Thursday after the Hurricane

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Thursday after the Hurricane

Postby Irmi » Thu Oct 10, 2024 8:37 am

Good morning!

At our home in Webster, we lost power 10:30 last night and is still out. After looking at the pictures after the storm, we really lucked out. We got 6-3/4" of rain and the high wind was 46 mph. So all things considered, we really lucked out. Our friend south of Tampa lost their power also and their high winds were over 100 mph. I heard on the news about a dumpster flying around and landed on the roof of a house.

The sun just popped out, so it looks like we'll have a nice day. And I hpe all of you do as well.
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Re: Thursday after the Hurricane

Postby SoCalGalcas » Thu Oct 10, 2024 9:31 am

Thanks for the report Irmi. Bet you are relieved! Lyn

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Re: Thursday after the Hurricane

Postby Bethers » Thu Oct 10, 2024 10:01 am

Very good news Irmi. Now relax a bit!

I'm just sitting waiting for the person/people to do the winterizing on the rv. Being on a right time schedule now, I'm nervous and will be until they arrive. I'm so glad I can take care of the casita.
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Re: Thursday after the Hurricane

Postby Cudedog » Thu Oct 10, 2024 11:48 am

Wonderful news, Irmi!

Thanks so much for letting us know, and please have a safe trip home.

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Re: Thursday after the Hurricane

Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Oct 10, 2024 1:19 pm

Irmi, you are home already???? wow must not have been much traffic early this morning. How were the roads? Anne it sounds like they are home, they live in Webster.

Good morning. I was out shopping early this morning. Left at 8am, hit 3 stores and was home by 9:45 that is a record for me. I wanted to also stop at Walmart much as I hate it BUT I didnt. They carry a brand of cappuccino K-cups that I wanted to pick up. It is a Walmart brand so I dont have a choice but to go there darn it. Had to stock up on several items for the pantry and some meat they have on sale at the other 3 stores. So now I am much poorer and my freezer is bursting oh well a girl likes to eat. Cheaper than eating out all the time, which I do hate. I like going out once in a while but not everyday like some of my neighbors here do.

Now time to make my terriyaki chicken.

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Re: Thursday after the Hurricane

Postby Irmi » Thu Oct 10, 2024 1:39 pm

Hi again ladies! We are still in GA and had reservations for 3 nights, tonight being the last night. The resort we live in has a FB page and they posted pictures after the storm and mentioned the power outage. They still don't have their power back and not sure when that will happen. I've been keeping an eye on the FL511 traffic updates and glad we decided to stay the extra day because the route we will take was very congested today.
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Re: Thursday after the Hurricane

Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Oct 10, 2024 2:08 pm

Thanks for the clarification Irmi. Glad you stayed the extra day too. I guess I am the only one who thought you were home ha ha Been peddling my tomatoes this morning. They are big and beautiful and hate to see them go to waste. A girl can only eat so many tomatoes. I am going to make spaghetti sauce later today so will blend a few up to put in that.
Doing some housecleaning this morning then will have some lunch and just kick back.

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Re: Thursday after the Hurricane

Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Oct 10, 2024 9:35 pm

OMG we might get to see the Northern Lights again tonite and tomorrow night. Hopefully I can stay awake long enough to check it out. Only a few clouds in the sky so we shall see.

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Re: Thursday after the Hurricane

Postby Bethers » Thu Oct 10, 2024 9:54 pm

I hope you can see them, Karen.

RV winterized. I unplugged her and put away her hoses etc. Walking TY yesterday and today I threw a long sleeved shirt over my sundress. Perfect weather. But I got overheated between putting the rv stuff away and cleaning and putting away some of my porch things just a couple hours later. My intensions were to move the rv into her storage spot, but I had to come inside. Next time I went out temp was up but a breeze was also. If only that breeze had been around earlier. Anyway, I'll move the RV tomorrow morning, hopefully when it's still cool. Put the windshield cover and tire covers on and she'll be ready and waiting for me in the spring. Then I'll be doing cooking of things in the freezer. My cooler won't have to bring much. No hurry leaving Saturday morning as I'm not driving far. So just need to close up the Casita, turn off water and electric to it, etc. And figure out how I need to pack the car lol.
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Re: Thursday after the Hurricane

Postby Liz » Thu Oct 10, 2024 9:55 pm

We were very blessed that the storm went further south and spared us this time. Lights flickered but we never lost power. A wind gust blew over my plastic garbage can. There was a small puddle in the street this morning. My prayers go the ones further south with catastrophic damage and flooding. My daughter in Zephyrhills is still without power but minimal damage to their backyard fence. All other family members in the path are ok too.

