Tuesday, Morning ..All is well and .........

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Tuesday, Morning ..All is well and .........

Postby Barbzeee » Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:02 am


Tuesday, Morning ..All is well and it's the first day of school here on the East Coast... Our weekend was a good one and the family are leaving this morning..Well have our coffee and say our So longs and I'll see them all in a couple of weeks..Yes,I get a break...LOL but only cause I've got loads of Dr appointments and tests to be done.. Then we have our big get together out on the Island (Hampton's) as I say "Happy Trails" for I'm leaving early this year.. Should hopefully be on the road Oct 8th or 9th...wow I can't believe it.. it's almost that time..where did the summer go ??????? aaaaah but I have lots and lots of tomatoes.. my plants are loaded...and how much can you eat LOL Everyone will be going home with a Little bit of a gift...LOL Yeppers very sweet tomatoes...oh they are so good !! We had a great cook out yesterday.. and the weather was being really great.. not really hot..but nice to sit out a spell.. Now we'll be closing down the pool ...and putting in the furniture....so that's what our plan is for this week...Yikes, it's a routine..when ya think about it.. well at least we have it down pat LOL..We have lots of practice... ...

Thank goodness that all our Sista's were out of reach of Gustav and that there wasn't too much major damage..just those tornados...eeeww..I pray that all of you will stay safe...and keep us posted where you are at...and along comes Hannah...good grief..there are a few more coming our way again.. This is sure an active season...it goes in cycles... All please keep safe...!!

As for the forum let me stroll through and check this all out.....what you have been up to yesterday....

RVGranny (Lori and Ernie) thanks for posting where you both are... I like you only drive so many hours.. no need to rush it.. I mean there is no dead line..other than enjoying the Adventure and Relaxing...Watch the weather while you are driving south, as it looks like Hannah might be heading up the East coast

Gentleladybear... (Nan) Loved the White Catfish LOL and really nice area.. aaaaah and you have that Vu Cube.. I've seen them around and if I didn't have mine up top... I'd most likely get something like that.. boy when I go to Maine.. you need one.. those trees... what southern part of the sky LOL I have the Tri pod for that and load it in..but what a pain to set up...this looks really simple...mmmmmmm

Cedar, Liz and Kathy... you all had a great visit.. wish we all could have been there..but ya never know is right for next year... we may do a surprise ride up...or maybe you all could come down too ...hoping our gas prices drop that surely would help...:)

The Campfire.. keeps going.. but last I read..lemonade and Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream oooooooh my... I'll have to pass on that one... I mean I'll have to have a bottle of beer or glass of wine.. somehow the thought of that didn't go ...must have been the muscles we had.. boy sure ate a pile of them.. nothin' finer than muscles and wine.....LOL beer please cause all that dunken bread kind of kicks it up a tad LOL that makes mmmm let me see.. 51 now right ..or who 's counting LOL.. burp !

Bethers.. The Beach is gone ! Wow, those waves look mean.. I'm not big on the ocean although as a kid I loved it.. I think it was the sand thingy .. kind of got to me... always on ya.. or someone walking by just as ya get comfy and up comes more sand LOL but I love going to the beach in Oct here... I mean, I thoroughly love watching it.. in Long Beach Island...aaaaah there is this great place that makes fantastic fudge LOL .. anyway.. we use to go for a couple of weeks and just enjoy the board walk and relax as the tourists were off the island by that time and it was heavenly..

Asirimarco.. (Carol) enjoyed your Holiday.. and especially that beautiful young Buck...oh my.. I'd have to have a name for that lad.. I mean just look at his face and I see those antlers..looks a little fuzzy on them...:) gosh, what a beautiful area you are in... WE all should consider a visit to check this area... I'm sure every morning I'd be having my coffee on that porch and just watching all come out and bring on my day... Loved your quilt too .. my mother in law use to do that .. loved watching her when I'd visit .. always a quilt on the frame for someone... good thoughts here ... :)

Paulette...hope you got a chance to enjoy the weekend and do some catch up.. :)

Mtngal (Diana) Hope you also got rested up from your trip.. you is Home Sweet Home now !

Redetotry..(BJ) there is no getting away from it.. House work is kind of like brushing your teeth.. you have too.. I mean if ya let it go it gets nasty.. LOL I hate it.. never was the domestic type but later in life...had too ! ..hey, I'll go out and earn the money.. hire someone one to do that engineering LOL but now I'm stuck with it... !!!

ShirlV...I'm sure you had a great weekend with the family... and lots of goodies to tell us too..!

Avalen (Ava) Ya got that Fence fixed yet ??? LOL..

Getup n'go (Janice) So it's get up and be gone.. for you this week.. well good luck to you where ever you plan to venture off and a safe journey on your way home !

Well, it's that time I can't believe how fast it's going... but I need to get my coffee going and get ready for the family coming down and then hitting the roads.... For all of you starting your day.. please stop by and let's hear what's going on for you today...and if it's just sitting back a spell..well I have a cup on the table set for ya !!

Echo, Avalen, Mtntophoundz, Carold, and all the rest of you.. coffee is on ifn' ya want to join us.. oh yeah Tea too and mmmmm colas LOL Have a good one what ever you're doing ! Here's my Mug up and clicking to ya !!

For all the rest, May your Adventures be Great ones and your Journey be Safe too !

