Buying from dealers

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Buying from dealers

Postby Colliemom » Fri Apr 16, 2010 4:37 pm

I need a bit of advice from you "experts" out there. I've spent two days looking at some TT's that I had on my list of potentials and rejected them so far. Then walked around the lots looking at what else was there. Lots of rigs bigger than I want to go right now. I have one more dealer to check out and then see where I go from here. So far the two dealers I have gone to are about 50-60 miles from me, one Northeast and one South. I was impressed with the sales reps at both places and also with what I have seem at the dealerships in terms of stock, supplies, service areas etc. and would love to buy from either one. The third dealer I am going to is about 60 miles Northwest of me. This is a smaller dealer with a bit less stock, but deals in other types of trailers as well as TT's and FW's etc. I don't know anything about them or anybody who has done business with them. They have a service department but I'm not sure about supplies etc. They happen to be the only dealer up here for the brand that I am interested in that has it in stock.
My question is, if I like a TT that they have, should I take a chance on them or go back to the others and maybe they can order one I want of their brand and see how that goes? All of these dealers have been around a number of years I know. What's your experience with dealers? Have you bought from one cause it's close for service etc., carries what you wanted or bought and got service elsewhere etc? This is a long process I know and I'm not rushing into buying anything. The smaller TT's are diseappearing though. I don't know if I want to travel out say 100/200 miles away to buy even though I could have service anywhere.
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Re: Buying from dealers

Postby Bethers » Fri Apr 16, 2010 4:45 pm

Why wouldn't you buy from them? Are you always going to live where you do? Find out if the dealers you talk to will service you if you buy elsewhere. If NOT you don't want to buy from them anywhere. RVers TRAVEL. That means chances are you won't be near your dealer when you have anything that needs to be done - unless you never go anywhere more than a few miles from home. Friends of mine won't go to any dealer - and go directly to the manufacturer of their unit when they need anything done - and that's a couple states away. I've had work done in Alaska, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Wyoming, Texas, Arizona, Oregon and Alabama (sure I'm missing someplace) - I was, at the time, with my address in Alabama. That's where I got the most work done - and where I had the worst experience. I'd highly recommend some of the places I've been - and not some of the others.

(Wow, all those states listed, it sounds like I'm always getting work done - really, I'm not - but things happen. I've had a tire blow out and cause damage. I've had to replace my fridge. I've replaced my microwave. I had a leaky seal on my toilet, etc etc - and, for the most part, I've had wonderful, wonderful help from all across the country. But everytime I hear a car or rv place say they won't help someone because they didn't buy from them - I won't give that place my business - EVER.
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Re: Buying from dealers

Postby Getupngo » Fri Apr 16, 2010 4:48 pm

Call me silly, but I work with the dealers who listen to me and don't blow off my questions or concerns (because I'm a woman). Sounds like you are buying new ... I buy used. And if a dealer is willing to fix things for me to make the rig meet my standards ... that is who I want to work with. I want to be able to take it back to them and have them make good on their promises ... and have a reasonable belief that they will.

I had one dealer that, each time I brought up a concern, half-answered it but didn't give me any satisfaction. It was one associated with Camping World, and so they didn't have their own in-house mechanics.
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Re: Buying from dealers

Postby OutandAbout » Fri Apr 16, 2010 5:14 pm

Colliemom, if the 3rd dealer carries the brand TT you want, then I would go with them. The other dealers most likely will not be able to just order a single trailer without some kind of deal with the manufacturer. (That's why all three have different makes of rvs.) I think you take your chance with service at any dealer. As Getupngo said, make them make good on their promises, otherwise don't go back. Should you need service there are other places that want your business. Beth also stated that you would probably need service away from your dealer anyway so being close to the dealer doesn't matter that much anyway. You also have the option of getting/finding an independent RV guy to take care of the TT's needs as well. There are many options out there. Warranties will be honored by the manufacturer and if needed you could always call them and get a place to take the TT for service. RV supplies is an area that you would probable do better than getting at an RV dealer, as they are high priced to begin with. (Just my opinion) I would try and get the best deal first, then service would be second. My opinion again. Good luck with the search. Linda
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Re: Buying from dealers

