by Getupngo » Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:14 am
WOW Soos!!! That is soooo wonderful. I know you have scrimped and saved and you will be a faithful steward of your little nest egg (or gasoline account, whichever occurs first).
I had a similar (but bittersweet) feeling when DH died and I discovered that because he had 31 years with the state I was eligible to receive his pension NOW (vs. waiting until MY retirement age). And that his cause of death was eligible for "accidental" (read: double-indemnity) insurance status. A windfall is a windfall.
Just HOLD ON until the last day of school ... then there'll be a prison break-out for sure.
Janice traveling solo in a 2008 Four Winds Windsport
Navigator: Annie the miniature poodle
2011 Honda CRV toad