It was a, lovely fall day today. I mowed the front lawn. Tomorrow morning I’m going hiking with friends. First hike in a long time.
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Re: Thursday after the Hurricane

Postby Acadianmom » Thu Oct 10, 2024 10:14 pm

About all I did today was get the truck to the shop. My son brought me home. I did wash two loads of clothes and put them up. Around here I can't be slow about putting the clean clothes away or they will be a cat bed.

The new cat is getting use to all the cats here and all the action. Being around Luna doesn't scare her. She has probably never seen a dog before. I missed the vet's call about Frosty. He is doing good so I will probably be able to pick him up tomorrow. I will probably have to put him in the kennel because I know he will want to go outside.

Irmi, glad your area survived the storm. I would be worried about being able to get gas on your way home. I sure hope we are over with the storms this year.

Liz, glad you didn't have any damage either.

Beth, I don't know what the weather is where your trailer is but we are finally having cooler weather here The low last night was 57.

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Re: Thursday after the Hurricane

Postby snowball » Fri Oct 11, 2024 1:36 am

I have been reading but just too tired to post anything could say the same tonight but thought that I would stop in and say hi at any rate
Irmi and Liz so glad that at your places things are well I heard from my cousin and she is in the area of many that are out of power but everything else is ok as is my nephew and his family... so glad that it wasn't worse for you all
I really am tired enough that my brain isn't functioning ... will be leaving on Sat to return home
Beth drive safe hoping you will get all packed that you need to take...
you all have a great day
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Re: Thursday after the Hurricane

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Oct 11, 2024 1:44 am

I thought I posted earlier today but I guess not. I had to leave to go to David & Julie's house, to hang out with David while Julie went to a wine tasting party in their community. I stopped at my storage unit before I got there, to pick up a few things I need for the new place.

Julie really appreciated me coming over. Before I left, she gave me a big hug and handed me $50. I tried to refuse the money since I was just hanging out with my brother and I didn't really have to do anything other than to make dinner for us. But she insisted. I know she really appreciated being able to go do something fun without having to bring David along and watch him the whole time. He was probably glad he didn't have to go, too. He is more of a beer guy than a wine guy! She really needs to get out and socialize and meet new people after taking care of David 24/7 for the past almost 8 years now. I am happy to help.

I have seen the Northern Lights a few times in Minnesota, mostly when I have been up in the northern part of the state at my cousin's resort. I did see them once late one night while I was in my boat out on the lake I grew up on, west of Minneapolis.

I saw that Soos was at her son's house for the hurricane. They lost power but otherwise did fine. His driveway was washed out so that will have to get fixed so she can go back and check on her house.
Some very sad stories coming out about both storms. A mother with two 4 week old twins were all killed when a tree landed on their home. A reporter in Florida discovered a dog in the two-story wreckage of a home just before going on the air. She had the little dog wrapped in a blanket in her arms as she was reporting. The dog's owners were both killed tho, from the tornado that hit their home. Some homes in Daytona Beach were almost completely filled to the roofs with sand that washed in off the beaches there. Such a mess! So much wide spread destruction in just a short time from both hurricanes. :(

I got the dresser and night stand I ordered on Amazon, so I will be busy this weekend putting those together and getting my clothes unpacked and put away finally. Also need to do laundry.

I did get an offer on the RV....for $10K :o :evil: . I told the guy who called me that I won't even consider less than $20K.

Martha, I am glad Frosty is doing better. He probably got in a fight with something. Bites and scratches get infected so easily. Glad the new kitty is adjusting too.

Still hot here but by the end of next week it will barely hit 90*, so that will be an improvement. I want to get out and start walking around the neighborhood. I really need to get some exercise.

Time for bed...
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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