The Big F little r iday ...Morning Folks :)

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The Big F little r iday ...Morning Folks :)

Postby Barbzeee » Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:38 am


The Big F little r iday...Morning Folks..yeah it is the one and only Friday...and aren't ya glad ????? Well for me you all know what's the challenge family style... I really think my family would win...well we'd sure out number them that's for certain !...I've got a few surprises in store for my group.. First one will be, I'll be away the weekend of Aug 22nd thru the 24th .. I'll be at the GTG in New Jersey...Second will be .. I'll be heading due South Oct 4th.. and Third the new indentations in the Kitchen via Abigayle :)...Yes folks my darling Abigayle the one that lays upside down, inside out as sweet as pie..took a bite out of the kitchen sink... A BITE...she proceeded to jump up, look in and bite the edge of the sink.. I now have a kind of opening...mmmmmm to describe it...well just a groove in the wood surrounding the sink... Like I've never seen a dog in all my 50 years of showing and breeding dogs do this... I mean to tell you when my DH decided he was going to cook dinner..(which is wonderful) and comes into the dog room where I am at and on the computer LOL and asks me "What happened in the Kitchen"... I kind of looked at him, "What are you talking about " ...the man shook his head and walked toward the kitchen.. I get up and follow and so do the darling the "Pied Piper" ....go in and there is Mr Minute Man pointing at the sink....with the strangest expression... and me with my "Mouth Wide Open"...I knew I was told a long time have dogs, you'll have all kind of things happen...but never this.. I mean not in my wildest dreams... "How, When, Where was I, ....Yes, dear Sista's I could have killed the BITCH ...(femail dog) I knew right away who it was and Screamed her name in vein !!!!!!!!! She boogied into her room.. geeez I wonder why ????????? My dear darling Abigayle is truly a RE INCARNATED BEAVER !!! there I said it !!......She has chewed in her life time (6 years) Steps.. 5 to be exact took bite marks out of them through the carpet....DH's special Wood Club which cost almost 800 bucks... All the rods off the Italian Provincial Dinning Room chairs.. (cost me mega bucks for that one ) the Wall in my Motor Home don't wanna go there..I could go on but as I do I start to get this sick feeling again...but trust me on this one.. I've spent lots of money on show dogs...but on a pet......unheard of I could have finished 10 dogs...easily....So that's my news...are ya in shock...well my day's not over yet...LOL....where is Abigayle...???????????? and now the weekends here..and the family will be too...all is what's happening in the forum with all of you............ surely started something on that campfire.. and I do mean to tell ya.. I'm gonna go for lots of bottles of beer today..............LOL come on gals we still gots lots left ...

ShirlV.... I wish I would have been able to make that Blues Festival.. You know how I love them blues..but when you read my morning Coffee you will see I'm singing the blues myself...Got them Kitchen Sink,Abigayle Blues...:) We do have to get together to go to one.... Next time let's set it up.. but you can take pictures and tell us all about it...

Beth, read that story and got sick to my stomach.. it is been an on going thing...just come in and start shooting..Amazes me..and they get away with it...When did the Law become so Unfair.. but then again why do we even question it.. when the whole World is so Wicked... So for the few things we have today of enjoyment and pleasure.. suck it up..cause you just never know what tomorrow will bring....such a shame...Where my girlfriend lives there is a 'No Bark" law..if a dog barks too much the dogs must be debarked , I can understand getting a fine problem ...can you imagine.. now folks when a burglar enters your home your dog can't bite can't shoot them and if you're lucky you might get thru to 911 and get an operator that has a brain...or in some cases you might even get a busy signal..(has happen)..oh but the dog..can just either use Paw signals or hold up a sign Woof Woof....right.. give us a break !!!

Mmmm let's see.. Cedar is at a GTG playing Hostess with the Mostess.... Liz is sitting with the GDs...and Paulette is visiting with Family.... Carolinagal (Carol) is out there somewhere...RetiredHappy (Karen) is coming into the count down when she heads back to Texas....KHenrie..(Kim) where you hiding ??? Getup n'go..(Janice) oh at that campfire ???? Seeya Gal...(Jenny and Dan) when do you all head down to Yuma ??....
Excel..(Charlotte) How are you doing .... and where are your pictures from your trip....Everything going alright with the Puter now ???/

Carold (Carol) was moving to another site....did ya settle in yet ?????

