Sunshine Tuesday

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Sunshine Tuesday

Postby Colliemom » Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:37 am

orning everyone. Bit chilly here this morning. 43°, but heading into 70’s. We’ve been having perfect weather these past three days. Sunday was partly cloudy and windy, but nice light jacket or sweatshirt weather. Highs were in low 70’s but wind made it cooler. Definitely fall weather here. Good working outside weather.

Labor Day is over and the exodus south is done. Still some heading out today. The traffic on I-75 was heavy yesterday as people headed home from the second homes, resorts, vacation rentals, campgrounds and communities large and small in the U.P and northern lower.
Some have taken their boats out for the season at their second homes and some who spend summers up here have closed up their cottages and returned to their permanent homes till next year. Tourist season is over and those of us who live in major tourist areas, can now enjoy our roads, lakes, forests, communities and life in general without the influx of people and traffic until next year. It will be quiet till fall color season, but that’s mostly a weekend thing for those who come up to see it. There will be seniors and retirees traveling around but nothing like the summer months.

Barbie, glad your car is fixed and you are back home. Pace yourself now. Little by little you will get er done and be on the road. Beth, new phone carrier you are trying may be using the same cell towers as the biggies, but they might be limited as to how much service they can send out or being Interferred by the big companies signals overriding them. Or somewhere down in tbe fine print, Stating you get cut down during peak times who knows.

Judy, I have a suggestion for you since Jasper is out. If you don’t have to back track to Calgary, why not continue west on the Trans Canada highway to Vancouver. There is some beautiful scenery aiong that route including YoHo National Park next to Banff. You could route yourself down to WA since you are heading to OR anyway. Worth the trip in my opinion. That was an interesting conversation you had regarding Native culture. We did same in our trip to AK as well and I had one at the Custer battlefield in MT too.

The history of the white mans treatment of the Native Americans is one of greed and superiority over them. Has been that way for centuries. We wanted their land, the minerals and resources that were on it. Never mind that they lived on it for years. We just moved in a took over. When thry fought back to defend their way of Luce, we fought them, and eventually subjected them to our way of life. We tried to eradicate their culture. And yes, stories of removal, abuse, humiliation of children to and in boarding schools has really come to life including here in MI. There was a Catholic boarding school here in our Diocese, the which of stories of how the children were treated by the nuns have been coming out. And now the Bishop has been working with the troubles to advance their culture and mend broken fences as much as can be. Time heals wounds, but memories will last forever. In time, those affected will pass on, but their stories will remain. There has been a lot of interest in Native American culture these days and we stand a lot to learn from them. I sometimes think tnis country wouldn’t be in the environmental state it’s in if we had learned to respect our resources as they did back then. . I could go on and on, but that’s a whole other story.

Right now I need to get dressed and get the trash out. Being a holiday they didn’t pick up yesterday, so they have our area and today’s area to pick up, so never know what time they will come. They have lots of miles to cover in this township, plus trips back and forth to the landfill when the truck is full. And I want to work out by my flagpole and set the edgers I bought yesterday in place before it gets to sunny out there.
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Re: Sunshine Tuesday

Postby OregonLuvr » Tue Sep 03, 2024 8:18 am

Good morning. 54 here this morning.....but We are in a heat advisory for about 3 days, triple digits 105 for Thursday.....sheesh they say we might hit record highs for these days. Then should drop back down to the normal 80's.

Had a great weekend visiting with Laura. We didnt stray too far from her campsite due to it being a holiday weekend and people are crazy. Yesterday an ambulance returning from a run on I-5 freeway reported a live person hanging on to the back of a semi truck. A passenger car finally got the truck drivers attention and he pulled over. The ambulance pulled over too and they were waiting for OSP trooper. The fellow took off walking down the freeway, I never heard any more. Crazy.

Beth Check insurance on the Kia's and Hyundai's Some companies are not insuring these vehicles due to not enough security on them and they are so easily stolen Depending on the year and model and also where you live. They list the Kia Soul 2015-2021 are affected. My friend has a Kia and her insurance was cancelled and she lives in the midwest. So just some FYI for you to check on.

Not sure what I will do today as it is early yet. I woke up at 3:30 and stayed in bed until 5am. Not sure why I was awake so early but it is what it is. Definitely time for more coffee

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Re: Sunshine Tuesday

Postby Bethers » Tue Sep 03, 2024 3:26 pm

Karen, I'll keep that under advisement. Thanks. That said, I can get the KIA at a better price than my second or third choices, is one of the most comfortable for me and my friend Ginger came with one day while we drove sales people crazy sitting in all the small SUV's. Ginger is tall so she was my go to for comfort as a passenger. It beat all of them for her. I feel guilty because she almost always drives when we do anything because my car is uncomfortable for her. But it won't work if it can't be insured or is way crazy to insure. I'm not in a hurry right now.
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Re: Sunshine Tuesday

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:51 pm

I had heard about some of the Kia's and Hyundai's not being insurable but didn't pay any attention to which years or models. Beth, my son had a car like you have and my sister is still driving it. I don't remember what year it was. In 2018 he got a new Honda CR-V and they only wanted to give him $1,000 trade in on his car. I said no, we'll give it to my sister. Her three son's are shade tree mechanics and they can keep vehicles running longer than anyone.

I went to town to go to the Post Office and bank this morning. Brought a gas can and got gas for the mower. When I got home I found a paper in my purse that a CD was maturing and I needed to see about it. Off to Lafayette. Then I had my meeting tonight. Luna didn't get enough playing so we have been playing ball.

It got up to 100 again but I hear we have a cold front coming Friday with night temperatures in the 60's. That will be a change.

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Re: Sunshine Tuesday

Postby snowball » Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:52 pm

I made it to the store and to the post office was going to stop at Whole Foods just to see if they have something I'm looking for there otherwise I guess I will have to order it... of course if we make it to see dd#4 I might be able to find it there but not sure I want to risk it... I want to get some Ube flavoring cause I want to try making one of those no churn ice cream with it.... see how it is... but due to the projected weather decided that I didn't want to stop just in case it actually rained as predicted.... it didn't or at least not much... then stopped at the post office the road in front of it the one that would go into the parking lot is being redone ... usually stop on the side on the street but because of not being able to get to the parking lot it was full... so thought I will just go around the corner had to go 4 blocks (didn't realize it was that big of a project) so went back down the street I wanted to park on and still busy.... so again retraced my route but this time I turned on the ally so I could get to the parking lot go past the doors and look out and there was a bunch of parking spots ....go figure... but got the mail so irritated when I was in Iowa I wanted some new clothes went to this store did a stupid thing and applied for a credit card so I could get more off ... I get my mail sent on the 15 of the month so the first bill I ended having to pay a late fee as by the time I get the bill it's late... last month I paid what they said I owed and then I saw that there was a bill got it today because I've not picked up the mail due to the road being torn up ... there was a charge of 3.00 what do you want to bet that the bill I saw in the portal today has a late fee on it... going to call tomorrow and see what that 3.00 was for and complain cause I'm pretty sure I paid what they said I owed ... just absolutely bummed about it... and it's not a cheap late fee... :twisted:
worked on the baby hat a bit back to almost where I was last night finish this round and I will need to go into the pattern and see what is next I only wrote down 5 rounds this is a bit more complicated so not sure I will write it down might just keep the phone on the pattern while I do the round will see it may not be so bad ...
and got my two rows done on the afghan think it's about 1/2 done now...
had french dips for supper tasted good
I didn't realize that there were some cars that are not insurable
you all have a great day
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