Morning, Thursday..mmmm it's a thirsty day ?

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Morning, Thursday..mmmm it's a thirsty day ?

Postby Barbzeee » Thu Aug 07, 2008 4:30 am



Morning, it's Thursday...mmmm a thirsty day ? According to our Virtual seems those bottle of beer are coming down.. I mean doesn't it start with 100 bottles of beer on the wall ?????? Yep, and now wait last count...but don't go by NakedPupsandMe (Micki) cause she went from 83 bottle to 84 bottles, so I guess she put one back LOL uh Micky're suppose to drink one or two...hahahaha...

For all of you that haven't checked that column out.. Please do.. the campfire is amazing you can almost hear it crackle..good job Fernie...but still I only want smores...I mean nothing finer..:)

Avalen (Ava) good thing you is dried out now..and omg Getup n'go..Janice...seems you do have your moments of "things" happening..did we ever figure your dent out...or is it still in the "Not sure " stage... Seeya Gal (Jenny and Dan) shoot poor Dan..LOL gosh that poor man but then again flooding the black tank..yeah I'd have my reservations too..but to a hotel near by with gambling LOL...Leave him the Green Machine and I'd take the Green Stuff with me !!!!

Mtngal..(Diana) that trip then should be a beauty.. and you will go through Virgin River Canyon ...Yeah.. and head on up into AZ and Utah.. whoopie...alright gal you will love that's a sight to see, truly...can't wait to hear what you are gonna set to do....gosh's truly breath taking..

Hey ShirlV any time is coffee time when ya stop in here or Tea or a Cola or water..what ever.. we enjoy the visit ...!

Paulette, Echo and Kelly...?????? Ok gals how ya dinner engagement go.. and did ya take pictures...and what did ya eat and you know... let's hear all about it....

Irene...welcome glad you finally made you see most of the gals you know so just pull up your chair at the table and we have plenty of goodies...what ever your ..also you might want to check out the GTGers that will be in the there is one in a couple of weeks in New Jersey and then a bigger one in Texas in Nov....lots gonna happen....and more on the making

RetiredHappy (Karen) your time is starting to run by now ..soon you'll be on your way back to Texas..getting down to the count down...!!

Ok,'s getting that time and I've got lots to do today...yeppers I'm gonna drag my body out and hit the grocery store..yikes I sure don't like shopping.. have to hit Sam's club for my refill of Paper Towels, Plates, and the good ole Toilet Tissue..pleasant hey...and then there's the search for what ever goodies I can find...Yeah and make sure you bring your cartons to lug things in...LOL then on to the market..Yeah it's a busy day...I go early and I'm home with that...

My table is set...cups out, glasses out, you no one can complain we have it all...aaah yep even have some Nonni's biscotti for dunken..oh yeah and some home made donuts..No I didn't make them my sister Maria did...boy are they good too..

Echo dear click I know that mug is needing a refill...Carold you need to tell your DH to slow down and smell them Roses..gosh you two drive thru fast...from Boston to the Carolina...and no stopping geeez we'll miss ya at the GTG in Jersey... but Sunseeker (Jill and Tommy) won't be long.... ok gals... I'm thirsty and hungry all at the same time...

PS Mtntophoundz (Mollie) and Avalen (Ava) Here's too you two..on your morning off to work ...clicking :)...

PSS... Cedar hope all is well with you and Keep us Posted !!

May your Adventures be Safe and your Journey be a Good one !!

God Bless

Barbzeee and Crew

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Re: Morning, Thursday..mmmm it's a thirsty day ?

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Thu Aug 07, 2008 4:58 am

I'm the early bird today with Barb......wooooohoooooo.....yeap, up at about 5AM...took the puppy out for his morning pee....been surfing here for my coffee, Barb....sure is good this morning......had pasta and Paizono wine last nite......enough to relax, but not too I'm ready to go today.....I just love the campfire........I love being silly with you all........will check in later to hear all about the mini GTG of Echo,Kelly, and Paulette....I've met all 3 so I just know you all had a great time.....

Okay, who's next....and don't forget to stop by the campfire.....Fernie, you created a monster of one, but we love it....

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Re: Morning, Thursday..mmmm it's a thirsty day ?

Postby Mtntophoundz » Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:14 am

Good Morning all! I am setting here dying laughing from the campfire. At least we can all behave ourselves! Today is "staff development" at work. Normally it means listening to people speak all day. Hopefully for me since I am just an assistant, I will be given a job that "just can't wait any longer" to do. Aren't I awful.... Ok, I got to get some coffee in me. Have a wonderful day!!!
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Re: Morning, Thursday..mmmm it's a thirsty day ?

