It's too early for me Tuesday ....Morning

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It's too early for me Tuesday ....Morning

Postby Barbzeee » Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:03 am


It's too early for me, Tuesday Morning ..Yikes..Seems like my Reba decide she was in a pushing mood...I felt her boney paws in my side..and a jolt at that ! The darlings when all of a sudden they feel, "You need to get up" ! Now normally my Reba is the one who is the last to get up...She has her spot between our pillows and sleeps there and don't move... I mean I have to wake her butt to get up...and at that she gives me Attitude !!!... Not this morning..she proceeded to give me several shoves..and once I'm up...I'm up ..ugh !! So where do I go...You got it...The computer... Get everyone else up cause I just know as sure as shootin when I sit down the rest will start...So all go out and then get their fresh bowl of water...and my boy Zeke loves his water ...gulp gulp down ! now my day is beginning..start my pot of coffee aah the smell of fresh grounds ..Love em' and then put the pot on and life is gonna start :) Oh happy day ! I'll start my walk through the pages.....

Hey Gals... I'm watching Edouard...and praying it will miss you all... but have my weather map up as I'm typing..

Ah, good to see that Paulette has landed in her first destination...You did good checked in with your Sista's here ....:) Keep an eye out on your weather Paulette....

Ms B Haven...(Margie).. is off on a plane..and going to San Francisco...hey now that's a trip.. love that Trolley...:) and yes Fisherman's Warf... girlfriend I wouldn't complain.. I mean I hear ya about wanting to be in your rig..but also remember you can watch everything that's happening around ya and don't have to drive...well not from a plane.. I mean unless coming in for a landing LOL but yeah I know about the Sheets in Hotels..but look.. you order food and it gets served to ya.. no worrying about dump stations.. look at the bright side...LOL Margie.. sure wish one of my friends invited me !!! Take pictures we'll forgive ya for not RVing it :lol: Times are sure tuff

ArcadianMom.. (Martha) I do like your reasoning for not riding a motor cycle.. I just remember the hot sun beating down on ya and the bugs hitting you in the face oh yeah and the road grime...yeah .. but I was young then and didn't care..cepting when we had a spill and I tore up my that sucked !! Yeah I agree Martha I like comfort when I ride..AC big time :)

Cedar...(Nancy) Loved your weekend guest.. What great shots of that cutie.. See I'd have a name for it already.. Gosh they are so cute cepting when they get in your attic..darn little sweeties...but yeah...I'd have me a trained one...hahahaha.. come mere :) and you know that look of him/she in the hole..aaaaaaah ya gotta love them critters.. Good shots Cedar..!!

Getup n' go... (Janice) as I read through your Mystery dent.. and then hear of the Flirting mmmmmm maybe we do know how the dent appeared...sssshhhhhh perhaps as we follow this column closely others will pick up on it too... LOL

Snowball (Sheila) good seeing you post too.. where are ya now...?.. are you at a spot for a lay up for awhile.. come on tell us .. and yep.. Pictures of your area.. always helps ... you know we are nosy... and curiosity is our satisfaction !!!

Marslet (Sharlotte) wow sorry to hear that whopper..seems that everyone is having some damage with limbs lately.. hold on to your hat with this nasty weather.. stay safe and keep us posted too ifn' ya can...!!

Shirl V (Shirl) good to see you with us...and look forward to hearing how you are and what you've been up too...and if by some chance maybe you can make the New Jersey GTG.. it was a quick throw together being that Sunseeker ( Jill and Tommy) were going to be in the area....sure would love to meet up with you too... I'm gonna be there from the 22nd to the 24th.....

Alice...How nice to meet you.. and looking forward to your stories too.. and by the way .. I'm anxious to hear your journeys with CW ... I have many of mine across the Great fact mine are like more divide and concur...but what I'm not sure....LOL and's to ya .. bike riding with the wind blowing in your hair....mine would be hold on to your ...LOL
but it's sure a way on saving gas.....mine would have to be down hill I'm afraid... Look out here I come !!!...:) ..We are happy to have you with us too ! OH and we do have plenty of Bounty Towels too.. ..Oh and hopefully we'll get to meet when I come down to Florida we start to get a GTG in the making... ..Alright things are looking beter ....!!! hear that echo...come and get it.. coffee is ready.. yeah a bit early I'm afraid..but hey.. it's still good...and to the last drop too....aaaaaah nothing beats a fresh pot of coffee in the morning....Sunseeker (Jill ) you up.. I see ya ..or is it have ya been to bed yet..watching that storm.. yikes...

Well the table is set for all.. so do drop in and sit a spell..let's hear what's happening in your neck of the woods...and as always...

May your Adventures be Great Ones and your Journey be Safe too !

God Bless

Barbzeee and Crew

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Re: It's too early for me Tuesday ....Morning

Postby Mtntophoundz » Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:09 am

Good Morning! Here I am, the last day of summer for me and I am up early. I wanted to give myself time to get ready and then be able to set down with my cup of coffee and the computer before I have to get everyone else up. I need my morning quiet time so I can wake up before I have to deal with everyone else in the house.

