Can't stand it!

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Re: Can't stand it!

Postby bikerchic777 » Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:14 pm

I've heard that the average turnover time for RVs is 2 years. What does that tell you? We've gone through 3 in 3 yrs! It does take awhile to figure out what works for you. You think you have it figured out until you live in it and then you figure out something else :? I say go for what you think will work for now that is a good deal and know that you won't have it forever. I decided to buy a Class A because it is what I'm used to now. I decided Class C's have a lot of issues with leaks around the cabover bunk they have less space. I am going to try to continue full timing, so it is literally my house, so I need to be and Rags, of course ;) Will be curious to see what you decide on. BTW...Your work is perfect for RVing! You can get a full hookup site and pay doing that. You could be saving on a house payment or rent, utilities, etc. That should justify buying an RV, if nothing else does ;) Then you could get the heck out of there in the winter and return to MI in the spring to your job there. I will be a sub contractor this summer, doing custodial work at a COE park on a lake here in IA. I will have a nice (free) full hookup site and decent pay. I'm already searching for my winter job where it's warmer.
Linda, Rags, and Brutus full-timing it in our 2017 Winnebago Micro Mini, Thumbelina.

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Re: Can't stand it!

Postby mtngal » Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:14 pm

I don't have anything to add to all the excellent information and suggestions here, so much good stuff, just wanted to say, no need to make a hasty decision. The season will go by sooo quickly! Maybe just a few months down the road you will be in a better place to find the direction you are searching for now. And don't forget to have fun in the process!
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Re: Can't stand it!

Postby Colliemom » Sat Apr 17, 2010 5:33 pm

Linda, that would be a fantastic idea, working and camping at the same time. But here in the Michigan State Park system, that's not allowed. The only people who get a free campsite are the Camp Hosts. They get a free site in exchange for being the hosts. And the state parks don't have hookups other than electric. There may be some in the southern part of the state, but I'm not clear on that. You want that, you go see the Private Campgrounds and there aren't many Up North here who do. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that pumps are needed to get water and septics are the main source of dumping, no city sewer systems. We are rural area up here. The place where people who want to escape the "cement jungles" come. A lot of second homes here. Like on my road here, there are 23 houses along the road but only 13 of us live here full time, the rest are seasonal or whenever they come up. But that is my thought for down the road here in a year or two. Then I can go where I want and might try something like that out. That's also what restricts me to what brands of TT's, MH's etc. that I can look at. There are only a few dealers scattered across a wide geographical area.
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Re: Can't stand it!

Postby bikerchic777 » Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:06 am

Sue...I haven't looked at your state for Corps of Engineers Parks, and my computer doesn't have internet access here in Barbie's parking lot, but that is where I'm staying this summer. It's a COE park. They are all on lakes or rivers and some by dams. They provide full hookep sites for camp hosts, custodians, and volunteers who do all sorts of jobs for them. Volunteer jobs only give you a site, but so far the custodial jobs are on contract and you can bid on the contract for each campground or recreation area. I think the mowing is contact, also. With your experience, you could maybe get a park ranger job or some other full time paying job that would hire you seasonal. Something to check on. Are you only looking at new tt's? If you are, you don't have to go too far south to find plenty. Quite a few even in IA. Otherwise, you tend to have an advantage when buying your first since you don't have to trade. You can buy private and negotiate better. Lots of people trying to sell those luxury items during these tough economic times. I always say, where there's a will there's a way!
Linda, Rags, and Brutus full-timing it in our 2017 Winnebago Micro Mini, Thumbelina.

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Re: Can't stand it!

Postby Colliemom » Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:55 pm

Thanks for that info. I noticed a number of posts referring to COE parks and I wondered what it stood for. I don't know if we have any in Michigan or not. Will look it up. Probably not cause the only COE operation around that I know if is the Soo Locks in Sault Ste. Marie (Soo).
Well, I am looking at new but not necessarily buying new. I am also keeping my eye out on used. And like you say, a lot of people are selling these luxury items in these trying times. This Scouring down through Craigslist just now produced a large of number of RV's for sale. Many large size MH's and travel trailers. Bigger tha nI want. And a large number are getting up in age too. Deer hunters specials as they call them. Haul them up to deer camp where nobody cares how dirty or used they get. Plus some are overpriced too. You could shell out a couple of thousand more and get new. But I am watching and looking, biding my time.
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Re: Can't stand it!

Postby bikerchic777 » Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:51 am

Just keep us posted! I'd love to know what you decide to do ;)
Linda, Rags, and Brutus full-timing it in our 2017 Winnebago Micro Mini, Thumbelina.

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