Thanks for thinking of me. I have indeed been busy. I'm getting ready to head out on a fantastic road trip with Oregonluvr. We leave next week. 2 weeks in the southwest! We hope to see about 5 Nat'l Parks (Grand Canyon, Mesa Verde, Arches, Canyonlands & Death Valley if it isn't too hot) and Monument Valley. It should be a fabulous trip. We will do our best to post pictures when we can.
The other thing keeping me very busy is I have been house-hunting. I think I found one. I made an offer, they accepted and the inspection is tomorrow. We'll see what the inspection shows but I'm cautiously optomistic. My realtor is also a general contractor and he couldn't find anything wrong with the place but he didn't climb on the roof or crawl under it either. Its a great little manufactured home in a park with a double carport and fenced yard. It has 924 sq ft and will be the perfect size for me. There was even 200 sq ft of wood laminate flooring that hadn't been installed tucked away in a closet. Its enough to do the kitchen, hall and 2nd bath (master bath is already done). I have a friend that will install the flooring for me for a pizza LOL The park is very nice and very quiet. If the inspection goes okay, I should close when I get back from my trip. I'm hoping to move Memorial Day weekend. I already have a crew lined up!
So everyone think good thoughts tomorrow afternoon, um, Pacific time please

I'll post an update when I know for sure. If I get the place I'll be sure to post pictures. I know how nosey everyone on here is HA HA
Thanks again Vickie for asking about me and for Cedar posting that I was okey dokey