Cold, Rainy Sunday

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Cold, Rainy Sunday

Postby flick4411 » Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:11 am

Good Morning Ladies

Well, I was so exhaused and brain dead last night,I went to bed at 10:30 on a Saturday night! That NEVER happens. Significant emotional event bringing Foo Foo home, I guess. And now I'm up at 0700 on a Sunday, also never happens. :shock: Not sure if I'm actually up for the duration. It is cold outside and very rainy. But that's way better than you ladies up in the north. Please be safe and keep yourselves warm. It looks awful on TV. I hope you are all in your houses and that none of you have to go outside until this storm is over.

I actually went to the side door and made sure that Foo Foo is still there; she is! I will spend some time in her today; pictures and looking through manual after manual. Beth asked if I was in info overload--and the answer is yes! The run through at the dealership was ok, but certainly not to the level I would have liked. But maybe that's the norm--gotta learn by doing I think. So that mission starts today. :? slowly but surely, I'll learn everything, I'm sure.

Well, gotta get the coffee now...have a great day all. I'll get more pics up later today...

Li Lammert
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Re: Cold, Rainy Sunday

Postby Colliemom » Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:26 am

Li, I am so happy that you got Foo Foo home. And now you are going to be spending all your spare time, poking and looking and reading etc. And yes, the run through at the dealers are never that great. That's what weare here for. I though have only had a TT and an still in the learning curve myself, but I have learned a lot from these ladies and just getting out there and doing it. So ask away. Those who have MH's wlll probably be better in answering some of your questions than those of us with TT's. But we are all in the same recreational mode. I"m getting envious of all of those getting new rigs. And of course you are going to want to go to Camping World if there is one around you anywhere. Be sure to take your bankbook :lol: And you are going to be champing to hit the road and go somewhere's. You will be out with Foo Foo a lot sooner than I will be out with "The Camper".

As I write this, we are under a Winter Storm Warning till tonight at the moment. Snow has been falling all night, At the moment though, there is only about 4 inches of heavy wet snow out there, but with the winds, its causing drifts. It seems to be more a rain than snow at the moment, but when the temps drop later on again (currently in 20's), it will change back to snow. Predictions are for 10-18 inches depending on locations. Gonna get cold too. Down to 10 by afternoon and with winds gusting to 45, I need not say more. Have a feeling that the schools will have a snow day tomorrow.

So I will be staying in today and watching it snow and blow. Good day to get my Christmas letter written and printed so I can get it in the mail this week. The candle holders for my kitchen wall are waiting to be hung up and I also have work to do on my scrapbook. So I will not be looking far for things to putter with. Plus want to keep a path on my deck open for the girls so they can go in and out without wading. Right now they are out. And yesterday I went to the store and picked up a few things, as did what seemed like everybody in the whole county. Course, people are still Christmas shopping, so a lot of them probably were trying to do that yesterday too in the light of the storm coming and not getting out today.

So I am going to be off and start my day. Still dark out there too. Will probably take awhile to get light this morning. Cedar, Carol, Shirl and those living in NY an points east will be getting this storm pretty soon. Will be interesting to see what they get. The rest of you down south are supposed to get cold again I hear. So I guess we are all pretty much in winters grip.

But wherever you are and whatever the weather, have a great day.
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Re: Cold, Rainy Sunday

Postby BirdbyBird » Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:28 am

Li, have fun today. Am currently sitting in the fairground parking lot in Kalamazoo, MI plugged into electric at the base of the light way I was leaving pavement this weekend. The rain has finally switched over to snow....heard the rain throuhout the night as I woke up. If we are lucky, Izzy should be ready to head south by noon when most fo the snow is to start...... Temps have remained higher than I could have hoped for....just now dropping into freezing and the snow has been slowed in coming. Unfortunately my friends here have to drive back to WI when we are done, straight into the lake effect blowing snow. Therefore, I am not saying anything about my driving plans for the afternoon....

everyone stay warm and have fun.....
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Re: Cold, Rainy Sunday

