Monday, Morning and the race is on :)

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Monday, Morning and the race is on :)

Postby Barbzeee » Mon Sep 08, 2008 4:34 am


Monday, Morning and the race is on :) Uh huh..have to go to the Women's Center at 8am and get my re check up on Mammogram, then Bone Density Test...that's for today's all my Dr visits are about to begin...It truly is like a race...cause you hurry to get to the Dr's office and then you sit...till the finish ! Sometimes is quick and then there is those times like it seems endless...Never quite understood... You have an appointment time...but how many time have you ever gotten in at that I do understand their are circumstances that do happen..but sometimes when you wind up sitting several hours...mmmmmmmm that is always food for thought..and ya wondered why they have a TV set playing while you it will be food order time LOL...hey, I have seen some that come with their lunch...especially when it's the stress test number.. the chemical they tell ya bring something to eat...sure....that's almost a whole day affair...but you do get to meet some interesting people and hear their health issues..some even get into those details of their last surgery...and with those...well ya just don't know what to say....!! So as I have to get my shower and grab a quick drink of juice I'm out the door....down the highway...but this is one Adventure I'm not anxious for....yuck...
Now for a quick glance through the forum and then out of here....

Acadianmom (Martha) Good to hear from you...been awhile...glad also you didn't have any damage... and you know it's true...when listening to the way they are saying these hurricanes are gonna come... Mother Nature doesn't always follow directions... Head for them always my motto... might get to stay dry ! :)

Getup n'go done Gotup n'went (Janice) is on the road...Hope all goes well on your Journey, Janice... and being you are having some malfunction with Blue Ox...I'd stay flat land too... and Yes, their service was terriffic...I've only called them once ...I've had some problems with Brake Buddy locking up on me.. which I had to dis connect and drive with out it...till I got that taken care of.. and they were also pretty good about getting back to me... Safe Journey Janice and post when you can ..

Liz... I know you is up in the Land of all them trees...we is all missing you.. and I know you'll have some great pictures and stories to tell...So enjoy and when ya can.. pop in for us !!

RVGranny...(Lori and Ernie)...What are your plans today....and what's on the menu ? Ernie must put some of his "specials" on our Recipe list... they is definitely treasures..and simple too...quick fixes for some good Eaton'

Avalen (Ava) We sure hope you are doing better and know we are all praying for you.. You will get through all this.. and perhaps with your suggestions that School District will follow some good advice..

Paulette, looks like you might wind up with some of the Siesta's going to that Ferry Boat Campground after all.. Kelp (Kellie) might be able to come..That would be really neat..and if by any chance I would get delayed in my plans.. I already told Robert I would go too...but that's a big IF... so still hoping for ya that the other Siesta's in the area that lurk may make it too.. ya just never know !!

Retired Happy (Karen) has an interesting Light switch that's wireless... Hey Karen, ya need to tell us what the name is and where ya got it.. does it have a web address or telephone number...and how much did it cost ya ...we is all interested..anything that works in gadgets...and makes life easy...I'm all for it... !!!

MsBhaven... (Margie)...ain't that the truth.. I order a part for my cooler.. Plug and it was only like 5 bucks but the shipping was double the price..however in that case it was cheaper to buy it then replace the cooler ..some days ya just get bit !!

Cedar... I hear ya.. coffee here .. and your race too begins...!!

Mtntophoundz... (Mollie) I know I'm catching ya on the run as well.....

Asirimarco (Carol) Glad to hear you didn't have to bite the bullet on your Rig... it wasn't a major job...those ones always get me too.... the price ya pay for having them house on wheels.... ya got hitch itch and where are ya heading... winter time is around the corner.... I'm starting to put things in mine already.. and this time I don't have to winterize..just have to clorox her lines....and refresh the tanks....

Ok, not much on the forum other than you all must be traveling..and just tired when you pull over or maybe no signal..but you are all in our prayers....

Echo, I know you are standing by.. ready for me to fill that cup of coffee...Oh and RVGranny (Lori and Ernie) You betcha I have donuts.. the dunkin kind....LOL and my biscotti.. can't be without them...oh and how about them cinnamon raisen bagels..with cream we go... and Yep I have a selection of Tea too.... Come one come all.. how about a nice surprise and make it to the table.... don't care if it's not morning.. there is always room here ...

May your Adventures be Great ones and your Journey be Safe too..

God Bless

Barbzeee and Crew

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Re: Monday, Morning and the race is on :)

Postby Mtntophoundz » Mon Sep 08, 2008 5:23 am

Good Morning! I am just glad I am getting to set here with my coffee and laptop today. Yesterday I got up and my back was giving me such a fit I couldn't sit still long enough to get online.

Boy work is going to be crazy this week. Its homecoming week and while I am not in the main building most times it still makes it interesting for us. Homecoming week is celebrated with dress-up/down days, then on Friday they have a parade through town, field events and after the big game is a dance. If you are an adult having to watch all these teenagers you better be ready for anything.

Ok enough whining from me. Have a wonderful Monday everyone!

