Thursday August 1

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Thursday August 1

Postby Shirlv » Thu Aug 01, 2024 8:06 am

Morning All, it’s going to be another Hot and Humid day. My thoughts to those who must work in this unrelenting heat. Barbie good luck with you new adventure. Nothing happening of much interest. Going to dash to th mail Edith’s birthday card while I can still breathe outside. Fish tacos for dinner, thank goodness for air fryers. Stay cool and be safe

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Re: Thursday August 1

Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Aug 01, 2024 9:12 am

Good morning Shirl. It is a decent morning so far 65 out but we will be hitting 100 today YUCK The smoke yesterday was so thick I couldnt see the hills on either side of me. It rolled in about 10am am smelled terrible. By 4 the wind shifted and it totally cleared out....very weird but I loved it.

This morning I take Ms Emma to the groomer and go to The Dollar Tree to get some sunglasses. Figured I would get them while it is still cool out. My garden is doing well for the most part. My pole beans do not like the heat. They blossom but then the blossoms fall off. Googled the problem and many are having the same problem and say it is the heat, they dont like it. Well I only planted them in my Hugelkultur bed because it was recommended the first year due to material composting and robbing the nitrogen. Beans make their own nitrogen so the flowers and the tomato plant in there are doing great. Will take a couple of years I guess before it is great because the wood hasn't broken down entirely yet, it may tie up some of the nitrogen in the bed. This is why many gardeners only plant peas, beans, and other plants that produce their own nitrogen in hugelkultur beds during the first growing season.

Barbie sorry you have to wait a week but at least it is sold. Martha I had a Ford Explorer years ago that the check engine light was always on. After having it reset several times I finally put a piece of black tape over it LOL LOL LOL My last car had the light come on a couple of times and had it reset by auto repair place but it kept coming on. I finally bought my own OBD scanner. I bought a FIXD scanner and plugged it in (left it in all the time) downloaded the app then I could go to the app and see exactly what was setting it off. Could reset it from the app. Would also tell me what it should cost to fix the problem and places to take it that honored those prices.

I remembered RABBITS

Time for a shower, breakfast and eye drops Such an exciting life.

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Re: Thursday August 1

Postby Irmi » Thu Aug 01, 2024 10:54 am

Good morning ladies!

I remembered to say Rabbits. It is still warm and muggy in central FL but it looks like the entire country is like that. I have an appointment this afternoon with my eye doctor. I absolutely detest going there.

Enjoy the start of another month.
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Re: Thursday August 1

Postby Colliemom » Thu Aug 01, 2024 12:03 pm

Afternoon here. Humid and cloudy, but a breeze blowing. Long as the clouds hang around, keeps the sun off. Have windows open, so far I’m comfty. Used the AC briefly yesterday evening but not last night as air was col and my little tower fan from my trailer kept it circulating in my bedroom. Will see how it goes rest of day as to whether or not I fire up the AC.

Not doing anything again today. Somehow dislocated my knee, so made trip to Chiropractor. Back in place, but sore. And bit swollen. She said Ice it, so doing that every couple hours. Went to Meijer, picked a few things and came home.

Anne, thanks for the cam links. I’m keeping tabs n the fires. I think Park might become the largest in CA history, the ay it’s growing. Karen, sorry you were having smoke issues. Hope it stays away.

So, am going to do some Diamond Painting and take a run up to deli for ribs for dinner. Bought fresh sweet corn at the store, don’t think ours is ready yet. So ribs, ear of corn and salad on dinner menu.
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Re: Thursday August 1

Postby Bethers » Thu Aug 01, 2024 12:44 pm

Fish tacos sound good. Hmmm. Karen, I never cared for salmon until my 3 summers in Alaska. Now I'm thinking I need to get some. But not for fish tacos lol

I did say rabbits. Spent about an hour today taking care of my application for changing supplement carriers. Now it's just waiting. Eventually, if I'm not moving around so much, I'll probably try to find a good advantage plan for, probably, Arizona. Covering hearing aids would be a plus.