Ok, I hear ya.. you want your do I ...mmmmmm gotta go into that kitchen and look at that spot..oooh my I can hear my brothers's not a good thing...but maybe one of my brothers can patch it...No folks I'm not putting in a new way... Not now...I might be pulling some teeth shortly and mounting them but no New Kitchen...

Echo...are you laughing.. I can hear ya !!! come on let's get our coffee and perhaps I might have a shot in it !!! Mtntophoundz (Mollie) you thought kids were bad LOL Avalen (Ava) I'll take that flood any day....RV Granny (Lori and Ernie)Need any wood choppin ???? ooooooh yeah Smokin' Fernie you thought Toby was bad LOL...ain't nut'n like my Abby !!!!

Mugs are on the table sit a spell ....Now you wonder why I put up the Bingo picture...cause maybe just maybe if I'm lucky I might hit the Friggin Jack Pot.....LOL

So, May your Adventures be Great Ones.. and your Journey Be Safe.....and May God Forgive me for my Evil thoughts of Mounting a Dog's Head on a Wall......

God Bless

Last edited by Barbzeee on Fri Aug 08, 2008 5:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Big F little r iday ...Morning Folks :)

Postby Redetotry » Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:58 am

Don't you just love it when the DH ask that question What Happened in the ______? And yes can relate to the Pied Piper feeling of everyone (but the guilty party) following you to the scene of the crime, but the sink???? I've come home to broken peanut butter jars knocked off the counter, blood all over where they licked the shards of glass but the kitchen sink, maybe you left something out of her dinner and it was her way of complaining.

I'm up bright and early, little Winnie woke me at 4:30 wanting to go out, said her paper just wounldn't do she wanted to go out, so I decided to just stay up. Hummm just remembered I dreamed my kitchen sink was clogged up last night.

Since I'm up I'm ready for my coffee and toast with almond butter and yogurt. I'll have one of your cinnamin rolls if any are left this morning with my second breakfast.

Hope your sink can be fixed.
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Re: The Big F little r iday ...Morning Folks :)

Postby carold » Fri Aug 08, 2008 5:39 am

My goodness Barbz, how can you blame that littl' critter. You continue to put those treats in your house, tantalizing her. She sees and smells all that Italian food constantly around her and goes CRAZY!!! :o :lol: This little one has surely found a way to leave a lot of memories-what a memorial she'll have-HA-but at her own pace please. Well, my day has certainly started off with a laugh-thank toothy for me. :D (of course, if this had happened to me-----).

The weather has cooled down, didn't need any air conditioning last night. We have left the day open to see what develops and tomorrow we will head onto the Blue Ridge Mtn. Parkway for a few days as we wind our way toward our 6 grandkids (yes, all in one family).

Thanks for the updates Barbz, no matter how much I read, I seem to miss something. :( Now for some more java-I spilt some of mine reading).carold
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Re: The Big F little r iday ...Morning Folks :)

Postby oliveoil » Fri Aug 08, 2008 7:09 am

I'm running late--three drive to the doctor---------I'm clicking my ruby shoes----& I'm off------have a great one everyone!!!!!!!! OO
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Re: The Big F little r iday ...Morning Folks :)

Postby Liz » Fri Aug 08, 2008 7:15 am

Good morning everyone! The gds are still abed, so got a few.

Barb, at least you know who to blame. When something happens at my house the kids (Roe and Bandit) won't ever fess up who did it. And I know both are capable. Nobody better put a hole in my new sink tho, or there'll be two heads mounted!
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Re: The Big F little r iday ...Morning Folks :)

Postby NakedPupsAndMe » Fri Aug 08, 2008 7:24 am

Never had one chew the kitchen sink!! That's a new one on me! Mine are like Liz's, they won't 'fess up. They blame each other, & nobody looks guilty!

I'm doing my dog & business chores this AM then cutting out my slipcovers & sewing them together. With Retiredhappy's directions & pics I feel more optimistic than before. Keep your fingers crossed for me! Hope you all have a great day! :D
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Re: The Big F little r iday ...Morning Folks :)

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Fri Aug 08, 2008 7:31 am

My goodness, Barb.....I'd be upset with the little "wood eater", sister had a cocker spaniel that chewed everything in sight......I think he was a "little off" in the head....but they do say when Kids chew weird things, they are missing something in their diet....but wood chips is streching that she is part beaver.... :?

