Good Morning Ladies
It's clear and cold here in central VA. Looks nice outside cuz it's so sunny, but there's a stiff wind which makes it really really cold if you are out in it for long. Which I don't plan to be...hahahhaha!
Glad to see that the weather in SoCal has abated a little. Would love to see pictures of the "LA River" as it must be nearly full. For those of you not from LA, the "River" is really a series of huge cement encased deep "gutters" leading water from the inland areas out to the sea. Normally, there is a little stream in the middle of the bottom. But in times like this, the water collects and does become a deep, fast running river. Inevitably some ijit decides to go rafting or tubing on the river and get into trouble. Hopefully, that hasn't happened this time. Causes the first responders to spend time rescuing the ijit instead helping those who are truly in need.
Looks like that big storm is going to bring us some snow, but no one can really say how much snow. Luckily, I don't have to go anywhere after Saturday.
I, too, have a long to-do list. Unfortunately, I also got a great book from my friends up north. It's called "The Help" and is about the lives of Black domestic help in Mississippi during the height of the civil rights upheaval in the 60s. It's really engaging...started it at the Toyota dealership while waiting for the RAV to get her 30K checkup. I was up until 1 a.m. this morning reading...I didn't want to quit, but had to prop my eyes open to see!

Unfortutnately, the to-do list is going by the wayside until the book is finished. Maybe I'll multitask and put the laundry in and read in between loads...that way I'll feel like I've accomplished sum'thin!
Stay warm, stay dry, and have a wonderful day, Ladies!