Surge Protectors???

Re: Surge Protectors???

Postby mitch5252 » Sat Sep 05, 2009 7:18 pm

Shirlv wrote:You'all are making me crazy. :? Do I buy one and which one?

Haha - I know the feeling.

Here's MY feeling for ME - I don't believe there's anything for the RVer to protect against a direct lightning strike. I want my Surge Guard to protect me against smaller current changes, either high or low, that could happen in a campground. I also want it to reset itself after a safe time span so as not to hurt the air conditioner and therfore, keep the mutt cool if she's in there by herself in the heat. Like Beth, I have insurance coverage, but I have a $500 deductible.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it! :)

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Re: Surge Protectors???

Postby AlmostThere » Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:57 am

I'm thinking it's one of those things that 'chances are you won't need, but a good investment just in case'.
Yep, my insurance would cover it, too, but I'd rather not have to go through that experience if I could help it. I certainly wouldn't expect a surge protector to stand up to a lightening strike! I doubt they are made for that purpose anyhow. They are for the normal electric coming into the rig, is what I'm assuming.
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Re: Surge Protectors???

Postby BirdbyBird » Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:43 am

I have one and I use has detected some electrical issues in two camping sites such that I could move and find safe electric! a connection that is grounded! It is a form of insurance. I don't think about it walking way from its post....I am sure it could and some have...but I worry more that I will drive off and leave it on the post..... I have a routine that include removing the surge protector but routines can be interrupted.... :roll:
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Re: Surge Protectors???

Postby retiredhappy » Sun Sep 06, 2009 10:38 am

Doubt you have to worry about a "direct" hit. Its when it hits a pole somewhere and puts out t he power to the CG, then when it comes back on there's a surge. You're more apt to run into an old CG with poor electrical to their boxes. My costly problem several years ago was cause by a brownout situtation in an old CG that I wasn't aware of until a couple of days later when my AC wasn't working like it should. When the RV guy inspected it we found that the brownout had caused my electrical cord outside was burned on the plugs and the wiring to the fuses/breakers was blackened. He said I was really lucky I didn't have a fire. What was scary was that I never noticed any problem until the AC just wasn't quite working like it should. I a lso bought the one with the delay in turning back on cause it gives the AC time to reset so it doesn't burn out. The above repairs cost me almost $400 so with my $500 deductible the insurance didn't help.
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