We ended up taking Brent to the doctor yesterday. I knew that there was nothing that he could really do, but Brent is still really swollen so I wanted to make sure. I can't wait to see how he looks today.

Well, here come the 4-legged kids wanting to go "out". Have a great day all!!!
A hubby, 2 skin kids,
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Re: It's too early for me Tuesday ....Morning

Postby Echo » Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:40 am

Early? UGH. Early is right.. I goofed when I set the alarm last night. I set it for 7 1/2hrs of sleep. I forgot it was before 10pm, so it went off at 5:15 this morning. I didn't realize what I had done until I heard the extra long beeeeep out of my coffee maker as I was coming out of the bathroom. Holy early bird Batman! I saw the time on the coffee maker and whimpered.

I love reading Barbz recap. But then after I read it I have to go hunting for the full content to see what the heck it going on. I'm lost again. :D

Paulette your getting closer and only one more day. YeeHaw we can meet up for supper. You are gonna love the drive up over 'I 26' It's a beautiful ride. There is a scenic pull off so you can get a good look at the mountains. I was down that road Sunday for my bike ride. Came back up thru Erwin and didn't see that restaurant you mentioned. But I did see one in the little bitty town of Unicoi which is about 3 or 4 miles up the old highway that sure did have a whole bunch of cars parked in front of it. Must be the locals fave. ;) Danged if I can remember the name of it tho? But if you go into Erwin and at the red light on Main St turn left go up the road a piece to Unicoi it is on the left. haha

Martha must have said something about not riding motorcycles? It's all good Martha. 99% I'm in more danger and do more damage to myself going up or down a flight of stairs. I've taken hide off my legs, shins and knees on stairs. Not to mention I cracked some ribs once on a flight down the stairs. Now let me tell ya it's not kool when the doctor looks at your x-rays and then your 'boobs' and laughs. Then goes on to tell ya that he can't do a thing for ya cause ya got big boobs. So I had to just suffer without any taping, strapping or even an elastic belt. Oh did that pillow come in handy. :lol:

Cedar that camp guest of your's was cuter than cute. The X and I spent a vacation in Colorado and the ground squirrels visited us every day. Begging little buggers. LOL

I know I've missed saying welcome to the newbies. But I sure am glad to see 'em here and posting. The more the merrier!!!

Well I'm gonna grab some more coffee, fill that mug to the top, I need it for sure. Take the dogs out again, get dressed for work and sit back down to do a little reading.

Hope everyone has a great day. Be safe.

Love to all
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
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Re: It's too early for me Tuesday ....Morning

Postby Cedar518 » Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:34 am

I'm here,.... coffee mug at my side while I type. It's starting out to be another,... (yes,... ANOTHER!) cloudy and rainy day. Looks like the forecast says "partly" sunny for a couple of days and settling back to rain again for the weekend. Geeesh,.. will we EVER dry out here in the north country? However, looking on the positive side, I am glad we have no danger from forest fires this year.

For those that liked my little chipmunk guest,... I'll be reporting on her again Labor Day weekend as I'll be back on that same site.

So a "clink" of the coffee mug to all our sisters here in this wonderful forum,.... now i'm off to wrestle with the vacuum cleaner,... yuk!

Re: It's too early for me Tuesday ....Morning

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:54 am

Morning, all.....feeling more with it today.....JoJo let us all sleep last downing my coffee and planning the word from the kids at the beach, all is well and they're all having a great time.....haven't yet caught up on the posts here, so off I go to see what all of you are up to....
Have a great day!!

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Re: It's too early for me Tuesday ....Morning

Postby asirimarco » Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:29 am

Good morning everyone - I've been reading but not responding lately - the weather has been too nice to stay inside. Today though is another story it is supposed to be in the mid 90s, very high humidity and possibility of sever thunderstorms - in fact I think I hear thunder already and I can't find the cat. He scoots under the loveseat at the first little rumble. Had to go into town yesterday and was looking for fall (leaves) material to make a quilt - no luck yet, guess it too early but they did have Christmas material. We live in the area of Indiana that got flooded in June - the only hospital in the county has been closed since then. Yesterday was the dedication of opening the ER - fast work. In the meantime they have had a bunch of medical trailers on site to perform procedures - tests and stuff. Very efficient and sophisticated. Sure a bunch of nice people there. Hum I smell bacon, have to go check it out. Carol
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Re: It's too early for me Tuesday ....Morning

Postby avalen » Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:37 am

ahhh, good morning good morning
the last day of summer break has finally arrived, will do a little laundry today
wash a few more walls, watch tv and play on the computer of course. I see
Edouard is playing with Galveston this morning and the midwest having storms
as well. Hope everyone stays safe.
Have a good day ladies.
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Re: It's too early for me Tuesday ....Morning

Postby Sunseeker » Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:42 am

Wow, Zeee, you don't miss a thing! I logged on at almost 4am, (my time) and sure enough, you were already up and throwing coffee together.