Our little JoJo had me up pass midnight last nite....He decided that he needed to play with his chew toys in the middle of our bed.... :roll: then of course, we had to take another trip out to go he is a sweetie, just doing the puppy chew thing.......He'll be going home Sunday....

Today is laundry day again......have to do up Buddy's stuff as he goes home I'd better get my second cup of coffee and get my motor going....

You all have a great day and I'll be checking back later....

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Re: The Big F little r iday ...Morning Folks :)

Postby avalen » Fri Aug 08, 2008 7:44 am

good morning,,,,,,,,,,,tgif
oh my goodness Barbz, never in my life have I ever heard a story like that,
we all know how strong a dogs jaws can be but holy smokes!!
Slept great last night, had a really big storm, lots and lots of rain and lots
and lots of rain came in one of my top cabinets and dripped down on the
counter and onto the floor. Needless to say I've been mopping up this morning
in between cups of coffee.
Sitting with the door open enjoying the fresh air and wouldn't ya know a huge
moth comes flittering in, bouncing on the ceiling. This thing was as big as a
bird!!! Bandit just watched, he's too ill and old to go after it which he would
have years ago, and Gracie ducked her head and ran for cover :lol: Pixie of
course was still sleeping. So I grabbed a towel (wet one of course) smacked
it down and scooted it outside, so of course Bandit then runs after it.
Today is our 4 hour meeting, we use the auditorium at one of the local high
schools, this time its the one close to my house, hooray for that, takes less
I've really sucked up the coffee this morning so on that note, off to get some
more mopping up done before I go to work.
Laters my dear friends
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Re: The Big F little r iday ...Morning Folks :)

Postby Bethers » Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:22 am

Today is my Sunday - back to work tomorrow for me. I'm still giggling over the kitchen sink, Zeee - but I'm not sure I'd even have a smile had it been my kitchen sink. As to a dog looking guilty - if I even say anything like I might be upset about something, Peaches runs and hides - whether she did anything or not. Poor little girl takes the blame for everything. Must go back to her being abused - so I really try to not give her reasons to hide or cower. Now, if she'd play the same role and not DO anything to make me call her name in vain? Nah, not gonna happen LOL - gotta love them dears.

Well, I know I said yesterday that I'm gonna unhook today - which is what I should be doing. - But as you see, here I sit reading the forum and typing away. I really, really have to quit procrastinating - and get this done with. If I don't do it today - it'll be week after next before I have the time to do it again. See how things just somehow get away from us? I'd rather just jump on the trolley and go into Port A and get a few things LOL - but gonna read the forum and try to get myself moving and getting things done.
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Re: The Big F little r iday ...Morning Folks :)

Postby khenrie » Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:36 am

Good morning all!

I'm so sad I can't read all your posts. I'm just swamped and sitting here erading the posts doesn't get my work done for me, unfortunately.

I miss you all terribly and should be back full force in a few weeks. Just revving up the health club for the fall. Interviewing a hopeful candidate for assistant manager today - that will help a ton!

Have a GREAT day and weekend!
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Re: The Big F little r iday ...Morning Folks :)

Postby Bethers » Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:53 am

Aw, Kim, you mean you have a life? OMG - LOL

We do miss you and even when you don't have time to read - it's so nice to have you jump in and say hi like you just did. Good luck with the employees - that's the hardest part of running a business - getting and finding and then keeping the right people.
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Re: The Big F little r iday ...Morning Folks :)

Postby Echo » Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:07 am

Good morning everybody. Yep I'm checking in late. Today Kelly and I both have off from work. And it's not from requesting it off either. They have changed our schedules on us. And it sucks big time. From now on (until they change their minds again) we will have every other Friday off and every other weekend off. So after this day off we will work Saturday thru Friday and then have next weekend off. The worst of the deal is working Sundays, we go in at noon and have to work until 9pm. Can you imagine getting called about a credit card dept on Sundays? And yeah, it's legal, altho I forget what time the calls must stop. We call across the whole country too. From Me to Fl to TX to Ca to Ak. And Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and Canada. The dialer switches from one time zone to another. What fun that will be. Get off at 9pm, come home, go to bed and turn around to go back into work by 8am Monday morning. Told my supervisor that I will work their Sundays and take the Fridays off because Kelly and I will be out putting out apps today. We will be looking hard for other jobs.

