Here comes Tuesday...Morning All !

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Here comes Tuesday...Morning All !

Postby Barbzeee » Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:42 am


Here comes Tuesday ...Morning All !! Last night the Women's Center called, ugh...I have to go back again and re do one part of the Mammo...the one where I had the biopsy done...figures...of course the nervous tension takes over..and oh sleeping..well not in this house... I did the toss and turn... but then I got up and just had to re think my wasn't the Surgeon who was the maybe it was just something, didn't get clear this gal that took them she was so gentle.. I mean, I couldn't believe I didn't leave there in pain...and we all know what I'm talking about.. the one where your boob is flattened like a pancake.. I mean..that can't be good for ya...and in the questionaire they ask.. "Do you ever have any trauma to your breasts" My answer is always.."Yeppers, when I come here !"... the girls always looks and has this strange expression on her face..."What"..???? Yep you read it correctly... I mean do you honestly think I would let someone come up to me and do that ???? LOL She shakes her head and sends me back to the "Room"...LOL So, finally at about 2am I got back to sleep only to be waken at 4am by Reba...she decided I needed my face washed..."What gives" yes, after I get done my little "Good Morning" I'm heading back to bed to catch a few more winks !!

Avalen (Ava) I know yesterday had to be very hard on you...and so undeserving....but I do understand how they are also protecting people's gossip can and most time turn into bitterness...such a shame for you and your kids..but you know out of something bad can come something wonderful...So, do think positive cause there is a positive side to this...Perhaps there is a child on that "New" bus that you might be able to reach out too....You will be have lots of friends here too....So here's a big hug from me too you..! {{{{{{{{{{hug}}}}}}}}

AlmostThere...(Lenora) Good to see you post.. but I don't think I read anywhere how your son is doing...You know we all have prayed that all would be ok for him and his family and YOU too...So can you just fill in the blanks for us ? Or did I miss something >>>>?????

Sparkle...Now always good hearing from you.. and now you are gonna have company to ride along with you I'm sure this will be an experience she won't forget....but a good one ! Can't wait to hear what will be rolling off the press when you get a chance.....My oh my !!! is all I can say :)

Bethers and Acadianmom (Martha) I'm sure you both got that evacuate down to a science.. this has sure been an active year for them dang hurricanes..but ya know my feeling on that....better safe than sorry... It is sad that many leave it to the last minute...yikes and talk about congestion...Ladies..head North..well ya can head North east we east coaster wouldn't mind having company LOL another GTG perhaps...:)... but my prayers are with you all... just keep high and dry please !

Well I see only 4 people tried my little DNA testing...geeezzz.. I thought surely you'd all like to see what you were all about... guess I was wrong... well it won't be the last time I'm sure...but at least I admit it !!!! Sorry did try to give you all a few good chuckles....but again I guess that thingy was right... I'm a "Dreamer" :)

RVGranny (Lori and Ernie) Ok, what you up too.. and I just know there is some good stories ya are gonna tell us...what did Ernie fix for snacks...and I do mean good ones too...What cookin show did he watch this time ???? LOL Hey, have a good R&R ya hear !!!

Hey ShirlV... I meant to ask you... "Are you still doing your "Tea Time" with that coddled cream ???? I just recently had a friend tell me she sent away for a special tea set to start having a group of friends come in for "High Tea".. and immediately thought of you ... What's happening with that ? :)

Liz.. great hearing from you... and yep can't wait to see what pictures you did take...aaaaah and good to hear you enjoyed your GTG with Cedar and Kathy....hey, maybe just maybe we can get a big GTG in good thought the working stage...:)

Olive Oil ( OO) good to have you with us for a bit.. as I know I'll see them!!!!!!!!!!!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :D :D :D before long and you'll be flying by again...and poof you'll be gone again... so we might have to put a little Elmer's on your chair or maybe them shoes...don't know ya..still thinkin that one over...:)

Seeya Gal (Jenny and Dan) Hey Dan is a smart man Jenny, just like my DH.. they've learned from those exciting gifts they gave us...and the look on our faces...Yeah my DH is not a good gift buyer.. so I always say.."Love ya, but don't buy me anything...just give me the green stuff or the card and I'll pick up what I know I'll like " awful aren't we.. LOL but hey it saves alot of unpleasant words and looks LOL.... :lol:

Redetotry..(BJ) Glad to hear you're gonna take thing to do...I'm not a Mac user and I didn't bring them into the office I'm the old Dos lover and PC was my thing.... but I will tell ya from all the people I do know that have a Mac...they love it.. and it is suppose to be more User Friendly...well.. I can't wait for you to tell us all about it... Oh and by the way.. a little birdy whispered in my PC... that the other day was your " BIRTHDAY"...and how come we didn't know about it...huh.... you didn't fill it in ????? ok Sista well here's for you !!!!Image Belated...but here !

