The Big F little r iday...Morning Folks..yeah it is the one and only Friday...and aren't ya glad ????? Well for me you all know what happens...it's the challenge family style... I really think my family would win...well we'd sure out number them that's for certain !...I've got a few surprises in store for my group.. First one will be, I'll be away the weekend of Aug 22nd thru the 24th .. I'll be at the GTG in New Jersey...Second will be .. I'll be heading due South Oct 4th.. and Third the new indentations in the Kitchen via Abigayle

Fernie..you surely started something on that campfire.. and I do mean to tell ya.. I'm gonna go for lots of bottles of beer today..............LOL come on gals we still gots lots left ...
ShirlV.... I wish I would have been able to make that Blues Festival.. You know how I love them blues..but when you read my morning Coffee you will see I'm singing the blues myself...Got them Kitchen Sink,Abigayle Blues...

Beth, read that story and got sick to my stomach.. it is been an on going thing...just come in and start shooting..Amazes me..and they get away with it...When did the Law become so Unfair.. but then again why do we even question it.. when the whole World is so Wicked... So for the few things we have today of enjoyment and pleasure.. suck it up..cause you just never know what tomorrow will bring....such a shame...Where my girlfriend lives there is a 'No Bark" law..if a dog barks too much the dogs must be debarked , I can understand getting a fine ..no problem ...can you imagine.. now folks when a burglar enters your home your dog can't bite them...you can't shoot them and if you're lucky you might get thru to 911 and get an operator that has a brain...or in some cases you might even get a busy signal..(has happen)..oh but the dog..can just either use Paw signals or hold up a sign Woof Woof....right.. give us a break !!!
Mmmm let's see.. Cedar is at a GTG playing Hostess with the Mostess.... Liz is sitting with the GDs...and Paulette is visiting with Family.... Carolinagal (Carol) is out there somewhere...RetiredHappy (Karen) is coming into the count down when she heads back to Texas....KHenrie..(Kim) where you hiding ??? Getup n'go..(Janice) oh Janice..you at that campfire ???? Seeya Gal...(Jenny and Dan) when do you all head down to Yuma ??....
Excel..(Charlotte) How are you doing .... and where are your pictures from your trip....Everything going alright with the Puter now ???/
Carold (Carol) was moving to another site....did ya settle in yet ?????
Ok, I hear ya.. you want your coffee...so do I ...mmmmmm gotta go into that kitchen and look at that spot..oooh my I can hear my brothers now...it's not a good thing...but maybe one of my brothers can patch it...No folks I'm not putting in a new kitchen..no way... Not now...I might be pulling some teeth shortly and mounting them but no New Kitchen...
Echo...are you laughing.. I can hear ya !!! come on let's get our coffee and perhaps I might have a shot in it !!! Mtntophoundz (Mollie) you thought kids were bad LOL Avalen (Ava) I'll take that flood any day....RV Granny (Lori and Ernie)Need any wood choppin ???? ooooooh yeah Smokin' Fernie you thought Toby was bad LOL...ain't nut'n like my Abby !!!!
Mugs are on the table sit a spell ....Now you wonder why I put up the Bingo picture...cause maybe just maybe if I'm lucky I might hit the Friggin Jack Pot.....LOL
So, May your Adventures be Great Ones.. and your Journey Be Safe.....and May God Forgive me for my Evil thoughts of Mounting a Dog's Head on a Wall......
God Bless