Thursday, May 30

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Thursday, May 30

Postby Othersharon » Thu May 30, 2024 10:58 am

Good morning all! Well, I spoke to soon yesterday about the weather. Just as I was leaving for my appointment I looked out the door and it was raining like crazy and blowing. Couldn’t see very far either. It came on with just a snap of the fingers. So I backtracked and grabbed my rain coat and umbrella which didn’t help in the wind! The storm drains couldn’t keep up and the road was a mess. By the time I got to the salon it had slowed down, only about 2-3 miles from home. Freakiest storm I’ve seen in quite awhile. Lightning and thunder too. Only spot I worry about going out of town is an open area with a bad curve. There are accidents there fairly regularly so I definitely slow down. A car went into the side of a house there just the other day and I heard after I got home there was a 3 car accident with two fatalities. People just don’t slow down there no matter what conditions are. Since they had to close down the road I imagine the salon had to reschedule their appointments since it happened within sight of them so nobody could get to them. So I decided to just stay home and skipped the shopping. So that’s still to be done and really need to do today! I’ve finished a couple of things so guess I should get moving. Maybe later I can mow but if not today for sure tomorrow. Grass is still a bit damp from yesterday. Barbie, good you can get unemployment starting in June. Karen, I have a question about your vacuum. Sometimes I think about all the dog hair nd how would it work with so unhappy. Buddy is a shedder and lots of dog hair pretty much all year so wonder if it would be able to handle it. Would it empty itself when it’s full? Not sure if it’s a possibility for me. The whole concept intrigues me. Anita, what fun running into friends. That’s always a fun thing to happen. Laughed when you said about the Batman decal. A Batmobile! Shelia, sounds like you’ll need to check before you use an appliance to make sure nothing got stashed where it doesn’t belong! Well, I’m rambling so guess I should get moving and get my shopping done. Procrastinated long enough. Have a great day and hope you all stay safe and healthy.
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Re: Thursday, May 30

Postby OregonLuvr » Thu May 30, 2024 11:20 am

Sharon I LOVE my Roomba My dog is a huge shedder and has long hair too. I am on my 3rd robot vacuum. 1st one was a Roomba with dual brushes. I had to empty it and clean the brushes all the time even after one use. Lost it in the fire. Bought a second robot vacuum a EUFY also had brushes and I had to empty it and I couldnt map it to go where I wanted it to. So I gave it to a friend and bought a ROOMBA with the base that sucks the dirt out. Also has rubber rollers so the pet hair doesnt wind around it much. Way easier to clean. I am team Roomba all the way. It was a bit of a splurge but I love it with the base that has bags inside just like a vacuum. Every month I clean the contacts, side brushes, wheels etc. The app tells me when to do this ha ha The other great thing is you have the Roomba map your house without the vacuum happening the first few times as it doesnt run down the battery
Then you can label your rooms and put dividers where you want them, and also keep away zones. (like where my dog food and water are. Also cords etc You can set up a schedule to vacuum certain rooms on certain days. I have a larger house so I rotate my rooms thru the week. ie: family and living room, then my bedroom, bathroom and dining room, then family room (again) hallway, guest bathroom. I dont have my office and guest bedroom on a schedule so I just tell Henry when to do those. Added bonus for me also works with Alexa ha ha. I have to say it wasnt cheap but it is totally worth it to me. I am sure there are other brands out there that would work as well just check out the reviews. Let me know if you have any questions. I have the Roomba i7+

this is the one I have Has good explanations of it. Also Youtube has lots of video reviews. GREAT for pet hair. ... 5138296144

I am off to finish up outside will post more later.

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Re: Thursday, May 30

Postby monik7 » Thu May 30, 2024 1:20 pm

Sharon, I’ve had a Roomba since not too long after they first became available. The one I have now is my second. I’m lucky that neither of my dogs shed. It cleans Mon., Wed. and Friday. I highly recommend it.
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Re: Thursday, May 30

Postby chalet05 » Thu May 30, 2024 1:57 pm

If only I had the patience to map my Roomba! Plus I always have to get cords out of the way. Been thinking I should just get rid of it. Daughter got one before I could give her mine. I know I’m in the minority!