Good grief! Your sink counter??? Either time for dental work or a cast iron muzzle. Hmmm? Maybe she'd chew thru that? Better make it one she can't get a tooth to. I've come home to find things chewed but never a sink!!! Shoes, boots, gloves (anything leather), chairs, other furniture but never the counter top. Dang! And I know with how you take care of your babies that I can't say the usual stuff about needing to feed that dog more.... ;) Yep it will just have to be dental work.

Now that was scary! Right smack dab in the middle of writing this my laptop went wonky. Everything started locking up, the thing sounded like a mostly silent jet getting warmed up and I couldn't type anymore. Even hitting control-alt-delete didn't work. I ended up hitting the power button and shutting it off. When I turned it back on I ran a spy-ware, virus sweep. Hmmm, been a while since I've done that. Found 19 spy-ware cookies and one trojan-?jack something, I forget what the name was. Got them all quarantined and deleted. Now I'm telling all ya'll that I was shocked when I let it restore my previous session to see the posting I had been doing was still here. Go figure!!! So this posting will be even later than it was suppose to be. :) But at least I didn't lose it.

Gonna jump on the bike in a bit and go check out the closest 3 donation/sell shops around. I need a dang dresser. I want to unload boxes and set up my bedroom. I really don't want to buy a new one cause I want to paint and decorate the thing. But I don't want one that belongs in the burning pile either. ~sigh~ I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed. Got a couple of bills to get paid today as today is my payday. Haven't checked my bank account yet. The way my luck has been running? It's probably been direct deposited in someone else's account. They'll probably feel sorry for me when they see what I get paid. :lol: Kelly gets to pick up her laptop from the fixit shop today. I've been promising and she's been waiting since the truck accident to get it fixed. She's been really good about it and used a lot of patience. It's time she had her laptop to use without the monster old monitor.

Well sitting here aint getting anything done. So off I go to get dressed and out the door. Got to pick up a newspaper too. Wish us luck on finding other jobs.

Hope everyone has a great day and stays safe.

Love to all
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Re: The Big F little r iday ...Morning Folks :)

Postby Cedar518 » Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:44 pm

Hiya all,.... we had our coffee around the campfire this a.m..... had to take advantage of the time without rain. We've got a good turnout for the GTG. It's always fun. Catch you all when I can,... I'll try to keep up with the posts,... but may not get all caught up until i get home on monday.

Re: The Big F little r iday ...Morning Folks :)

Postby Excel » Fri Aug 08, 2008 1:04 pm

Well Good Morning everyone...Barbzee...thanks for remembering me as I don't post very often. First off the trip to Oregon was okay but not great. There were and are so many fires going on in California & some in Oregon that it was very, crews were working on Hwy. 5 & of course didn't alert anyone, so we (my girlfriend & I caravaned together) sat in traffic on'hold' for nearly an hour & a half. Great for the gas companies....Didn't take pics cause I can't drive & point the camera at the same time... :x ... Anyhow, it was nice to get away & haven't been to Oregon in a while...What really shocked me is when I went for gas, an attendant filled the tank....In Oregon you cannot pump your own gas...WOW! Didn't know how to act....THEN, he cleaned my windshield... :o As I am about 5'2", it isn't something I can do myself very well...Gave the young man a $ as I was soooo grateful to have a clean windshield going home. Didn't have wi-fi access so checked everything out when I got home...Got some unpleasant news about someone in my BF club with health problems ...but not surprising.
Don't want to go into that... Was good to get home...was getting tired of my little shower & conservative baths...
Have contacted Beth re: all the trouble I'm having on this website...I've done everything she has advised, but it still is a challenge to even read posts, let alone try to post. She thinks it might be my McAfee program....I'm not sure but that sounds reasonable to me. I've had problems with it .... It's funny though that I don't have any problems accessing any other websites... so I'll just fight it for now. I have to buy an update in September so I think at that time I'll just remove the Mcafee's that I presently have (2...the original and then the new one the following year (2007)..and install only the 2008...I don't know if that will solve my problem but I want to stay positive...Meantime, you gals enjoy...sure is nice to see not only familiar names AND pictures, but new gals coming in just takes a really longgggg time to access stuff...but I'm hangin' in there. Take care all....and safe & happy travels to everyone! 8-)
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