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Re: Monday, Morning and the race is on :)

Postby Cedar518 » Mon Sep 08, 2008 5:45 am

Whew! yepper,.... right on the run this a.m... heading out to school soon. Thanks for handing me that mug of coffee Zeee,... you are the best!

All good wishes to all our friends here,.....

I'll catch up with all the messages later,... gotta run!

Re: Monday, Morning and the race is on :)

Postby Echo » Mon Sep 08, 2008 6:05 am

Gooood Morning everybody.

YAWN! I could so go back to bed. I'm pooped and the thought of sleep is so alluring. We were suppose to get out of work at 9pm last night. Kelly clocked out at 9:11 and I clocked out at 9:30. By time we got out of there, stopped at Micky D's for our nutritious take out supper, got home, took the dogs out, ate, checked in here and got to bed it was 11pm. I hate working Sundays no matter the hours but I really hate getting out of there at 9pm or later. Just makes for a short night. I had told the supervisor that I was leaving at 9 come he77 or high water but then I felt crappy about it cause of leaving the others. We were told we couldn't leave until 60 day had a collection impact balance of $100,000. Now that's not how much we actually took in, in payments. But in taking in payments we knock off the balance of the account from our dept. Even if we only take a $25 payment, their account balance can be $4500 and that balance is what counts. Had more people get riled up at me yesterday, not to mention the ones that simply hung up, didn't answer, were disconnected or someone else answered the phone and said they weren't at home. Some people really get outraged that we call on Sunday. Heard one of the others asking a customer if they had ever used the card for anything on a Sunday? "Well then sir, what's so wrong with making a payment on Sunday"? :roll:

Well nothing else of interest to mention today. At the moment life is kinda boring. Which in it's own way can be a GOOD thing!!! :lol: I have been keeping everyone dealing with the hurricanes and what not in my prayers. And I've been doing the same for the ones that are on the road traveling to the next job or home. Hope all stay safe.

Ava you especially are in my prayers, I pray that the scary feeling eases.

Barbz??? You go girl, give them doctors he77. Keeping my fingers, toes and whatever else I can crossed for ya with all the appointments. ;)

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Re: Monday, Morning and the race is on :)

Postby Liz » Mon Sep 08, 2008 10:04 am

Good morning Barb and all....!

I actually do have a weak aircard signal here at camp this year, but it comes and goes and is not strong enough to upload pictures, so for those you'll have to wait. Had a nice visit and a beautiful sunset from my private campsite on Grand Isle on Lake Champlain after I left the NY gtg. Cedar and Kathy are great people and we plan to meet up again next year. In Vt I met up with two old college chums. The one on Lake Champlain I hadn't seen in 26 years. The other we met for lunch in Montpelier and I hadn't seen her since we graduated UVM in 1970!

Now at camp in NH my SIL are up to our elbows making pickle relishes. Smells so good! Tomorrow if the weather cooperates, my brother and I are planning a hike...the Tunnel Brook Trail. I'll bring my camera along for you. This weekend we go to MA to visit my sister, and next week we'll have a BBQ and cousin gtg here.

I'm planning to stay an extra 2 weeks into October, then my SIL will ride back to FL with me. She wants to visit the quilt shops near Lancaster PA. Brother will stay here for hunting season.

I'll post when I can. Praying for you today, Barb, as you make those dr. visits and tests.
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Re: Monday, Morning and the race is on :)

Postby Sunseeker » Mon Sep 08, 2008 10:17 am

Just a quick cup for me this morning. It's travel day as we head for home following our month-long journey. We learned so much about other places and about each other.

I hope you're all out of harm's way today and enjoying your Monday. Get an "A" on all your tests today, Barbzeee!
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Re: Monday, Morning and the race is on :)

Postby SeeyaGal » Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:32 am

Good morning, on my 2nd cup of Java and DH finally got up, poor baby has a cold so he's been down for 2 days and did not get to go into Port Townsend for the Boat Festival with me. Another beautiful sunny day. Five more days and then we are off to the Ocean...yea!
I'm debating on going into town and go shopping today. I just love the houses and buildings of Port Townsend. The city of Port Townsend is one of three ports along the coastline of the United States named to the National Register of Historical places.
Town dates back to the 1800's-1900's , very Victorian. There's camping over at Hudson Point for small RV's but I really like to camp over at Fort Worden state park. The 1981 movie " An Officer and a Gentleman" was filmed here, I drove past the motel they used in one of the scenes.
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Re: Monday, Morning and the race is on :)

Postby AlmostThere » Mon Sep 08, 2008 5:06 pm

Jenny, does that town still smell like cooked cabbage from the wood mill? ;)
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Re: Monday, Morning and the race is on :)

Postby SeeyaGal » Tue Sep 09, 2008 2:37 am

Hum...I did not notice any smells at all except yummy food over the weekend for the Wooden boat festival. Shopped with my friend Diane today and found just what I wanted for my birthday. Watercolor pencils, brushes and watercolor paper and a Port Townsend bag to keep them in. Dan on the most part lets me buy my own if we are some place special or he gives me gift certificates....usually to Bed, Bath & Beyond or Michaels. I'm fussy to shop for and he hates shopping so it makes us both happy.
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