I just noticed way too much dog hair around the casita. Vacuuming on my agenda now.
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Re: Thursday August 1

Postby JudyJB » Thu Aug 01, 2024 3:24 pm

Left Monroe Michigan this morn g. Had a nice visit with my California son but mostly we stayed inside. It was 89 outside but I swear it felt like 110 in the desert because it was so muggy. Went down to a muggy 70 last night. Son left and I am headed for two nights at port Hope on the northeast side of the thumb. Supposed to be only 79 along lake. Will be there in 30 minutes.

More later.
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Re: Thursday August 1

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Aug 01, 2024 5:18 pm

Good afternoon gals!

I ended up with a 10:30 appointment this morning with the escrow lady. I brought in the title and registration on the house, and got papers signed. There were two sets of papers to sign. One for the land (for the county for property taxes) and one for the house (for the DMV). Got that done and stopped at Planet Fitness for a hydro massage as long as I was in the area. Then WM to return an item and pick up a couple things while I was there. Then returned the shower handle to Home Depot before heading home.

Karen, I had a car that had the "check engine" light on all the time. I covered it up too!

Got 3 drops of rain this morning and then the sun came out, so it is humid here now too. :shock:

Now I need to make a list of things to do round here (sorting and packing!) on the weekend and thru Wednesday. Fingers crossed that the HOA docs make it to the escrow office before Thursday so we can finally close on this place :roll: and I can start serious shopping for a car and RV! There will only be 2 weeks after closing before I go out to Tucson for David's surgery. Hoping to at least have a new car by then. I think after August there will be a lot more RV's for sale once the kids are back in school.

Ok, need to find something for lunch and then make some lists...
Last edited by BarbaraRose on Fri Aug 02, 2024 11:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Thursday August 1

Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Aug 01, 2024 5:56 pm

Emma got her bath and since she is blowing her coat Bethany said "lots of hair today". I told her I brush her every night and get dang near another dog each time ha ha I went to the Dollar Store and got my sunglasses and kleenex (ya know allergies) and a few other things of course.

Smoke is back today but not as bad as yesterday. Hopefully it will blow away again tonight
Beth I love fish tacos but I am with you NOT with salmon. I like mine done either on the BBQ wrapped in foil, or just pan fried in garlic butter. I have used a glass dish in the air fryer but have a little trouble not over cooking it in there. I shant give up tho. I sometimes mix leftover salmon with a little mayo and egg for spread on crackers or cream cheese for stuffed mushrooms. I like salmon patties too. So darn easy. I get the small cans of salmon at Costco for those. Took some hamburger out and will make some sloppy joes to eat for a couple of days.

Irmi it is hot here today 99 right now but fortunately we dont have the humidity like you do. Sue, hope your knee heals quickly. I am a free woman tomorrow, I can now get back to my projects. I still have drops to do but just the Prednisone now instead of the 3 combo.

I finished the series I have been watching on Peacock so now switched to HULU to see what looks interesting.

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Re: Thursday August 1

Postby Bethers » Thu Aug 01, 2024 6:30 pm

I'm laughing about a few things. First the dang check engine light. It was on more than off in my last RV. Thank goodness for Auto Zone who checked it regularly for me on my travels. I've had more friends with cars that it happened with and dealers couldn't stop it. Well, yes, temporarily, but it always came back. As to canned salmon. Nope, not going to happen. That was my first introduction to salmon and ewwww, lol. I was surprised to fall on love with fresh salmon my summers in Alaska. And several times I was given a cleaned salmon on the docks and one of my coworkers borrowed my little smoker and we ask shared that. Very yummy.

Dog hair. TY hasn't been shedding much. Probably because of the heat. So I've been remiss and vacuuming less, until I look down and it's obvious. And I mean obvious!
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Re: Thursday August 1

Postby JudyJB » Thu Aug 01, 2024 7:03 pm

Whew! Finally arrived at Port Hope. Because of the heat driving here, and for my need to pick up some strawberry twizzlers, it took longer than I expected. Got all setup and went for a brief walk to take photos because it is supposed to be rainy tomorrow, then got inside and am enjoying finally cooling off! Great view of the lake, but not the best beach because it is a dropoff, but the water is clean and chilly!

