Here it is it Morning yet ?

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Here it is it Morning yet ?

Postby Barbzeee » Sat Aug 16, 2008 4:18 am


Here it is....Saturday, is it Morning yet ? I'm just a tad under the weather..not feeling up to par..and hoping that this will next weekend I'm planning on meeting Sunseeker (Jill and Tommy) I'm not going to push myself and most likely start pumping up the C levels...My brother and his wife got here last night and brought in some great bread from Brooklyn, NY..Now there is this place..well this ole Italian guy that makes this special kind of fact that's all he makes..he's from our old neighborhood...and since has moved to Brooklyn....well he makes this Pizza bread..and everyone orders it from him.. it's a larger type round roll.. with a hole in the center..(as my DH says, "who ever heard of a bread with a hole in it ) it is delicious..and you cut it in half and it opens like a pocket type bread that you stuff your food into.. Like when I make Italian hot dogs.. with peppers, onions and potatoes..or sausage, peppers, onions and potatoes..or pepper and eggs and potatoes..ok ya get the picture..LOL Well my brother brought me 1 1/2 doz..and I freeze them.. we will have it today... in fact that is what we are having today... 1 roll does two people... LOL So his visit.. is like once a month I get stocked up..LOL He'll have to come back before I go to Florida..cause I need a refill...and take it with me... I once made the mistake of having it shipped to Florida...well, let me tell ya .. it was the most expensive bread...that every bite was like a buck LOL......ok, I"m hungry now...geeez... let me stroll through and see what's happening with our Sista's...

RVGranny (Lori and Ernie)...I'm sorry to hear the loss of's almost like crib death with puppies born that way.. have had that happen several times in my life time..and you struggle to keep the baby alive...I've pulled a couple through but the odds aren't always that is sad..for the loss they have and also for wanting something so badly.. but at least they have Momma and their other boy..I'm so sorry and sad...was really a cute baby too..[[[[[[[ hugs to them]]]]]]] another special doggie angel..!!!

Seeya Gal (Jenny and Dan) Shame about the big Crash.. that does suck.. do yourself a favor .. make sure you laptop is clean..if you were on the other site with it... you can run scan on virus program and also run scan in dos mode...this way you are sure everything is ok... ifn' you suspect any thing at all......and good thing you are backing up on DVDs... I do that all the time..cepting I use spare key LOL my storage chain, a portable hard drive. I work from it and then I don't have it on my main hard drive....

Almost There (Lenora) We are all praying all is going well with your son.. can you update us .. we're hoping you were able to find a place to have your fur baby Chocho stay at too..I know your head is probably spinning..but we are all with you !

Getup n'go.. (Janice) it's been so long since I've been in that area.. Now we do know Seeya Gal (Jenny and Dan) do a lot of driving in that area..they might be one of your best they travel kind of that area pretty regularly.. Beth I'm sure has certain places she liked... I'm anxious to hear who all chimes in... I'm in Senior Moments...actually hungry state can't think of anything but coffee and food...LOL but I do think we did give someone..possible Diana some areas to see in her quick ride through

Retired Happy (Karen) She's in Kansas..holy smokes Karen when you were telling us of your road trip.. and then about the smells and then you spoke of something happening..something must be because of.. I was waiting for you to come out and say..."Oh my there's OO..she's zooming past me " you know I do realize Kansas is pretty big state..but cha gotta understand my mentalitly... I have so much of OO...zooming down them highways spotting them storms... that I see nothing but Ruby Reds clicking LOL Karen loved your mental pictures..and can remember those narrow asp roads...and oh my those charming odors...LOL loves the critters enjoying their dip...:) oooooh wet feet .. You are enjoying your drive..Good ...we are too !!!

Liz sorry to hear you won't be coming our way...but I'll get to see you when I'm in Florida...when are you planning on leaving... pretty soon the colors will be changing.. the month is rolling by quickly... aaah I love that part up here.. I just love those color changes..... Cedar you may have company...lucky you !!!

Fernie.... I'm hoping you are almost through.. and getting ready.. when you said..around the 20th.. sure as shootin gal.. you get out and get back to TN...cause you need that rest .... Hope Bash did alright at the Docs...and she's starting to feel better...and Toby is being good..but them rascals..enjoy mischief.. that's their middle name :)

Ok.. ok.. I'm too dang hungry and I smell my coffee..and it's over taking me...and then I'm gonna go lay down and try to get what ever is trying to take over out of here....

