Saturday ..Morning all.. waiting on Hanna

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Saturday ..Morning all.. waiting on Hanna

Postby Barbzeee » Sat Sep 06, 2008 4:38 am


Saturday...Morning all ... waiting on Hanna...yes, dear Hanna is suppose to hit us this afternoon between 2 and 4 pm EST... They are projecting any where between 4 and 8 inches of rain and winds of up to 60mph...sooooooo we are making sure the plants on the porch on down and all veggies are lots and lots of little maters...cute ones haven't turned red will drag them to safety... As some of you might remember last time we had big rains we had floods in our area.. we aren't too bad as we are on a hill sort crossing my fingers and praying all will be ok... as I know it's been hitting the Carolinas.. I believe Carold is still down in that area...anyone hear from her lately.. if so.. or if you are around Carold .. Pray that everything is alright....

RV Granny (Lori and Ernie)... sure hope your laundry day was a good one... ifn' you are like me I do a load and on the puter...put it in the dryer and get the other load started..back on the puter...stop for a drink and then on again to my busy schedule ...on the puter LOL.. that's my big puter day... and boy we all know how exhausting that can be.. I mean all the eye strain and the muscles being used... Stong Finger tips...LOL...

Seeya Gal...(Jenny and Dan) Is on the Road Again....!! Great pictures sure look like you were enjoying that Birthday >>>>loved that hat by the way...:)

Fernie....glad you were able to post... as soon as I got your message I sent the link for you.. shame about your laptop.. when you them sales .. they have some really great deals on laptops...maybe like all I want for Christmas..LOL but seriously.. Laptops are getting really down on price.. Dell has some great deals as well.. can remember when they were so high priced.. Yikes...

Echo...I sure am awaiting to read .. You found a good job...Lordy, there has to be something in your area that's a lot better than what you are doing...I am keeping you and Kelly in my prayers..

Oh and Echo... by the way... you know that rig you are showing us..well could that be considered a Box Truck..and you do still have your CDL license right !!! Hey gal...if it's cozy who cares LOL they look pretty interesting :)

Excel...(Charlotte) Good to see you post... hope all is well with you and what have you been up too ?

Almost There (Lenora) I see you posting..but did I miss your post on how things were with your Son ? and how are you doing ? Glad to see you back anyway...

Ok.. well I need to get the chairs in the wagon... Hope all you gals that have been on such a busy schedule get a chance to stop in and say "Hello" cause we sure do miss you all...but pray you are all ok and SAFE..

Sent out an email to those that send me mail.. and enclosed a link too for a program that is free.. as there is a lot of Mailware bytes happening.. and lately you'll notice as you wander through the internet you are getting strange mail.. well cause your computer got hit...'s a form a Flash.... that happens.. it's been happening a lot in photobucket..and it attachés to your system... The program I sent in the email is free and rids your computer of that crapola... I'm placing the link here also for those I don't get email from.... when running this program which I do often as I do lots and lots of work on the internet..I use the quick scan.. but you can do the full session one..I also clear out all my cookies and history.. it's a thingy I've been doing often ....... also when sending email to others all at one time ie group sending... please use the BCC as this protects everyones email... Any question please feel free to contact me either by PM or email....

Ok, that's my 2 cents worth... Coffee is on and table is set... and I hope you all can join me... now if you don't hear from me tomorrow morning .. not worry..cause it maybe cause of power..... but I will send you good wishes anyway..

May your Adventures be Great Ones and your Journey Be SAFE

God Bless

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Re: Saturday ..Morning all.. waiting on Hanna

Postby Echo » Sat Sep 06, 2008 5:57 am

Good Morning everybody!!! And except for having to go to into the sweatshop this morning? It's a fine morning out on my back stoop. Temp is perfect and the air smells good. :D

Well in amongst my other running around I put out a couple of applications. So I will be keeping my fingers crossed. Tried to get into see the Docs at the health dept but struck out there. If I understood the woman right? I have to call in early the morning I want to go in??? Doesn't sound right to me. But I will try it again. I really need to get in to be checked out and to get started on getting my BP down and under control. Once I do I can then get a DOT physical and a medical card and look for a local driving job too. But right now my BP is really high and my nerves are shot. Geeze anymore I cry and get the shakes at the drop of a hat. Not fun.

Hope everyone on the east coast is prepared for Hanna!!!!! Well at least as prepared as they can be. I remember Agnes back in '72' what a mess she made of everything. Sometimes those east coast hurricanes can be really wicked.

Well it's that time. I slept in a little this morning and need to get my big butt in gear. Kelly just got done with her shower and went back in her room to get ready so that means that I need to get dressed. ~sigh~ Got to remember to get lottery tickets today! LOL

Hope everyone has a fantastic day. Stay high and dry you east coasters....

Love to all
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Re: Saturday ..Morning all.. waiting on Hanna

Postby Mtntophoundz » Sat Sep 06, 2008 6:51 am

Good Morning! Here I sit on a gloomy Saturday morning and I am loving it. We have no plans for the weekend! This is the first time in months!!!! I do have to get groceries today, and then at some point I have to do laundry, but thats the usual. My Hannah is really getting to watching hurricane Hanna. She finds it neat that they share the same name. I hope all of you in its path stay safe! Well, I have to get some breakfast cooked...Have a wonderful day all!!!
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Re: Saturday ..Morning all.. waiting on Hanna

Postby Cedar518 » Sat Sep 06, 2008 7:11 am

Good morning everyone!