Postby asirimarco » Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:48 am

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE Well I'm up early today - for me any way. Rolled over and the space next to me was empty. Got up to find him and he is asleep on the couch - guess I must have been sawing a lot of logs. He did make a fresh pot of coffee first. So I decieded to stay up and post here. Its supposed to be a beautiful day low 80s and the humidity has taken a hike. So guess no more excuses for not cleaning house (at least vacuuming up the cat hairs.) Went into town to buy a dehumidifier yesterday. A first for us as we lived 50 years in the dry desert. Also found the only permanent make-up place in town - stopped in to check on prices etc. Quite a surprise - I'll need to check with Beth on that. Bill bought a small refrigerator for our computer room, now we have a microwave and refrig there - never have to leave it. We are getting closer to taking a trip in Alffie - but have to get him "dewinterized" first - means a trip to RV place as that is also something we have never done before. No more mice boarders though so something must be working. Gas is going down here (3.69) but diesel hasn't dropped a cent. Glad our tank is full.
Have a very good day every one.
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Re: Morning, Thursday..mmmm it's a thirsty day ?

Postby Echo » Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:13 am

Oh goodness, a late Good Morning from me!!!

I actually shut off the alarm and dozed back off this morning. And Shade fell out of her wake up job this morning too by not giving me puppy kisses to get me up. And I had to go shag Kelly out of bed too. But I think she probably stayed up watching the movies she got last night at Blockbuster on our way home. Silly kid.

Did the GTG thing with Paulette. It was way kool to get to meet her and her GD. She is neat and looks just like her pic too. Good looking woman. But of course there is no such thing as an ugly sister. hehehehe We did take a few pics but Kelly's laptop is in the shop and that is how she loads pics. She took her's with her cell phone. She will pick up the laptop tomorrow and boy will she be glad. The screen has been broke since the truck accident and she's been using a monster old monitor hooked to her laptop. Paulette had her GD take a couple of pics so maybe she can post her's??

Ok, quickie one this morning. I hate running late!!!! Hope everyone has a great day and stays safe.

Love to all
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
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Re: Morning, Thursday..mmmm it's a thirsty day ?

Postby carold » Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:37 am

Goooood morning from Asheville. Where is everyone- No excuses about hangovers or stomach aches. :lol: These campfire meetings sure are fun-but I'm a little sluggish myself.

Can't believe my DH was off the computer this early. I have been thinking about a 2nd one, but another aircard would be costly and one of us would need to wait for a place with wifi. I guess this teaches me patience and sharing---I WANT IT NOW-WAAAA- :( :( :mrgreen: :lol:

We did move a lot quicker than planned but--I have tickets to the US Open the last week of August from Annapolis and my DIL asked if we could come visit (Raleigh) before 8/25 when school starts so that meant a real change in plans or we would have been in that area for the GTG. :(

Well, off to cleaning the rig, moving to another spot and, hopefully, off to Biltmore Estates. I'll check in later. Over and out. carold
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Re: Morning, Thursday..mmmm it's a thirsty day ?

Postby avalen » Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:44 am

good morning!!!!!!
ok, so your right, I am up early, but I had to get the bills paid before I went to
work and then thought I'd stop in and say hi.
More of the same stuff for work today, practice our routes, make sure the left
and rights are correct. I have extra duties as I'm a lead driver and have to
arrange the bus lineup for the schools assigned to me, not a big problem, I
keep it the same as last year until someone tells me they need to get out
sooner and give me a good reason. Nobody gets to be first in line just cause
they want to, except me, :lol: comes with the territory don'tcha know.
Tomorrow is the inservice meeting, thats the one where ya listen to a bunch
of speeches and just wanna doze off and ya keep thinking about sneeking out.
Guess I better get my hiney in gear, the shower is calling me and I still have to
get the trash ready for the trash truck. I really like twice a week pick up :P
Ahhhh, one last cup (clink)
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Re: Morning, Thursday..mmmm it's a thirsty day ?

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:47 am

Carold.......we have a wireless router for our air card when we have our other laptop it this last is by "Cradlepoint" can search for it......or if I can find the box, I'll send it to ya' great!! Runs about $250, but pays for itself really quick.......sure cheaper than having to pay for that second air card and the extra charges for it per month......

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Re: Morning, Thursday..mmmm it's a thirsty day ?

Postby NakedPupsAndMe » Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:25 am

Did I put a bottle back? Dang, I must've had too many when I stumbled into the campfire last night! :lol: :lol: Good morning all! The "dog days" of summer must be on me. That's all I've done all week so far, mess with the dogs. Started the week of with a stomach virus, but I'm fine now. I'm starting a new business, a K9 bakery. I make dog birthday cakes & my 2 naked girls are my spokesmodels. We had their photo shoot downtown last night & there may be in a local magazine. That's kinda exciting.