Postby Colliemom » Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:40 am

You be careful driving back from KZ. This storm is a doozy. Maybe down where you aren't it won't amount to much like it is farthr north. But if it looks bad, see if you can stay another night and just stay put. Your friends should too. No storm is worth trying to get home in.
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Re: Cold, Rainy Sunday

Postby dayspring39 » Sun Dec 12, 2010 8:08 am

Good Morning... 48 here expected to be 63 later then the deep freeze sets in... gurrrrrrrrr... not bad at all compared to the north country... oh Tina Kazoo gets very deep snow be careful... they are in a snow belt... lived there many many years...
The guns were blazing and still are this morning... I have very mixed feelings as a few days ago I could hear the ducks cooing contentedly but after the guns began yesterday their cries are screeching noises... that makes me sad inside... I never thought of that like that before... it has just now started to rain so the guns have stopped...
I will go to the shower house and take my shower this morning... can move around in there nicely... after church I must get my LP filled did not do that yesterday... it should be nice this afternoon so after that chore is finished Shadow and I will take a spin around and see what is going on in the neighborhood... the little park by the tiny post office is decorated very nicely... makes you feel festive... night would be a better time to ride as you could see the Christmas lights but it would not be safe for me on my trike...
My legs have gotten some strength back so I can ride my trike for nearly an hour at a time now...
Sue stay safe in the blizzard... Li oh my when we get a walk through they talk so fast and do not think we need to learn... however I forgot most of what he said and have had to ask, was so glad Beth was there and answered some questions... guess you could say you are living and learning... enjoy her your little Foo Foo...
Have a good day and have some hot chocolate always helps when we are stressed...
Kathleen or Kathy

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Re: Cold, Rainy Sunday

Postby Redetotry » Sun Dec 12, 2010 8:35 am

Winter has not forgotten us it is 21, windy and we have about an inch of snow. They say that's about all we will get but the wind and cold is going to be brutal the next couple of days, temps dropping into the teens and winds 25 gusting to 40! Think I'll let the water drip in my bathroom tonight just to be on the safe side I think a pipe froze last time we had this kind of weather.
I am planning to get to church early, probably like everyone else is planning, so I don't have to walk so far. Today is the kids Christmas play so should be fun.

Tina glad you are in a safe spot, good luck to Izzy today. I know you have an eye on the weather so hope an opening comes for you to get home soon.

Li sounds like you are going to have fun exploring Foo Foo and learning all about her.

Enjoy your day Kathleen I hope it doesn't get too cold for you, just remember it's a lot warmer there than at than home right now. Sue, sounds like you have your day planned guess keeping busy is the key to riding out the storm.

Everyone else dealing with the weather take care or for you lucky ones in the sun...enjoy.
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Re: Cold, Rainy Sunday

Postby Echo » Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:22 am


Dang Sue you sure are making me glad that I'm here in southern UT and not in northern UP. Gads that is gonna me wicked up there with those temps and the wind. Be a brutal wind chill. Tina that was good advice to stay put unless you absolutely have to move. Better safe than sorry.

It's cold here but more than bearable. Sky was a glorious red and orange last nite and the weather web site said it was suppose to be in the mid to upper 50's today so no freezing temps today at any rate. It's suppose to chill down on Wednesday here and go down in the lower 20's. So glad I have the water hose wrapped with a heat tape and insulation now. And I'm even more glad that I have the rain gutter under the sewer hose and at a better angle!!!

Li, I envy you setting up Foo Foo. Your gonna have a blast while driving yourself nuts figuring out where to put stuff. :lol:

Kathleen? I know all the permanent trailers here have regular propane tanks that Amerigas comes and fills for them. Even some of the 'snow birds' who park here all winter long have them. Would it be feasible for you to have one where you are??? It sure would be a whole lot easier for you than packing up and unhooking to go get gas. Might just be worth while to check into it. Save yourself the hassle! ;)