Beth, hope you had a great time..and got lots of goodies...and now you can get back to work and tell us all about it !

Paulette, sure hoping you and O are having a good time.. I know I hear Florida is having lots of rain...ouch....let us know how you both are when ya can.....

Cedar..I just know you are enjoying with those GrandKids...and oh I just love those Jersey Cow faces...gots to kiss them babies... LOL... do nothing but work work gotta do something else.. I mean you gotta find you and Kelly a better job..a more relaxed one...geeeeeez every time I read I get on edge.. I'd be looking all the time...

Ok, coffee group.. it's that time and I'm feeling not doing my best to stay with you all... perhaps a straight shot of caffeine will do the trick with a few aspberns (as we call them in NY) ..

May your Adventures be Great Ones and your Journey be Safe too...

God Bless

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Re: Here it is it Morning yet ?

Postby Echo » Sat Aug 16, 2008 5:15 am

Yep it's morning. Blech :| :(

Good grief can the germies travel via the net??? Started coughing and sneezing like crazy at work Thursday. Me and the woman who sets next to me. She was feeling really rocky yesterday and by time she left work she was feeling pretty crappy. Me? I feel like I've been dragged thru that dang knothole. Oh blahhhh I feel yucky this morning. Coughing my head off, sneezing, my head feels like a weather balloon and I ache all over. Got to go into to work any way. Today is actually suppose to be a day off for Kelly and I but they have been ragging us something terrible to work overtime. So we have been doing and hour or so each night this week and we signed to do 4hrs today. And as long as we signed up for it we have to do it or we get deviated if we don't show. Gods above and below all I want to do is go back to bed. I feel crappy and I'm tired. Went to bed at 9:30 but had a terrible time going to sleep. And every time I moved or rolled over Shade thought I was gonna get up, so she would get excited and start bouncing around. Hate to say it but finally ended up hollering at her. Felt even worse for doing that. :( Poor little girl didn't know what she was getting hollered at for.

Need to take a shower this morn. Would have any way? But with feeling crappy I really feel the need for a shower. Why is that?? Just because I've come down sick doesn't really make me any dirtier. But ya kinda feel that way when sick. Goofy huh?

Hope everyone has a great day and stays safe. And I hope these germies don't travel any more to get someone else sick.

Love to all
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Re: Here it is it Morning yet ?

Postby Redetotry » Sat Aug 16, 2008 6:29 am

I'm up and had my coffee & toast. For some reason the dogs or I have been waking up an hour earlier than usual, think it's the paper girl who stops in front of our house. Doesn't she know that the whole area in front of this house is under watch! The dogs even let me know when the UPS truck drives by, they recognize the sound of his truck.
I'm going to try my luck posting pictures later of my spoiled Princess pouting over her food service.
Zeee I hope you and Echo get rid of those germs and can enjoy the weekend. I have some lozenges called Elderberry and Zinc from NOW Foods vitamin place that I take at the first sniffle or throat tickle. They will usually stop or greatly reduce the yucky germs but you have to take them right away. Also have used use the Nette Pot thing for years which I notice has sold out in many places since it's been shown so much on Oprah and some of the morning shows.
Take care.
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Re: Here it is it Morning yet ?

Postby Cedar518 » Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:36 am

Whew,...good morning to you all..... gotta flip the lid of this laptop down quickly before those germies fly out of my screen and get me! :lol:

Seriously,... I sure hope that Zeee and Echo kick those germies out of their lives and feel lots better ASAP!

I'm off to the fair again,.. today it's horse pulling. Draft horses are a weakness of mine. I'd own a pair if I could afford to feed them! I prefer Belgians. Love their golden color. just like i prefer the Jersey cows!

gotta run,... have a good day all,....

Re: Here it is it Morning yet ?

Postby Mtntophoundz » Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:42 am

Good Morning Ladies! Today is chore day and then tonight Scotty and I are going to my mom's for a party. My mother is one more woman, she likes to throw parties and is always entertaining people at her house. This daughter didn't get that trait. Her get togethers are always fun. But before I can go I need to get the house clean and some of the laundry done. :?

Zeee and Echo I hope you get to feeling better!!!

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Re: Here it is it Morning yet ?

Postby Marslet » Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:53 am

Hey Echo
Have you thought of being the best "friend" of the old "person" who gives out the deviations and going to hug their neck today, stand next to them and breathe on them? :evil: Then you can feel better all day. :lol: Hope yu get to feeling better.


