She has yet to be named, the secretary is running a contest to name the bird. Winner
gets a pizza

The funny part is, on the second day, she went missing and a ransom note showed up.
Amber alert is posted for the unnamed bird and a reward is offered.
So everyone is having fun with this at work, and someone wrote on the whiteboard
that "HE tasted good"
Then of course everyone said, how do you know if it was a he or a she? Well, if eggs
show up I will guess its a she, but we have to FIND her first and take up a collection
for whatever ransom is yet to be demanded as the ransome note said, "details later"
Last year this happened with somebodies plastic havalina and the ransom was chocolate.
They didn't pay the ransom and the havalina came back a little mutulated but was fine
with a little "surgery"