Can't stand it!

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Can't stand it!

Postby Colliemom » Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:13 am

Okay ladies. Here I am again with more questions. Spring is coming, the open road is calling but unfortunately my summer job keeps me from hitting that open road right now and a home keepsme from doing it the rest of the time except maybe for some short jaunts. But first I need to get a rig.
Now, during the nice weather here in Michigan, I have two days off a week in which I can go camping. Course that wouldn't be every week cause one does have to do things like clean house, go shoppng, cut grass etc. :) But when I want to go I want to go.
If you have read some of my other posts you know I am getting ready to get new "wheels" down the road here, may be this spring or late summer. But in the meantime I want to play.
Questin I have for those of you who have "been there, done that" is should I perhaps look for a small used motorhome of trailer to just fool around with for a year or two to see how it's going to work out or should I just bite the bullet and wait. There are some fairly good deals aruond here this spring n used MH's, small 23fts. to 31fts. Sometimes though I think that the money I spend getting one of those could be saved for a newer rig down the line but then one doesn't know if one is going to want to have a Class C or A or TT or what. :?
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Re: Can't stand it!

Postby VickieP » Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:29 am

I'm sure you'll get a variety of answers, but mine is to go for it. By buying something small or less expensive you can learn what you like and dislike about it and what you must have or can do without. If you can find a good deal for a reliable rig you can resale it when you're ready. That's my 2 cents worth. :D
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Re: Can't stand it!

Postby Liz » Mon Apr 12, 2010 11:01 am

I agree with Vickie on all points. That's what I did when I bought my first used 18' B, and that's what I did again when I bought my second, longer used 20' B. I'm enjoying all the benefits of rving while still considering if I want bigger or full-timing.
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Re: Can't stand it!

Postby Cedar518 » Mon Apr 12, 2010 11:30 am

Yes, go for it!

My reason is this,..."maybe next year" can get to be a mantra you keep saying,.... If you get out there now you will have the experiences and can trade up as you make your mind up as to what you want for the long haul.... pun intended. haha :lol:

This is coming from a woman who has had tents, truck camper, 3 5th wheels, an a-frame folding trailer, two popups and now two travel trailers. Absolutely LOVE my Rockwood Mini-Lite. :D

Re: Can't stand it!

Postby sunshinecruiserTN » Mon Apr 12, 2010 11:40 am

I say definitely go for it! I purchased 12/07 and didn't go full time until 9/09. Worth the weekend trips to learn & live the life.
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Re: Can't stand it!

Postby Carolinagal » Mon Apr 12, 2010 1:10 pm

I'm with everyone else here, Go for it. Not sure of your age, but we aren't any of us, guarenteed tomorrow, so fill today up with all you want to do, Now. Smaller unit would give you experience in the care of one and emptying tanks etc. and will help you know what you do want in something more permanent. If there is a good deal, of small older unit near you, that you could get to enjoy now, just make sure bed fits you and suits you, that bathroom area is what you could deal with and kitchen things work. especially frig. Also, that they have maintained it properly, like reg. oil changes etc. Be sure tires aren't outdated too.

Just having the bug, with no real idea of what you really want for a rig, start with what is available now and the rest will work itself out for you, and in the meantime you will be having a blast ! I think your first decision is whether you will get a new truck, and then what, that leaves you buying a trailer or 5th wheel. Small rig like Liz, has could be used for all purposes if necessary.

So, Good Luck, to you, but whatever your decision, I say go for it NOW, and by the time you can retire, you will really know what you want to do and have for a Rig.

You're new and you said, your in Michigan, I was born there, what area are you in or near? Welcome, to our crazy, wonderful forum, Sistah. Late but still heartfelt. I have neglected my welcomes, but for all of those reading this who are new here, I say a HUGE WELCOME TO ALL!

Gotta get busy here, wish you lots of luck.
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Re: Can't stand it!