God Bless

PS... just thought I'd let you all know soon I'll be starting classes look out for some strange art work..LOL will be interesting for sure.. hahahaha...a little cheese cake anyone :)

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Re: Tuesday, Morning ..All is well and .........

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:17 am

Morning, All!! Yeap, I'm up early.....been here waiting for Barbzeee to post... :) ;) so I could add my 2 cents before getting Ernie out of the sack......only about 200 miles to go til our friends house.....We're going to have a grand time visiting......and I didn't know there was so much to see in KY!! :o Got a tour book from AAA and just in their neck of the woods, tons to see and do......Ernie's all excited about doing a "Bourbon" tour..... :) :roll: and I'd like to visit some of the historic things in the area.......and of course see some of the horse farms.....what's a visit to KY without seeing horses!!

Okay, got my coffee and a slice of toast.....will sit awhile and visit, but soon will be on the road again....will post when we land again.....

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Re: Tuesday, Morning ..All is well and .........

Postby Gentleladybear » Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:35 am

Lori don't forget in Corbin, Ky there is the original home of Kentucky Fried Chicken. Fernie took me down there for a visit. Had our lunch there. Seeing the original stuff he used to make the chicken and they ate it on real plates. Fun visit.

Barb this cube is so light you can pick it up with one hand. I roll the cable and sit it in the shower when traveling. Have a flat cable out the window for the connection, so very easy to hook up.

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Re: Tuesday, Morning ..All is well and .........

Postby Cedar518 » Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:45 am

OMG,... first day back to work for a new school year,.... drats! I sure hate to give up the easy life of summer and the camping,..but I hear the call of a paycheck! :lol:

Thanks for the update Zeee,... I can always count on you to re-cap the forum for us. I'll be watching for new artwork from you,...

Gotta run,... hope all our sisters have a grand day!

Re: Tuesday, Morning ..All is well and .........

Postby Mtntophoundz » Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:49 am

Good Morning all! I am finally making it here in the morning! For some silly reason I thought that when school started back a couple of weeks ago, life would slow down. WRONG! Now we are trying to do the stuff on the weekends that we would have been doing during the week. We went to a couple of cook outs this weekend and I even went on a ladies only shopping trip. Such great fun! Well, its time to get the kids up. Everyone have a wonderful day!
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Re: Tuesday, Morning ..All is well and .........

Postby Echo » Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:56 am

Yawn, I'm having a hard time getting my morning motor running! I'm on my 3rd refill of coffee here this morning too. All I want is to go back to bed for a while.

We worked our 1/2 day yesterday. I think it cost them more to open the place up and pay us double time than what it gained them in collections. sheesh!!! We had planned on a potluck for yesterday at work cause we thought we all had to work. After it was known that only volunteers were working the potluck was canceled. Well come to find out it wasn't canceled it was only postponed until today. So I made up a macaroni salad last night. :) Kelly and I did some taste testing last night on it for supper along with some chicken. Mmmmmmm good. Gonna take the rest of it to work and Kelly has to make up a dessert for today. Other than that today is just 'back to the grind' and regular hours.

Kelly is up, showered and getting dressed :o I am sitting here still in my super sized nitie, got to get at it, plus I need to get the garbage out and grab the $ out of the Blazer to leave on the fridge so that one of the kids can go pay the electric bill today. Paychecks around here are spent before we even earn them! LOL

Some how I want to go camping on a weekend in September. We haven't done any camping this summer at all. Just been to dang busy and broke. But with David working again and all 4 of us kicking in we should be able to go do some playing again now. I know Kelly has been going nuts wanting to go too. Wont go far but go we will.

Ok it's that time, need another refill and have to get dressed. ~sigh~

Hope everyone has a fantastic day and stays safe!!!

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Re: Tuesday, Morning ..All is well and .........

Postby asirimarco » Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:07 am

Morning, morning to all. I just realized I'm turning into my Mother. Bill just asked me what were my plans (?) for today - replied "well it's Monday (seems like it) so I'm doing laundry, paying the bills and running the vaccuum." Rain or shine my Mom laundered on Monday and ironed on Tuesday --- at least I don't iron (4 letter word)
guess i'd better get at it.
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Re: Tuesday, Morning ..All is well and .........

Postby mtngal » Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:47 am

It's almost noon on the east coast, but will say good morning anyway! My life is starting to settle in, catching up with friends and family. It's interesting how everything really stays pretty much the same, whether I was here last week or
12 weeks ago. Including my internet connection, oh, it's so frustrating after all those weeks of fast wireless!!! Today I
am cooking game hens for my sister and her grandsons, haven't done those for years. Wish me luck! Have a fun day and I hope I can catch up with all later, the connection seems to be better late at night.......
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Re: Tuesday, Morning ..All is well and .........

Postby SeeyaGal » Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:46 am

Good Morning! Finally bumped DH off the puter so it's my turn :lol: Hopefully get the main computer back today and fixed. That nasty virus really bit my main computer hard! OUCH!! Going out to dinner at the Mall with Mom & Dad. Love the Crossroads Mall Restaurants such a variety of good food! So today will be the last day with my Mom till she comes down to Yuma.

Tomorrow we have dinner with my best friend Nancy , did I tell ya'll we have been best friends for 45 yrs!!! We'll load up some more stuff from the Attic and bring the rest of the Salmon for our freezer and then Thursday we are on our way!! I'm ready to hit the road! :D You can't tell I'm ready to go home can you lol :roll:
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