On the California roads again

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On the California roads again

Postby oregontocal » Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:32 am

Morning, all. Well, I'm on the road again. Left the Lodge yesterday morning after visiting with a few people with cabins in the area (to the tune of several millions of dollars - my, how the rich live!). Drove the 22-mile RFH (road from hell) for the last time this year, and met Adam (who drove faster and was way ahead of me) at a great pizza place in Yreka, CA for our first pizza in three months- Imagine! After some good conversation, pizza, and Alaskan microbrew, he took off for the wilds of Salem, Oregon and I went to get my RV. It was waiting patiently for me after three months, so the first thing I did was toss everything from the back of the pickup onto the bed and couch, intending to sort and and put it all away later on. It was pretty hot, and I still needed to do all the pickup-hooking-up-stuff to get on the way.

Trudy, I drove down I-5 from Yreka to Red Bluff, following the trail you and I blazed last week past Mt. Shasta and Shasta Lake - didn't cut off on any side roads, though. Still didn't get a picture of the bear crossing sign. Found a nice little place to stay last night - Red Bluff RV Park, right outside the city. I normally don't swim in the pool--too lazy and the water's usually too cold--but after setting up and putting all my living stuff of three months away, that water felt fantastic! Ate the remainder of the pizza for dinner, washed down with the last of my delicious water from the lodge. Gotta go to the store today to get something besides peanut butter,banana bread, and salsa to eat. Realized how thoroughly spoiled I'd gotten at the lodge with Adam's cooking.

Now I'm thoroughly convinced I love living in this little RV, especially the bed. Although it's small, it's just right. Felt dwarfed in the king-sized bed at the lodge--only slept on a tiny part of it. I can fix a meal and wash dishes (one or two) by only taking a few steps. It won't take much to get used to not having to consult two fridges (on opposite sides of the large kitchen) as well as a pantry and a storage closet in the other room, in order to just fix a simple breakfast. And, no more huge piles of dishes, pots, pans, etc.

It's been a fun summer, at least most of the time. Very busy at times, and some weirdly interesting people, but the pay was okay and benefits were excellent. We've both been asked to come back next year--and I'll do that if they can raise my salary a whole lot.

So, I'm now back on the road again, at least until I hear the final okay from Amazon.com in Coffeyville, Kansas about working there for three months. I'm just going to ramble down California again, most likely Hwy 99 and 395, eventually back to San Diego to see family and friends. This time I'll stop at the Olive Pit in
Corning and some of the more interesting places I missed on the way up to Portland in March. Might even end up in Blythe for a week or so. Who knows. Freedom!!!

And I'm so glad I found this list!
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Location: Jacumba Hot Springs, California

Re: On the California roads again

Postby Mollysmom » Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:41 am

Hey Chirs
I'm glad you're back in your little home and on the road ! I bet it's nice to be home again after 3 months !!!
You certainly had an adventure at the lodge, I don't think I'd want to be that isolated !!
Enjoy your journey - I'm anxious to hear what you think of the midwest !
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Re: On the California roads again

Postby avalen » Wed Sep 17, 2008 4:37 pm

welcome home Chris, considering home is where ever we park it, but I'm looking
forward to your next set of adventures.
Somewhere with Ava and Maggie
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Re: On the California roads again

Postby Cedar518 » Thu Sep 18, 2008 5:51 am

Chris, your description of your little motorhome makes me want to put my house on the market now and take off. :D I think I'd need something a tad larger than my Chalet, though. That's great for camping but might be a little small for living full time. Have a safe trip and do keep us posted as to where you are and what you are up to!

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