Not much planned here for today other than laundry and dishes. Might break down finally and give Shade her much needed bath? If I had been able to get to the lumber store in time last night I could have bought a quart of the rubberized roof sealant, as I found out it only costs $7.99 + tax. That would be enough to at least do the top side seams on the roof of this thing as it leaks somewhere around the 2 front side windows. I can also use it on the top edge of the windows for added measure. Other than that we have really found no leaks. Well the bathroom vent over the tub leaks a little too but all I need to do there is cover the vent with some plastic until I can get a new roof vent cover. There's plastic over it now but it's not the best. Neighbor says I can borrow her ladder. Was reading the can of sealant and I see I can do the rest of the roof with a paint roller when I'm ready. So very happy than I can as that means I wont have to worry about getting "UP" on the roof! :D But at least it DOESN'T have to have a dang big blue tarp over top of it! :lol: :lol: That's what the lady said about the TT at the campground where we tried to get that part time job. I think she was just being a TT snob! :lol: :lol: ;)

OK, time to get more coffee and then shag Shade out the door again. Hope everyone has a good day and stays safe all the while. You ladies up north for goodness sake be extra careful to stay safe and WARM!!!

Love to all
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
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Re: Cold, Rainy Sunday

Postby avalen » Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:28 am

good morning ladies
all the talk of snow makes me cold, and its still cold here this morning, made
Pixie crawl in under the desk here at the computer to keep my feet warm
that I've burrowed into the dog bed :lol:
Hoping Izzy does good at the show and of course Li getting to know FooFoo
will be a fun day for her too.
Didn't get out to the storage yard yesterday so I'll do that today. I did get my
new pair of dress black slacks yesterday at Walmart. Cost me $18 but they
fit good and will be comfortable. Wore my black dress shoes all afternoon to
make sure there wouldn't be any foot/toe pain from that. Haven't wore them
in over a year and they still fit. :D (actually 2 years, cause thats when I bought
Laundry today, as I didn't do it yesterday cause the washer was in use.
Time for more coffee, stay warm ladies, enjoy your day and be safe.
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Re: Cold, Rainy Sunday

Postby Readytogo » Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:19 am

Good morning everyone! Li, how excited you must be. You will be out "camping" in the driveway like my husband and I did when we first got our first MH. Okay everybody, we have SNOW in Alabama! Little bitty tiny flakes you can barely see, but I just had to get that bit of weather news in! Have had a sore eye for a ciuple of days, so am way behind in everything. Got to pick the house up some today. We get very excited over alittle snow! But Ive got my bread and milk, that's the joke around here. Everyone stay safe and WARM!!! Wendy
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Re: Cold, Rainy Sunday

Postby Nasoosie » Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:16 pm


The cold front is upon us here in St. Cloud-----wind is blowing like crazy, fine rainy mist is blowing sideways, and the temperature just dropped at least 15 degrees, perhaps more! I went from shorts and T-shirt to fleece pants, sweatshirt, and fleece jacket!

I must say I think I have had a taste of what it must be to live on the plains of the middle of our country-----so much flat land, miles and miles of open space for the winds to accelerate, a roaring sound as the fronts approach----no mountains to break weather patterns up whatsoever.

Goog and Melissa managed to get another long string of lights on the eaves of their house this morning before all hell broke loose-----their place looks beautiful.....huge wreath on the front outside wall, nice little ribbons and berries all over it. Melissa also found a huge, 10-foot tall, prelighted Christmas tree that an elderly couple had on sale on Craig's List, as they had moved to a smaller house and the tree would no longer fit. It is absolutely beautiful----the most realistic fake tree I have ever seen. It comes apart in three pieces for storing each year, too.

Things are looking really pretty around here. My house in Orlando will be looking nice now, too---looking forward to seeing it lit up.

I hope you all are having a good day in this storm-ridden weather. I'm going to go get me some socks for my cold feet! Happy Sunday!
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Re: Cold, Rainy Sunday

Postby Liz » Sun Dec 12, 2010 4:08 pm

My daughter just called me to report snow falling in Augusta, GA area. Won't be much, though, and the weather has already cleared here...sunny with dropping temperatures.