Postby retiredhappy » Fri Apr 16, 2010 5:22 pm

Personally, I would look at used. The depreciation on a new rig is huge, I once heard as much as 40%. I bought from a dealer but I bought used just because he happened to have the one I wanted. If I can avoid it, I NEVER have a dealer service my rig cause their rates out out of sight. I have a couple of really good RV repair people in my town that don't sell rigs at all. Like Beth, I've had work done in Wyoming, New Mexico and Texas. Buying new doesn't guarantee no problems.
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Re: Buying from dealers

Postby Colliemom » Fri Apr 16, 2010 5:45 pm

Wow :) , I asked for opinions and I'm getting them. Thanks ladies. Keep em coming, I enjoy reading them. Used tT' s are the first things I am looking at, but unfortunately so far all I've found are too big or way too old. If I can find one I like, I will definitely buy used. Hence, that's why I'm looking new right now. And in some cases, the prices of the used aren't that far off the prices of the new as the dealers are having sales right now and hav marked down prices as much as $7-8,000, so there are some buys out there. With Michigan in it's own recession, they are pulling out the stops to get in customers. I'm a little reluctant to buy used from a private owner cause I don't have any of the equipment on my truck (sway bars, distribution hitches, brake controllers etc, which a dealer would install upon purchase. But I'm looking.
As far as having them order me a TT, it would only be because they have some of that brand in stock, but not that particular model. But that's a last recourse. If I don't see anything I really want, new or used, I am just going to sit back and watch the sites and make an ocassional trip by the places.
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Re: Buying from dealers

Postby VickieP » Fri Apr 16, 2010 6:34 pm

Sue, when we bought our first TT, it was from a couple in Argyle TX. They were going to a MH so we bought the hitch, leveling bars and sway control from them. Had a trailer place here install the plug and brake controller we needed and we headed out to pick it up.
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Re: Buying from dealers

Postby Colliemom » Fri Apr 16, 2010 7:02 pm

Would be nice if I could find a deal like that and I might. So far I havn't seen anything but this is only April. Right now it feels like March, chilly and cold again with snow showers predicted for tomorrow again.
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Re: Buying from dealers

Postby Cedar518 » Fri Apr 16, 2010 7:18 pm

Well, being gone all day I'm now playing catch-up reading all these posts! :D

I've owned a total of nine campers (the first one and the last three were bought new) from 1972-2010. Only one of which was bought from a private person. The dealer where I've bought the last three is 45 mi. away, a small dealership that does great maintenance and has almost no supplies on-site. So size, on-site supplies, etc. has no bearing on whether the place is the place to buy.... it's up to YOU. What I'd look for is the rig that "sings" to you,.... the financial deal,....everything else will fall into place eventually.

On edit: of course going over the rig to be sure it's sound.

Re: Buying from dealers

Postby Colliemom » Fri Apr 16, 2010 7:27 pm

Yeah, we don't want to fall through the floor when we first step in :D About the only place I haven't been so far is crawling underneath. That may come when I find the one thaat "sings". Love yours. Next on my list. Looked at it before but withut the slider cause that one was still in storage. The 23 ft. looks neat floor plan wise too. By the way, we just had a cold front come through this afternoon. Snow showers in forecast for tomorrow. Heading your way......
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Re: Buying from dealers

Postby Redetotry » Fri Apr 16, 2010 8:11 pm

So I'm wondering have you pretty much decided on a TT? If so wondering why, I think starting out and if you have to buy a truck, did you consider a Class B or B+. I don't have an RV but it seems like to start with I would think buying used would be good because seems like everyone trades when they figure out features they didn't get the first time but decide after traveling for awhile they would like. Others mentioned the depreciation which will be huge if you buy new.
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Re: Buying from dealers

Postby avalen » Fri Apr 16, 2010 8:16 pm

all good information from the gals, and I only have ONE experience to share
When I bought this unit I have now, (5th wheel) I happened to know the owner
only wanted 12,000 for it but it was on consignment at Earnhardt RV, so I had
to run over there to take a look at it. The dealer had it listed at 29,000!!!
They were certainly giving themselves some dealing room for price negotiations.
I looked and said thank you and went back to my friend and told them what the
dealer had it listed as, he called them right then and there and told them he
was coming to get it, and grumbled something about "no wonder they never
sold it" anyway, I bought it the next day :D
Thats not to say all dealers would ask for more than a 100% commission on
consignments, but I'd say it leaves plenty of room for wheelin and dealin.
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Re: Buying from dealers