I had a KILLER hot flash (lasting longer than normal), and got out of bed to come sit here in front of the fan. This is my second time around with these darn things...I went almost a year since I stopped having the first ones. Anyone else here go through this twice? Anyway, after I cooled off I went back to bed and slept like a log. Good thing too, there's plenty to do today in prep for leaving tomorrow.

It's typical hot and sticky Louisiana summer, but finally it is overcast and looks a little like rain today. I need to read the other posts today to see if the other LA gals and Beth have checked in yet. I haven't even turned the weather on this morning yet, I came right here to read you first. You have become as much a morning ritual as that morning coffee. A clink o' the mug to all you ladies. Have a great day!
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Re: It's too early for me Tuesday ....Morning

Postby oliveoil » Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:59 am

It is cooler this morning in Kansas-but still going to be a hot one!!!!!
I have so much I need to do-------I don't know where to start!!!!!!!!!
I guess just pick a room & start more sorting & packing-----it is either going to be moved or sold!
I have been staying away for the caffeine---but feel like I could use a cup of coffee this morning!
I'm wondering how it got to be Tues already--- & how it got to be August already????????
The time is totally flying for us!!
Have a few hundred phone calls to make today-------& hope things are going to work out to close on the new home next week!!!!
For the billionth time I'm going to say- I'll be so glad when we get closed on this new home- & we are moved & the auctions are over & everything is sold!
Stay cool everyone!!!!!
Enjoy your day!!!!!!!! Ava start your engine of that bus & head 'em up & move 'em out!!!!

Ava -------about another life time ago------my Dad drove a school bus when they needed an extra driver----he would fill in when they could not find any other help-etc/etc------but we had a farm & ranch & he had a trucking company & a dairy---so he only did it when they could not find any other help-----but one summer-----the school ordered new buses & they asked Dad to drive a car down to High Point, NC. form Kansas to pick up one the new buses-----so his family got to go with him to pick up the bus- we drove a car down & sold it on the auction block & came back in a 54 passenger bus-which was the biggest one they made at that time -we came back through the smokey mountain in that bus-sure had a fun trip-------we slept on the bus on our way home---------I was like in the 4th grade of school back then----but loved that trip back to Kansas from NC in a school bus!!!!!
Well great day everyone------ I'm clicking my ruby shoes & I'm out of here------have a great one!
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Re: It's too early for me Tuesday ....Morning

Postby mtngal » Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:06 am

Morning gals! I'm on granny/nanny duty this morning, can't wait to see my little sweetie. It's sooo much cooler this morning, looking forward to a much needed break in the heat and some rain from Edouard. Yay! And sounds to be not so bad on the coast (hope that continues). Have a fun day.....
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Re: It's too early for me Tuesday ....Morning

Postby retiredhappy » Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:33 am

Mornin' Ladies. Got to work today. One more week of working after today and I'm off for home. Please, all you remind me of how anxious I was to leave for home when I'm there and complaining about the heat and humidity. Its been hot here but the humidity has been really low and it cools off at night so you can sleep.

Anyone from the Kansas area want to meet me at Scott City State Park for a couple of days?

Got my new camera yesterday. Spent two hours trying to learn how to use it and transfer pictures to my computer. Who writes the damn manuals and what the devil do all those symbols mean? Accidentally changed the language to Dutch or something and thought I'd never get it back to English.

Started checking around for next summer's job. Trying Forest Service and State parks, mostly in northern New Mexico where its forested and cooler around the Cloudcroft and Mountainair area. Really pretty area but keep running into no Verizon phone service or aircard for computer. Don't think I could do like Sparkle and not have internet access.

Well, better get movin. Hope ya'll have a great day.
Karen West
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Re: It's too early for me Tuesday ....Morning

Postby oliveoil » Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:52 am

Karen-------- Scott City is to hell & gone from where we are in Kansas!!!!!!! We are in the Flint Hills of Kansas-the pretty part of Kansas with trees & grass & small hills & cattle country! :D :D

It is a long-long long ways from our home to Scott City------& just don't have the time right now! I don't know of any one else on the forum from Kansas------if there is I don't know them!
Have a nice stay in Kansas------- our kids use to live at Garden City, Ks. many moons ago--& when I left for their home--from our flint hills-- about half way there in that flat -no trees part of Kansas---- I felt like I was about to drive off the face of the earth!!!!!!!!
We use to take bags of leaves in the Fall out to our Grandsons in western Ks. to play in as they had no trees & leaves in that part of Kansas!
They don't live in that part of Kansas any more!!!!!
If any of you have visited Western Kansas & not been in any other part of Kansas---don't judge Kansas by western Ks!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: It's too early for me Tuesday ....Morning

Postby carold » Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:13 am

Well, I was up at 4am, but we got right on the road and are now stopping for a rest before we go to a campground near Asheville. Made it from MA in two looooong days-don't know why DH was in such a hurry-we aren't due at grandkids until the 13th. Plan to spend some time in the Smokeys before driving over to Raleigh. We have friends stayng the summer on Beech Mtn and plan to visit there too.

Seem's like everyone is busy like bees-some like a swarm (OO). You guys have really made me tired, so I'm going to take a nap. :lol: carold
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