Also my 2 foster pups are ready to find their forever homes. I listed them on Petfinder & took a lot of time writing their bio's & getting pics. That is so bittersweet. They are wonderful loving little guys, & deserve the very best home I can find, but it is sad thinking they will be leaving me.

One more thing today for my business, then I can start making my slipcovers. Retiredhappy posted the directions, I have all my material laid out, now's the hard part. Doing it!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Have a great day!
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Re: Morning, Thursday..mmmm it's a thirsty day ?

Postby oliveoil » Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:48 am

We got rain again last night-----------so it is cooler again this morning!!!!!!!
I maybe will do some transplanting of house plants this morning-------I have soooooooooooooo many plants I can't take them all with me when we move---not enough room---- so I'm going to transplant a few I really want to keep & either give away the rest or sell them at the auction!

Well Hubby is back at work today--------only about three more weeks before he retires---from this company also-------- he has told everyone when we get moved & settled & the auctions over with--- he is going to look for some kind of job---in Mo.---so he doesn't have to hide the guns & sharp objects from me!!!!!! :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:

We have both always worked----- & when my health got so bad & I had to sell my last business---after working for over 40 years in some kind of business we had always owned-------it was a really really hard change for me-----so if Hubby wants to work at some sort of job--it is not going to be working like he has in the past----so why not if he wants to!!
It seems there is always a need for that money!

Plus I like to eat out once in a while also!!!!!!!! And around our new home we have a greater selection of great places to eat than we do in Rural Kansas!!!!!!! :D :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well I need to get with the program!!!!!!!!
Everyone have a great day---------later OO
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Re: Morning, Thursday..mmmm it's a thirsty day ?

Postby retiredhappy » Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:36 am

Good morning all ya'all. Today is beautiful here in Douglas - sunny, cool and of course, still windy. Am counting down the days till I can hit the road. Have finally finished painting my cupboards and am really happy with how they look. Don't know why I waited so long. Did any of you read about the computer mouse? I laughed so hard almost fell out of my chair. And LOVE the campfire. Isn't it wonderful how all the ladies seem to have a quirky sense of humor. And here I always thought I was the only one with a weird sense of humor. What a great group of ladies. I can hardly wait to meet some of you at the Texas GTG. Hope some more of you gals are considering coming.

Well, the dogs, once again, are prancing at the door. Have a great day.
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Re: Morning, Thursday..mmmm it's a thirsty day ?

Postby Cedar518 » Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:35 am

I'm here! This wifi is working great at the campground. I'm only on my first cuppa,.... running slow today, eh? First gal for our GTG arrived yesterday about the same time we did. She's from PA, hear Philly. Five more gals arriving today and two more tomorrow. We'll party for a couple of days and then say our goodbyes Sun/Mon. I'll get a picture later when more arrive. I volunteered to host this GTG a year ago,... then with the price of gas going through the roof we had some drop out but more joined up. In the end it will be a nice little group. Originally our forum used to be just for solo women with a-frame campers, but now we opened it up for women with any type of rig. last year our GTG was in Maine. Guess it's a good thing that I volunteered last year to host here in Adirondacks as i wouldn't have been able to afford going very far this year.

So,... I'm heading to the coffee pot for another cup.... luxury here at the KOA with electricity and cable tv and wifi,..... wooooeeeee..... living high! Later, ladies!

Re: Morning, Thursday..mmmm it's a thirsty day ?

Postby Bethers » Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:10 am

As usual, I'm late to the table. WHen I get up early, I don't have time to stop - then on my days off I sleep in - then take Peaches for about an hour walk - and by then it takes me another hour to get to post from all the reading I have to do first LOLOL - we sure do write a lot - and I'm not done reading, but decided to head here.

Like the rest of you, I love the campfire. Who'd of thought where we'd all take that - and I'm getting a bellyache from all that virtual beer LOLOL But loving every second of it - and it's holding me till the next time I get to meet more of this great group.

My plans for today got canceled (another lady and I were going to the aquarium - but will do it another time) so I'm going to work around here and either later today or tomorrow intend to unhook and get propane and take this baby for a drive - just to make sure she's all in good running order. Will probably head into Corpus with her and shop - then run the generator for a bit also - as it needs its workout - been way too long since it's been started up. Now, hopefully because I typed it, I'll actually do it. I hate how much of a procrastinator I've become. And I can't do it next week - as on my days off then, Peaches and I are going with my g/f and her husband up to Fredericksburg and a B&B up there. So........... yes, I need to get off my dufus and do what I'm saying I'm going to do!
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