Postby Bethers » Fri Apr 16, 2010 8:36 pm

I found a lot more used rv's by looking at ads - rvtrader, etc - than from dealers. Don't skip Ebay either. If you aren't willing to buy far away, you might even find a used one listed near enough to go see it - dealer or not. I made an offer on one rv sight unseen - but didn't buy it because we were a couple thousand off in price. Worked out to my advantage, cuz I got this one a month later - a few hundred miles from me - from a private party that was the perfect one for me. This is the one that I walked into and even though it was used and had little dings and a terrible looking outside (wasn't kept washed and waxed, so it still has a bad looking outside :) ) - it was just what I wanted, and I could negotiate price - and did. It took me a few months to find these two. And it was a couple months of looking and walking through all the types before I decided on a C. Don't rush into it - take your time - and if you're going to the dealers you should be looking at the various other choices, c's, b's - even a's - as well as the tt and 5th wheels. Then you can make a better informed decision as to which is best for you. After you have it narrowed down - and if you are going to look used, you can't narrow it to one specific model and year - then you can go looking at what's out there - making a list of must haves and would likes. Be flexible. My biggest must was the length - I wouldn't go over 25' back then. If buying now I'd like to stay short, but probably would consider up to 28. But there are places I've been with this rv that I'd no longer be able to go. That would hurt, but be livable in the future.
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Re: Buying from dealers

Postby Colliemom » Fri Apr 16, 2010 8:40 pm

Well gal, I'll tell you. There are pros and cons to both. For one thing, the only time I will probably be out camping is on my days off and that won't be every time. I love to drive and when I do go someplace, I like to explore around the area. So that kind of makes it a bit inpractical to have a motorhome cause I have to move it everytime I want to go sightsee. With a TT, I can just unhitch it and leave it at my campsite and come "home" when I am done roaming for the day. Now I have given serious thought to a Class B+, but so far I am finding either older models (over 10 yrs), really high mileage or too pricey for my budget. Plus after looking at insurance rates, gas prices, and maintenance on two vehicles. I decided that it's just too expensive to go that route right now. The trailer would be cheaper to buy, insure and maintain. Can just park it and let it be except for routine maintenance. As for the truck, I am currentlly driving a lease truck as my main vehicle. I need to replace it cause I do need wheels to drive around here. Either way, I need to have two vehicles if I bought a Class C or Class B. So expense is dictating which way to go at the moment. Class B's in MIchigan seem to be a rarity at dealerships and none private unless like I said, they are older or high mileage. There is a Class C' for sale here, but overpriced. It onlly has 18,000 miles on it, but it's a 1998 and two dealers I talked with said that around $15-16,000 would be about right for that. It's a 31ft and the owner is asking $24,995. But I am still watching cause the season is early yet.
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Re: Buying from dealers

Postby Colliemom » Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:57 am

Length is my concern too. I don't want to go big. 25-26 would be find for me. Actually, to tell you the truth. Last summer I found a nice looking 24ft. Class C on Craigslist. Emailed the owner and we yakked back and forth a number of times. But I was sitting on the fence then like now and wasn't sure if I wanted to go that route. It was an older model, 92' I think. But last summer wasn't a "summer" and as for camping, left a lot ot be desired as far as weather was concernd. Friends and others I know said they hardly bothered either. Well, in the meantime the owner decided to hold onto the rig till this year (giving up camping cause kids are older and not intrested thing). He had it listed a couple of weeks ago and I emailed him about it. Thought that even at it's age it was cheap enough to "play" with for awhile. I could tell from emailing back and forth that these people were very honest. He kept details of all services/repairs since he had it, all the original manuals etc. and inside storege etc. Well, he sold it before it even came out of storage to get cleaned up to put up for sale. /si U jeeo watcg, Then there's that 31 ft. Minni up for sale here right now, but as I said in another post, it's overpriced and I know the battery keeps running down cause it was on charger the other day. Owner should replace that. But 31 is a bit longer than I want. But she's a honey of a rig.
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