For all that have not filled out their Identity..ifn' ya want us to know ya.. it's just a little bit of filling in the blanks.. We all would love it if you would let us know..

Ok.. all it's that time I need to get the pot of coffee going... and who's gonna come in to visit and at least say "Hello" would be kind of nice cause ya notice we all look in here :)

Echo and Cedar and I sure know Mtntophoundz (Mollie) we've got them big mugs going for our coffee and yep..a dunkin object or two...hear that RV Granny.. dunkin objects... and Paulette..yeps.. I have a Pot of tea on...just for you tea (pinky extended) drinkers :)

May your Adventures be Great ones and your Journey be Safe too...

God Bless

Barbzeee and Crew

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Re: Here comes Tuesday...Morning All !

Postby Cedar518 » Tue Sep 09, 2008 5:24 am

I'm here,.... thanks for the coffee, Zeee! Let me drink some first before I try to make sense and type something, ok? :lol:
This business of subbing for the school secretary is going to run the legs right off me. I'm too old for that kind of frenzy. What a job she has. i'll be glad when it's next monday and I'm back up in highschool in my own job. I feel like i have been running a marathon ,.... several times a day! Gotta give that gal a prize when she gets back.

Last evening after school was our first soccer game for the girls. My granddaughter plays. Well, they lost, 3-2,... but, what a great game they played. it's a young team,.. at least 6 of the girls are only in 7th grade and this was their first game ever. My GD is in 9th and co-captain,... she's so good with the younger ones,... I like to see her mentor them. GD will move to varsity next season. then all of a sudden she'll be a younger one on that team! :D

ok,..gotta get crackin' here,.... have a great day all!

Re: Here comes Tuesday...Morning All !

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Tue Sep 09, 2008 5:36 am

Morning, all....Yeap, we're up early today.....going to take a ride down to Mammoth Cave for a look-see.....will take lots of photos, again....will post yesterday's boat ride and cave adventure later on today....

Yeeks, the food has been non-stop as both Ernie and Mike like to cook.....Donna & I swear we're going to gain about 20 pounds.... :roll: :lol:

Speaking of food, it's my turn to cook breakfast better go get dressed and get busy.....

Have a great day, everyone!!

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Re: Here comes Tuesday...Morning All !

Postby Echo » Tue Sep 09, 2008 5:57 am

Goooood Morning!

It's a soggy one out my back door this morning. Ohhh how I would love to be out in the tent right now listening to the rain on the roof of it. But iff'n I was I wouldn't be posting on here. I would be snuggled under my blankie enjoying myself going back to sleep. Dang it!

I got 8hrs of sleep last night and I'm still tired. But I'm up, on my 3rd cup of coffee and all showered. Now to get dressed for the day. Blech, I would so much rather stay sitting here in my super sized nitie and goof off for the day. ;)

I have to admit that the first thing I read this morning was Ava's post. My heart goes out to her big time. But I do believe with all my heart that things happen the way that they do for a reason. Just thinking that if for whatever reason the so called witness had been the driver of the bus instead of Ava? Chin up Ava, sometimes 'new' is awesomely good.

Barbz I did do your DNA thing last night I just didn't take the time to post it last night. We got home at about 8pm and I was in bed at 9:30. And in between those hours we took the dogs out, ate our supper and while I was on my laptop trying to catch up Kelly watched part of a movie. But I will post the results.

Okay it's that time and I need to be getting my butt dressed and around. Kelly is fit to be tied. I took my shower and then the GF beat her to taking a shower next. I hope she hurries the heck up! If the GF takes her shower in the evening she is in the bathroom for at least an hour. And believe me if Kelly doesn't get her shower this morn she will be a freaking bear all dang day. :evil: :shock:

Hope everyone has a great day. Stay safe and dry everybody.

