the problem with having several different projects going on it takes all of your time... I did finish the nurses daughters hat... thought she was coming today but either I thought wrong or something came up and she didn't get back with me...but the aide came mom got her shower I had started a hat for a gal at church who is going to have a baby girl so I showed it to the aide and asked if she thought it was too small looked like it too me... she has a three week old and she thought it was also too small so pulled it out not sure if I will add stitches and make the pattern or go find another pattern it's really cute looks like it would work up fast but logic says if the pattern calls for 10 and you use like 14 it will be bigger but then would that be too big... so I started the aides babies hat

found the skein of yarn couldn't figure out where it went to with the wedding next week I won't see the aide for a couple of weeks hopefully it will be all done by then... and working on another dish cloth really hoping to get it done for the wedding...even though the rest of the set won't be done.. at least this way they will have dish clothes (2) and pot holders (2)

either I didn't communicate with one of the etsy vendors or they didn't see it I got a e-mail saying that my package has been sent to Madison WY at least the zip is correct hopefully that will be the saving thing and I will get it
had leftovers for supper I like salmon there is a recipe on all recipes that I use called pecan crusted salmon it's got lots of reviews like over a 1000 as I recall... but saw one the other day if I can remember where I put the recipe to think it was called citrus salmon looked good... DH loved salmon patties had to be red salmon out of a can I tried pink one time thinking he won't know he did

sometimes they sound good perhaps mom would like them might have to try and I can add something to it add a bit of flavor where he didn't like that ... it's so expensive though was years ago can't imagine what it is like now
heard from my cousin and her mom (mom's older sister) isn't doing well started hemorrhaging big time the medical people think she has a cyst on a olverie I can't figure out how to spell it... anyway because of her age almost 100 and she had a stroke a few years back so can't walk alone very well if at all ... they won't be doing anything to fix the problem... I swear they are trying to out live each other see who is the most stubborn... saw a picture of her taken Father's day she looks so much better than mom
you all have a great day