in before we headed back here to hunker down and head to bed early tonight. We three stayed up until nearly dawn this morning!

I hope the weather is easing up all over the country for this holiday weekend. I still need to go find a croquet set tomorow!

Happy Thursday to all.
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Re: Foggy Morning in McIntosh

Postby Bethers » Thu Dec 23, 2010 4:57 pm

About traditions - I've learned over the years - that we continually make new ones, while having memories (hopefully good) of old ones. Nothing stays the same. I remember my family lived too far (today it would be a hop/skip/jump for us to see our grandparents most Christmas' - which meant my mom and dad started new traditions with us. So, they must have missed the ones they were used to. And as we grew, and my sis and bro married and had children, how we celebrated changed again. From the time I was a junior in hs I started working holidays - and that changed things also. I elected to miss our family Christmas the first year after college to stay with the girls in the care center I worked who were all missing completely their families. I remember getting to my mom's and everyone that had come and was staying were sound asleep. The presents under the tree, all unwrapped, except for mine. I sat there by myself and opened my presents - and started to feel sorry for myself, then remembered why I did it, and knew I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Those kids were so sad and alone - for many reasons, while I had so much. In my relationships, especially with my ex and his family, we were in the midst of entirely new-to-me traditions again. His family being Italian had traditions beyond traditions :) Today, I'm thankful for the peace and quiet I can have to reflect and realize how lucky I am to have the life I have. And to be healthy to live it.

That said, this will be a sad Christmas for me - not so much for me, but for Jean and her family and friends. For those of you who know Sparkle (newbies, you won't remember her) - her cancer is now Stage 4 and she's in the hospital. She receiving radiation to the new tumor, but not to stop the cancer now, but to hopefully help control the pain. There is cancer also, it's believed, in other areas. It went from "under control" to totally out-of-control in a flash. I'm glad I'm here - if only to be a friend at this point.

Tomorrow, if all goes well - I'll do laundry! ha - my priorities :)
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Re: Foggy Morning in McIntosh

Postby pattyk » Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:23 pm

So sorry to hear about Sparkle being in the hospital. She is so lucky to have you as a friend, Beth.
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Re: Foggy Morning in McIntosh

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Dec 23, 2010 7:45 pm

You're right Beth, nothing stays the same. Can't go back and relive the old times, except in our minds. Need to create new "traditions", experiences and memories to look back on in later years. I think many years ago, it was easier to keep long-time traditions going because people didn't move around so much and their lives didn't change so much, and families stayed and stuck together more than they do now.

So sorry to hear about Jean :( . Hope her spirits stay up thru the holidays. She is one tough woman! Will keep her in my thoughts and prayers. You have truly been a saint for her!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Foggy Morning in McIntosh

Postby dayspring39 » Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:10 am

Life is so hard at times... my prayers are with you (Beth) and Sparkle (Jean) as she faces the last few days on earth... she has fought a good fight and it is time for her to have her rest...
Kathleen or Kathy

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Re: Foggy Morning in McIntosh

Postby Echo » Fri Dec 24, 2010 1:09 pm

I'm sitting here in tears as I finished reading your post. I and know the others had such hopes....

Please tell Jean that we send our love and prayers for her but probably not a good idea to send a hug ( ;) ).

But am sending many, many {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}} to you!!!

Maybe you can talk her into letting you share one of them with her?
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
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