I'm baking cookies this afternoon & tomorrow morning....going to have a cookie exchange at our Christian Women's Fellowship tomorrow afternoon. Need to bake 3 1/2 doz. I need to bring a dessert to our volunteer appreciation dinner at Silver River State Park on Tues., so that's where I'll get rid of all the cookies I get in exchange...they won't all make it to my hips. :lol:

I'm just on here procrastinating about the cooking thing...
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Re: Cold, Rainy Sunday

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Dec 12, 2010 4:31 pm

I just talked to my dad back in MN and he says he got about 20 inches of new snow! The temps are dropping below zero and the winds are up to 45 mph so most of the highways in southern MN are closed due to blowing and drifting. The Mall of America was closed yesterday as well as the airport! That almost never happens! Then last night the roof of the Metrodome collapsed from the weight of the snow so they have to move the football game to Detroit tomorrow night instead. What a big mess! (I won't even mention that it is 85 degrees here and sunny! :roll: )

This morning I got up early because we had a meeting at work at 8 am. I was told that I need to get my haircut times down to 12 minutes, or they will cut my hours even more! That is crazy! A good haircut can't be done in 12 minutes (unless it is a buzz cut). We also drew names for the Secret Santa. Then I find out that the gift has to be between $20 and $30 dollars! WHAT???! :o That is way too much money! I may back out of it. I can't spend that kind of money on someone I barely know. I don't even have that much to spend on my family this year! Yikes!

Then I snuck in late to a church service I have been wanting to go to. It was nice but I'd like to check out a couple more churches before I decide on one.

Last but not least, I had my job interview at a Great Clips just 5 miles from me. Spoke for awhile with the owner. She is very nice and we had a nice conversation. It is a smaller shop, which I like, and much more layed back and less restrictive. She agrees that a good haircut can't be done in less than 14 minutes so she appreciates taking a little more time to get it right. I go back tomorrow for the technical interview (ie; haircut) and I am sure that will go well. She says she is going to look at the schedule and see if she can get me the number of hours I need. They don't have a manager there because she says most of the managers they've had have been a little crazy, so she just has 3 assistant managers and says that is working out well so far. I like that idea. No one person pushing their authority down everyone's throat! So wish me luck!!!

I think I will go make myself some lunch and then bring a book over to the pool area and get some sun! (I do feel for those of you up north buried in the snow and freezing to death! Been there, done that, for way too many years!).
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Re: Cold, Rainy Sunday

Postby Echo » Sun Dec 12, 2010 8:52 pm


I have so got my fingers crossed that you get the other job! And I'm :cry: adding a little prayer too. :o :shock: 12 minutes for a haircut??? OMG!! :shock: :o If anyone tried to do a 12 minute haircut on me you can bet your behind that they would be doing it over again!!! I am so sick and tired of crappy haircuts. I've got light hair, born a blond then in my teens I started to 'help' it stay a light blond. But I'm at the age now that my hair looks like it has reverted back to the light blond and I haven't put any color on it in over a year. But I'm forever getting a haircut that leaves steps and ladders in my hair. Grrrrrr. No more. Gads you got to get out of there!

Kelly and I go to a GC here in St George UT. Kelly says the girl is the best she's ever had cut her hair. I agree that the girl is very, very good.

Hope you get the new job and can tell the other one to go fly a kite and that you don't feel like they appreciate your potential!!! :D 12 minutes my butt! :x
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Re: Cold, Rainy Sunday

Postby flick4411 » Sun Dec 12, 2010 8:57 pm

WHAT ECHO SAID! 12 Minutes...REALLY? Are you kidding me? I don't have a lot of hair, but it has to be cut just so or I look like a bowling ball cuz it's so fine. Took me six months to find a good hair cutter here; and it is a Great Clips...a little gal from Russia. She's amazing...but I don't think she's being timed per se! And I know it's taking more than 12 minutes. REALLY??? :shock: :o

anyway, here's hoping you get the job are so deserving! Your Secret Santa gift can be seeing that place in your rear view mirror. Best of luck...

Li Lammert
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Re: Cold, Rainy Sunday

Postby dayspring39 » Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:12 pm

My twins are both beauticians Gwen can give an awesome haircut in yes 10 minutes and Jackie is not far behind... they worked for Penny's for many years... Gwen says it is not good to do that as the clients do not think they are being given enough attention... they are no longer working but they each worked for 30+ years...
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