Postby Colliemom » Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:55 pm

Whoe, the decision seems to be unamimous out there. I've been scouting around and so far I have found at least 3 new TT's and 2 MH"S. The one MH I love is probably a bit too big for a first timer. 31ft. The second is at a dealer 2050 miles from me which would be a bit far to go "Pick up" even if I could afford it. Waiting to see it's asking price, but I'm sure it's out of my budget right now. 2007 23ft. Coachman Class C. Looks brand new and only 7741 miles. So I figure it will be up there price wise. Cedar's lttlel Rockwood tugs on me as I hve looked at one a while back. Found a Tracer about 200 miles north of here at dealers, the which of I was very IMPRESSED at the sales consultant I was talking with. This gal really knows her stuff and gave me time to look, ask questions, made suggestions etc.. But I am still looking. Another dealer over east of me is havng an RV show type thing starting next weekend and I plan to go over there too.
The biggest thing holding me back is that dar truck. I'm am currently under lease till FEb. of 2011, but I have a $36,000 mile limit and anything after that is 20 cents mile. Currently I have 31,500, so you can see I will be well over the limit later on here. Last year I put over 16,000 miles on in just the first part of the year. If I get another one, it's a matter or leasing again or buying out and that makes the difference in MONEY. Cause I work seasonal from late April to late Sept., I don't have that steady paycheck every month, so I have to watch if I decide to make payments till SS kicks in. And for the inquiring minds, since we share so much on this site, I"m going on 61. 8-)
Hey 60 is the new 50! Right gals. :D

Carolinagirl, you asked where I was in MIchigan. I'm in the northern part of the state up near the Gaylord area.
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Re: Can't stand it!

Postby OutandAbout » Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:20 pm

Colliemom, what would be the penalty for getting out of the lease early? Or could you maybe buy it now? Another idea, if you keep the truck, get a truck cap and set that up for camping. (Like Soos did with hers) I realize that keeping the truck limits you to a TT in the future, but there's nothing bad about that. :D This way you could get out there now and take your time choosing an RV. Just my 1 cent. Linda
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Re: Can't stand it!

Postby retiredhappy » Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:19 pm

My 2 cents worth - go for a small B or something you can pull with whatever new truck you buy. 31" is Not small - I fulltime with 3 dogs in a 31' rig and I sure don't drive it into town for groceries. In 2002 I bought a 19' class B that was a 1989 Ford Falcon. Didn't have many miles on it - remember these rigs are usually only used on weekends or summer vacations so mileage isn't often very high. I do think you need to decide what kind of rig you want BEFORE you buy a new vehicle. If you're going to end up with a 31' motorhome you will want a car to tow behind. If you end up with a 5th wheel or TT you will want a truck big enough to pull it. When your lease is up have you considered buying used? Personally, I've never thought leases were a good idea cause you NEVER own anything. I also never buy brand new, vehicle or MH, because they depreciate waaaaaaay too much the minute you drive off the lot.
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Re: Can't stand it!

Postby Colliemom » Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:18 pm

I considered the pickup cap, truck camper idea. Actually did do that with my dad's one pickup when he had a really neat cap on back with a door you could open, no tailgate to climb over and had windows you could crank out for ventilation. But the idea of lifting two 50-60 lbs. dogs in and out shot that idea. I also have been considering buying out the truck, but the one thing I don't like on this particular truck is that it has a dual driver/passenger adjust heating/cooling system whereas the driver can set one temp and the passenger another. In order to adjust it temp wise I have to adjust both sides and the darn buttons are small, the numbers hard to read behind the darker glass cover etc. and it's a downright pain not to mention a bit dangerous riding down the road and trying to do that while you are driving. I don't like having to take my eyes off the road to do it.
Yes, I have considered buying used, but right now with used vehicles being the "in" thing this economy, it's almost as expensive to buy used as new if you want to get something half way decent. I can bet you that they can take this truck of mine and put it on the lot for $6-7 more than what I can buy it out for. As I said I in another post, I tend to stay with GM cause of OnStar. I have a hearing handicap and don't use a cell phone, not that I probably couldn't cause there are some out that are hearing aid compatible, but OnStar has a built in phone system that goes where I go regardless of location. It's on satillite so never out of range like cell phones can be. Plus it's automatic emergency system can come in handy in case of accident where you might be hurt and can't call for help or cell phone went flying or went dead etc.... The dealer can buy out my lease and I deal with the dealer. So....
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Re: Can't stand it!