Eating part of my leftover Pad Thai. Will have enough for another meal.Also made an extra Pastie so that too, but I really need to work on eating stuff in my overstuffed freezer!!
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Re: Thursday August 1

Postby Acadianmom » Thu Aug 01, 2024 11:43 pm

I went to Lafayette and got my son's medical stuff straightened out. We'll see how long that lasts. There is a new drive through food place in Lafayette that has hamburger sliders. I decided to pick up a lunch there. The slider was good but they have the best waffle fries I have ever eaten. Just what I need, another food place calling me. lol

It got up to 102 today. It still felt like an oven outside at 8:00 so I didn't walk. The weather man in Lafayette said that July was the third hottest month since 1893. The first place place went to July last year. The area they are watching for tropical development has the predicted path moved farther into the Gulf. It doesn't look like it's developing very fast to me. Wishfull thinking.

They had told me before that it was ok to drive the truck with the check engine light on but not to drive it if it is blinking. I think my son had one of those scanners for vehicles. I will have to look through his stuff.

I should try to make fish tacos with the fried catfish I can get on Fridays.

Barbie, I think the fall and winter would be a good time to find a motorhome. It looks like the price had started to go down from what it was from everyone buying one for Covid. Just be careful of some of the ones that were made during covid.

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Re: Thursday August 1

Postby snowball » Fri Aug 02, 2024 12:17 am

the problem with having several different projects going on it takes all of your time... I did finish the nurses daughters hat... thought she was coming today but either I thought wrong or something came up and she didn't get back with me...but the aide came mom got her shower I had started a hat for a gal at church who is going to have a baby girl so I showed it to the aide and asked if she thought it was too small looked like it too me... she has a three week old and she thought it was also too small so pulled it out not sure if I will add stitches and make the pattern or go find another pattern it's really cute looks like it would work up fast but logic says if the pattern calls for 10 and you use like 14 it will be bigger but then would that be too big... so I started the aides babies hat :lol: found the skein of yarn couldn't figure out where it went to with the wedding next week I won't see the aide for a couple of weeks hopefully it will be all done by then... and working on another dish cloth really hoping to get it done for the wedding...even though the rest of the set won't be done.. at least this way they will have dish clothes (2) and pot holders (2) :D
either I didn't communicate with one of the etsy vendors or they didn't see it I got a e-mail saying that my package has been sent to Madison WY at least the zip is correct hopefully that will be the saving thing and I will get it :roll:
had leftovers for supper I like salmon there is a recipe on all recipes that I use called pecan crusted salmon it's got lots of reviews like over a 1000 as I recall... but saw one the other day if I can remember where I put the recipe to think it was called citrus salmon looked good... DH loved salmon patties had to be red salmon out of a can I tried pink one time thinking he won't know he did :oops: sometimes they sound good perhaps mom would like them might have to try and I can add something to it add a bit of flavor where he didn't like that ... it's so expensive though was years ago can't imagine what it is like now
heard from my cousin and her mom (mom's older sister) isn't doing well started hemorrhaging big time the medical people think she has a cyst on a olverie I can't figure out how to spell it... anyway because of her age almost 100 and she had a stroke a few years back so can't walk alone very well if at all ... they won't be doing anything to fix the problem... I swear they are trying to out live each other see who is the most stubborn... saw a picture of her taken Father's day she looks so much better than mom
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Re: Thursday August 1

Postby JudyJB » Fri Aug 02, 2024 12:25 am

Left Monroe Michigan this morn g. Had a nice visit with my California son but mostly we stayed inside. It was 89 outside but I swear it felt like 110 in the desert because it was so muggy. Went down to a muggy 70lSt night. Son left and I am headed for two nights at port Hopeon the northeast side of the thumb. Supposed to be only 79 along lake. Will be there in 30 minutes.

More later.
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