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Re: Here it is it Morning yet ?

Postby Fernie » Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:40 am

Good morning ya'll. My last Saturday in Detroit----I hope forever!! ha. Truck is reserved for Thurs. We can't pick the boat up till Wed. New tires and bearings on it before we start out. Bash is hiring two guys from U-haul to load so I will have everything packed and together ready to load. Then I'll just have to vacuum, make sure everything is turned on/off whatever it is suppossed to be and goodbye Detroit. Sure miss my mountains and waterfalls. Miss lots of things. I'm homesick by the way------first time since I moved to Tn. 16 years ago!!!

Hope ya get to feeling better. Glad you made coffee---I'll have a cup of yours----ya know we are into "virtual" on here. I just had cereal now I'm back to my honey -do list I made me!!
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Re: Here it is it Morning yet ?

Postby SeeyaGal » Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:09 am

Good Morning, cats woke me up at 6:30!!! GOT FOOD??? DH is off to his Sat morn Metro breakfast with the guys. The retirees get together and they are like a bunch of gals gossiping. ...who's retiring next...who died etc. They bore me so I do not go!

Had a great day with my Mom yesterday, she just loves those days where we can go shopping and go out to lunch. It was also HOT!!
Alot of humidity...which I hate! Today is going to be the same so I'm heading for the pool!!

My time is getting shorter in the Northwest, will be anxious to go up to the Olympic Peninsula and then down the Oregon coast, it is so pretty along the coastline.

Mom is loaning me a bunch of gourds, I'm trying to get her to sell more. She was shocked she got $250.00 for the Wolf Gourd and was not going to ask that price till I told her she could sell it for alot and did. Yesterday we were looking for the little tea lights that run on batterys to put in her luminarias. She just amazes me with her gourds!

Hope you get better Barbzeee & Echo.....chicken noodle soup time! Hot showers always make my muscles feel better and the steam clears my head.
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Re: Here it is it Morning yet ?

Postby Getupngo » Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:51 am


Darn if one of those virtual germs didn't just fly up my nose!

Well, Zeee, go ahead and pass me a cuppa that virtual java and I'll get my day started, too. It's my Sunday and back to work tomorrow. Things are really heating up at at the ole mo-ped store ... everyone trying to get their fun in before school starts again.

Speaking of ... I need to sign up with a kayak company to try and paddle with the orcas before I leave. A couple told me a couple of weeks ago that while they were out paddling what's called a "super-pod" formed. That's when all 3 resident killer whale pods here all join up at once ... about 100 whales spoutin' and splashin' and comin' over to see what's goin' on. I just about died with envy!

Anyway, gotta clean my rig up, do laundry and such. Have a good day ladies!
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Re: Here it is it Morning yet ?

Postby SeeyaGal » Sat Aug 16, 2008 12:07 pm

I heard a new baby Orca was spotted in one of the Pods. We loved seeing them up in Alaska!
Sure hope you are cooler than we are Janice, suppose to be a hot day.....pool time for me!
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Re: Here it is it Morning yet ?

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Sat Aug 16, 2008 12:51 pm

WEll, guess it's good afternoon!!!

Got camping company this weekend so have been over the creek visiting with them.....them Olympics were done early last nite....MIDNIGHT!! instead of 1:30am... :shock: so I'm more rested today.....thought I was coming down with something too, but, alas, it was an all better now...

Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday...

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Re: Here it is it Morning yet ?

Postby SeeyaGal » Sat Aug 16, 2008 1:38 pm

Sure Glad I have the East coast channels for watching the Olympics here on the West Coast Mark Spitz is about to get his record beat by Michael Phelps! I have enjoyed watching this young man swim!
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Re: Here it is it Morning yet ?

Postby Paulette » Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:24 pm

Good evening ladies. We are in St. Augustine this evening...till Tuesday Morning. Having some "down and relaxin" time. Didn't have a good connection in Ft. Lauderdale, although if anyone gets down there they should definitly check out Easterlin Park. It's like a jungle in the city! Nice campground.

Anyway, just wanted to let ya all know that we are still alive and well. Connection here is in and out too, so I am thinking it might be time to upgrade my air card! This one is a couple of years old.

Trying to catch up here with you all, but probably won't till I get back home.

Take care...I miss you all.
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