Love to all
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Re: Here comes Tuesday...Morning All !

Postby avalen » Tue Sep 09, 2008 6:18 am

oh god, look how early I'm up, so........GOOD MORNING!!
Been up an hour already, thinking of course about my new route,
new neighborhood, new streets, new parents, and of course new
kids. Wonder how many kids will be on the bus. I'll be going into
this one cold turkey, no practice runs, but I'm good with the maps
and they do supply us with the neighborhood map that shows
where the stops are.
Forward and onward
Barbz, they probably didn't get a good pic of that area where the
biopsy was, that happened to me once, and it was nothing, but
will have good wishes for you anyway.
Ladies..........have a great day
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Re: Here comes Tuesday...Morning All !

Postby Shirlv » Tue Sep 09, 2008 7:10 am

Barb, I feel your pain. Mamos are one of the necessary chores that we hate. My oldest daughter goes in for surgery the 25th for breast cancer. There are some things you want to pass on to your kids but I sure didn't want to pass this one. They are also sending her for genetic testing since she has two daughters. The good thing is detection and care continues to improve. My tea time caught up with my hips. :lol: Clotted cream is only good for 4 days after you open it so it was expensive at $8 a jar. I sure did enjoy it while it lasted. I found a website to order smaller quanities so will start up again when it gets cold. Think positive. ((())))

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Re: Here comes Tuesday...Morning All !

Postby Redetotry » Tue Sep 09, 2008 7:31 am

Good Morning all and thank you Barbzeee for the birthday greeting. Yes, it was last Saturday and as they add up I tend to try and pretend it isn't happening. I took your test too and was also a Dreamer.

Sure hope everything is ok when you go back for more torture. You should see their faces when I go in, trying to figure out how to proceed with a triple A size.

My dogs woke me at five scratching, I think there is something in the air, can't see a thing on them but still they scratch. Little Winnie has been acting strange the last couple of days & finally DH noticed she didn't have her beloved bell. I finally found it in the toy box. I feel so bad to not have noticed and especially when I remembered that I had heard her crying during the night and I hadn't come completely awake. She hardly ever is without her bell on a string by her side and never goes to bed without it. Last time she lost it she cried till she threw up, I finally found it in a shoe inside a closet!

I've had my coffee and toast so time to take everyone for a walk, we have a big fenced yard but, a walk with Mom is what they beg for, go figure. It is lovely weather here, sixties this AM and days in seventies with low humidity ahhh perfect!
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Re: Here comes Tuesday...Morning All !

Postby oliveoil » Tue Sep 09, 2008 8:31 am


It is coool & damp here again this morning---------auctioneer comes today to start the sale bills for the auctions--etc etc etc---still sorting ---------& sorting & putting everything in boxes & flats for the auction-- & we are living out of a suit case & boxes-----& paper plates-etc/etc-------have I said in the last ten minutes how glad I'm going to be when these auctions are all over with & we are settled in our new home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hubby is waiting on me--------need to go & get busy-------stay safe everyone--happy birthday to everyone who is having or had a birthday---get well to anyone who is sick----drive safe to anyone who is driving------ watch out for storms for anyone in the line of storms---& have a great day & rest of the week---------And for the person riding with Sparkle-------well what can I say------but I hope you are prayed up --------- later OO
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Re: Here comes Tuesday...Morning All !

Postby Bethers » Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:34 pm

Zeee, I hope by the time you're reading this you've gone back, had the re-test and know that all is well. I, too, had to do that year before last. I remember my nerves were not of steel, but my belly was a 'quiverin' and I was probably a wreck. The good thing was that they got the new one read while I waited - and it was something that simply wasn't showing correctly on the first. I might hate having my boobs squeezed the way they do - but for heavens sake SQUEEZE them if you have to to get the dang picture. My prayers and thoughts are with you while you wait this one out.

As to birthdays - I will celebrate each and everyone. Not that I like the added year - but I certainly like knowing that I'm here for another one :)

Haven't taken that test yet, cuz my time has been so limited when I've been here on the forum that I barely get most of the posts read.

Speaking of which - I haven't read the post you made Ava about the change of routes, etc - so will head over there and find it now.
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