Just had late bbq lunch. Did laundry this morning.
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Re: Thursday, May 30

Postby JudyJB » Thu May 30, 2024 3:23 pm

Did another two loads of laundry today. Hate it when dryer does not completely dry things.

Mobile RV mechanic came and after checking all the circuits, he determined cause of my broken steps is motor. So, I need a new motor but it will not be in until next week. In meantime, I will use driver's door. I need to go out tomorrow for groceries and to get another box of carpet tiles for my living area floor. Also need a propane fill.

It's been really chilly here, especially at night, which I like after the heat in Florida last month!!
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Re: Thursday, May 30

Postby Acadianmom » Thu May 30, 2024 10:48 pm

I just went on the porch to get two cats to come in and saw lightening off to the Northwest. Can't hear it yet. The weather shows a line of storms coming through about 1:00 am. There are 70 mph winds. Hope it slides to the North. Sometime last night it started storming. I finally had to let Luna get in the bed so she would quit barking and whining. There are more storms coming tomorrow and Saturday.

The vet had kept Inky so went to pick him up this morning. The vet thinks his main problem is he isn't drinking enough water. I have 5 water bowls in the house and a fountain. I kept him in a cage and he hasn't eaten anything and doesn't look like he has drank much water if any. The vet ordered him some medicine but it won't be here until Monday.

I never did program my Roomba. I don't want it spreading a mess around. The cats are forever throwing up. I usually have to take the fur out soon after the first run. After that, not so much. Luna doesn't shed as much as Sugar did.

I'm starting to hear the thunder now. :shock:

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Re: Thursday, May 30

Postby Bethers » Thu May 30, 2024 11:51 pm

I finally picked up the electric bills to deliver those afternoon. I did one row less the couple not home but couldn't do more in the heat. At dusk I delivered a few in the next row. I only read meters from 2 rows but was given 3 rows to deliver. I'll get an early, I hope, start tomorrow after walking Ty and before the heat gets as bad. That's the plans, but I can't start too early as I don't want to wake people up.

Ginger came with me to a tire place this morning where I was getting info for new tires for the motorhome. I think I've figured out which tires I'll be getting, but no hurry while I'm just sitting. And the place had good prices on the original tires, but the ones that I think I'll be going with I can get a better price on elsewhere. Then we went for lunch to a cute Mexican restaurant. I'll be getting at least one more meal from what I ordered.

Good news on getting unemployment soon, Barbie.

All the Roomba talk always makes me want one but I don't have enough space to justify the cost. Now if one could also dust ... Lol
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Re: Thursday, May 30

Postby snowball » Fri May 31, 2024 12:26 am

I still want a Roomba.. then I remember I am not a tech person so would I get it mapped out and the other thing is I wonder what mom would do with it??? oh not hide it or "put" it away but would she get tripped by it or chase it down thinking it's a big mouse??? plus my dd has a robot vac... so when I move into her house we wouldn't need two although that is hopefully years away I'm hoping that I can set up the 5th wheel where it's usable once I have a place in Q for the majority of the year... we will see what happens in the future...
went to the graduation it was in the football field... a bit chilly and windy.... I was amazed that fairly small graduation class racked in over 6 million in scholarships wonder how much will be used.. my grandkids got I think got four or five each... heard my grandson telling one of the family that he was planning on being a history teacher... didn't see that coming :lol:
all three of my older kids were there it's like I have two sets of kids the three older girls then my son and then my youngest daughter all of the older girls have all their kids graduated
it will be perhaps 3 years before the next graduation...
glad you got your unemployment worked out Barbie....maybe that is what you need to do is lower the cost if you can...
that really sounds like a bad turn Sharon I think I would avoid it if at all possible ;)
mom ended up with having both her aid and nurse here at the same time... think the plans are or the aide to come on Thurs and do a full body/hair wash and the nurse is going to come on Monday's and while here she will give her a shower as well but not wash her hair...
you all have a great day
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