OregonLuvr wrote:
We have 90's predicted for quite a while. Evie good grief that electric bill is scary. I was pretty happy mine was only $122 last month. Do you have to pay for your son's too???? I also have a couple of upright fans on a stand that sure helps keep me cool enough without cooling the whole house. I keep my thermostat at 76-77 that seems to work okay unless I am doing work in the house that heats me up LOL So far this year we havent had any power outages because of the fires. Part of that I am sure is because I bought a small generator LOL Have only used it twice but I have it.
Off to fix some breakfast and get busy
Evie, Karen, Irmi and all who follow: Good morning!
Sure is a summer to remember out here on the West Coast. It was 106 here yesterday afternoon, it's getting to the point I can't even remember when the daytime high was below 100 any day this summer.
My electric bill (PG&E) here for the month was. . . five-hundred dollars. $500.00 - for one month of electricity. In the over ten years I have lived here, this is an all-time high electric bill.
PG&E has a mandatory "Peak Pricing" period of 4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. every day. I can deal with that in the winter - mostly, by scheduling things like laundry before 4:00 or after 9:00.
But not in the summer. With everyday high temps mostly 102* - 115* (and nighttime lows 80* - 90*) so far this summer, I have to keep the A/C going 24/7. I have a relatively small-ish house - I block off the ceiling vents in the rooms I don't use every day with styrofoam blocks I cut to fit the vent hole. Those rooms then get really hot - but oh well!
I also set the A/C to 83 during the day, 80 at night (a great many nights this summer temps are still at 90 at midnight). I have a box fan sitting in my living room, underneath the ceiling vent (to catch the cool air coming out of the vent) aimed at the couch where I sit. I am almost comfortable, so long as I don't move around too much.
This summer has been. . .
interesting, to say the least.
I know I talk all the time about moving - yap, yap, yap, yap

- but my son and his wife are talking about maybe moving to Washington state. If they go, there is then little to keep me here.
LOL. Or so I say!! Yap-yap-yap-yap.
A couple places I have Zillow-ed show daily temps about 20* cooler than they are here. I could live with that!!
A word to the wise: If you, are anyone you know, is considering a move to California's Central Valley (aka Sacramento Valley) I would suggest they give the move a good long think.
Say cool, everyone!!