Postby Pooker » Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:14 am

Colliemom -

Some of the gals here remember when I first faced the "what to do and when to do it" dilemma. They gave me the same advice: Discover what you want and DO it. There will always be "ands", "buts", "what-ifs", and financial complications no matter what you do. But none of us is guaranteed a next month or next year.

In my case, I took a beating financially for my choice. We had only owned our large Class A 7 months when my DH died and as everyone tells you, they depreciate the moment you drive it off the lot. It was used, but I couldn't get rid of it for even close to the unpaid balance. Biting the bullet, I traded in; took the loss; kept my eyes firmly pointed ahead; and found a rig that spoke to me. That was 3 years ago and I'm not sorry I made the decision to plunge ahead with both feet.

So, buy out your lease (if you want to keep the one you have - learn to deal with the temperature switches); or pay the early return penalty (if you don't want it); find the truck or SUV that is right for you - maybe one that already has the tow bars, etc. Then find that small TT you can enjoy. You may even get lucky and find someone getting out of RVing and is selling both together. Try weekending. See if you like it. Most of us go through 3 or 4 rigs as we refine our needs. The lucky ones find their perfect movable home right away, but it's hard to know what you want until you actually do it.

One suggestion no one has mentioned is renting a rig for 2 days. It's pricey, yes, but you get to see whether you love or hate that type of RV without making the payments, insurance, registration, etc. And I also like the slide in truck camper idea as being the best of both worlds for you. If your dogs can jump into the cab of your truck now, they can probably climb into the back of a camper.

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Re: Can't stand it!

Postby OutandAbout » Tue Apr 13, 2010 1:17 pm

Colliemom I relate to the large dogs, I have a 65lb shepherd/lab mix that I am constantly picking up and carrying down. There are ramps and steps on the market for pets that would be handy for you. I have both, but my big girl won't use them. I have been using the ramp and have the little ones practice using it on the camper as I adjust the height. So far, it is working for two of them. Just something else to think about. Linda
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Re: Can't stand it!

Postby ali1257 » Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:13 pm


I don't know if I missed it and if I did sorry for the second time around.

I am curious what type of work you do that is seasonal. We are also seasonal workers as we work and travel with a carnival here in the Pacific Northwest.
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Re: Can't stand it!

Postby Colliemom » Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:28 pm

Ali, I am a seasonal worker for the State of Michigan Department of Natural Resoures and Environment. I work at one of the state parks that happens to be close to my home here. Classified as building maintenance. During the peak of the camping season (Memorial Day to Labo Day) a crew of three others and myself spend our time jsut keeping after the park toilet buildings and day use facilities making sure everything is clean and in order, repaired etc. This involves 3 buildings of toilets and showers and one day use change/toilet buildling at the main beach, plus a vault toilet down by the boat launch. Plus we also do other things like pick up litter, empty trash barrrels and generally anythng that we see needs doing. When we aren't busy (during main season) then we are doing repaits, painting, stainng, groundswork, basically anything maintenance except cutting grass, major repairs, electrical, etc. That's the other maintenance guys jobs. But we are pretty much "Jills of all trades". Well, in all fairness, one is a guy, our one maintenance man who floats between us and park maintenance. We are a great groupl and love out jobs and love working with each other too.
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Re: Can't stand it!

Postby Colliemom » Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:34 pm

I considered the renting option too. But as you say they are expensive and up here it's very limited. In fact I am aware of only one place that rents MH's and they are big ones. Plus I do not believe they allow pets either. No, that idea is not in my favor.
Considered the pickup camper, and as you say there is always the ramp thing, but at the same time, me and two medium size dogs would be falling over each other. So I crossed that off. Am still looking at them though. One thing I was surprised to find out is that "popup" truck campers are actually heavier weight than the taller hard sided ones due to the mechanisms that are needed to lift and tops up. Just like in a popup tent camper. I've noticed however that truck campers seem to be coming back as I am seeing more around than I have in a few years. Been there done that with the ramp thing. My one dog refused to use it. These two, who knows. I'll figure it out eventually. Just kee looking and checking etc. :D
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