I'm headed out the door to work my second job,... (temporary 2.5 months of collecting the school taxes for the district.) gotta run,... those that are going to have Hanna dump rain on you be careful,...

i'll be back this afternoon to catch up here,...

Re: Saturday ..Morning all.. waiting on Hanna

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Sat Sep 06, 2008 7:26 am

Morning....All.......Okay, laundry's done, camper cleaned up, and now as a reward Donna and I are going to a flea market today.... :D Cooler this rained all day yesterday.....

Well, the gang is calling me to breakfast....have a great day, all........... ;)

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Re: Saturday ..Morning all.. waiting on Hanna

Postby Sunseeker » Sat Sep 06, 2008 7:52 am

Good morning all. We just took a 7am walk with the dogs around our Alabama campground and already humidity was thick enough to cut! I'm sitting in AC now, enjoying coffee and all your posts. Tommy is cooking breakfast outside...he likes to do it every now and again...and I'm loving the smell of bacon coming from out there!

Hang on to your nylons, Barbzee, less Hannah rips them off of you! I hope you are out of danger and your power is o.k. I'll be thinking of you lots today and Tommy's family on the coast as well.

The virus we had on this laptop wasn't malware, but an adware false antivirus sales pitch with warning screens and pop-ups. McAffee and Spyware doctor both picked it up, but couldn't remove it. My BIL is pretty computer savvy and over the phone he suggested lots of "fixes" that didn't do a thing to it! He finally recommended we dump everything and reload windows. Tommy had considered that, but we don't have our initial startup disk along so we decided to do it when we get home to LA. Meanwhile, I was reading a forum on McAfee about similar problems and how folks had fixed them and came across something that made sense. We went into files and folders and discovered a program that began on the fateful day we noticed the virus. It had lots of letters and numbers that didn't spell anything and looked very suspicious. I immediately deleted it, restarted the computer and haven't seen hide nor hair of the pop-up since! Man, sometimes I'm too lucky for my shirt! I hope I didn't just shoot myself in the foot by saying it was gone. What an annoying little monster it was!

Not much of a plan here today but his DS and neices are joining us to cook-out and campfire later today. The girls are 4th and 5th grade and energy abounds. I'll need to rest up most of the day to prepare. I hope all you worker bees are having a good day, and it passes quickly for you. And you road warriors, travel safe and enjoy the scenery. I'm off to see whatcha all been up to.

BTW, Barb. I love the title of today's post. In my neck of the north we "waited for" events and such. "Waiting on" someone was taking them their meal. What gives, girlfriend? Has that southern hubby of yours gone and converted you after all??? :lol:
Last edited by Sunseeker on Sat Sep 06, 2008 9:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Saturday ..Morning all.. waiting on Hanna

Postby oliveoil » Sat Sep 06, 2008 8:34 am

It is raining here in Kansas this morning!!!!!
Cool & feels like Fall for sure!!!!!!!!
It is the same old thing here-------- getting ready for the auctions!
I have not had time to read posts & catch up on all of "the family" here--------I also have been sending out word to antique dealers-etc/etc- about our upcoming auctions! So far by internet-when we get the sale bills printed it will be also mailing them!!

Stay safe everyone!!!!!!!!!! later OO
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Re: Saturday ..Morning all.. waiting on Hanna

Postby retiredhappy » Sat Sep 06, 2008 9:00 am

Morning all. A beautiful Saturday here in Kerrville. My hosting neighbor moved her rig to another site so I'm down here all by myself and loving it. I have this entire end of the park almost all to myself. She was a great neighbor but I do love the feeling of having the whole park to myself.

My daughter works for a computer store that sells refurbished and new computers and does repairs. She downloaded AVG virus and spyware programs and they are free. I'm on the internet A LOT and have never had a virus problem. She also has me using Mozilla/Firefox rather than Internet Explorer. I have Windows firewall activated but NOT their automatic updates. AVG protects your email as well. I get a lot of spam but Yahoo email puts it in the spam folder and I never have to read it.

Well ladies, am gonna go take the dogs for a long walk down by the river. Have a great day.
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Re: Saturday ..Morning all.. waiting on Hanna

Postby dpf » Sat Sep 06, 2008 9:27 am

Morning....It's cloudy and cool and definitely feels like Fall. Well we finally bought another rig! I had looked at it about two weeks ago. Wednesday the couple called and told us they would go down another 1500. So DH and I went to look at it together on Thursday afterwork and left telling them we would get back to them within 24 hours. So I called them last night and told them we would take it. Then I didn't sleep well last night! But I always do that when I have made a decision to lay down a chunk of change! :lol: So this morning I have to get to the bank and transfer some funds so I can write a check. Then I have to start cleaning the house...I know there is another dog scattered around on the floor! It's probably going to be a spit and lick job because there is plenty of time for deep cleaning when the snow is flying.
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