Mixed Weather Saturday

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Mixed Weather Saturday

Postby Colliemom » Sat Apr 27, 2024 7:04 am

Morning has broken here at the 45th. Some light rain moving through, supposed to turn partly cloudy and hesd into mid 7’s by afternoon. Then another round of rain and possible severe storms tonight. Have been watching the Weather Channel showing pictures of all the storm damage this storm is leaving behind. Some monster tornadoes out there. Was thinking of Shelia out there in IA, and hoping everything’s okay where she is. Looks like more tornadoes and storms out there today too.

Just relaxing for awhile this morning. Eventually I will run the vac and thinking of bringing the handrail posts in and giving them a new coat of paint before Innstall them. They can dry in the basement. Will also see if I can use the existing railings or need to make new ones. Difference between the two steps is very close.

Enjoyed my browsing time in town yesterday. Came home with a new handrail cover and some paver stones for the front of the new step. Think I found the stone blocks to edge the flowerbeds on both sides of the step. Neighbor came over not long after I got home to look over how my fence was installed. She wants to put one n her yard for her dog. We were talking for quite awhile.

So today I plan to put those pavers down. The damp ground will pack good under them. Have some paver base and sand to put down as well. But first, I want to put battery in my lawn tractor. It has work to do today. Then will get busy out there. Things are already starting to dry up. So should be a good day.

Karen, sounds like you are making progress too. I’m hoping to start putting my planter box together this week. Can do that in the garage, even if it’s raining out.

So, that’s about all gong on here. Hope everyone’s done okay and family members who are having health issues are holding their own. Stay safe those in the path of this storm heading across the country.
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Re: Mixed Weather Saturday

Postby OregonLuvr » Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:05 am

Morning Sue I am up just not at em yet. Just relaxing having my coffee and soon breakfast. It isnt raining here...yet and we had rain yesterday morning but not in the afternoon. Doesnt look like it rained overnight either. So if it doesnt rain later this morning I will haul more dirt. I had my eye injections yesterday so couldnt really do much after that so today all is well so will get some things done here. I thought about going to the Farmers market this morning but I dont really need anything so will putter around here. Henry will do his thing and I will dust and clean the bathrooms. That is my inside chores for today. Then if weather permits I will move outdoors.

Had a CD come due a few days ago so now I need to see where to put it. I just had them close it and send it to me as I can find a better rate somewhere else I am pretty sure. I am good at anything over 5% now as they are just not offering the higher rates like last year. I still have a few at the higher rates but at least I am not losing money like I was. My stocks are doing okay for now...we shall see.
Time for breakfast and then get busy.

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Re: Mixed Weather Saturday

Postby Othersharon » Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:32 am

Good morning Sue and all to follow. I didn’t mow yesterday and finally gave up on raking leaves since the wind just blew them all over the place before I could bag them. So since today is rain I should have mowed yesterday but the next couple of days the temps are forecasted to be in the 80’s with no rain so I’ll mow. These temps are just plain crazy, 50’s today and 80’s tomorrow. But at least a couple of no rain days so I’ll take advantage of it. Buddy and I managed to get out for a nice walk in the woods yesterday but again the mud today so will have to stick to the neighborhood today. I think the rain is supposed to quit sometime this afternoon. Sue, your porch project is really coming together! I need to do something with my back porch this summer but not sure just what yet. It’s probably a much bigger project than I can tackle so will need to hire someone to do it. If I can find somebody to take on a “small” job. I sure wish I could find a handyman to help with some off the things I need done around here. I can do some things but not all of them. So I guess today will be another inside day plus I should get to the grocery store at some point too. I probably should do that today so I don’t have to do it tomorrow when I can be outside! Why I wait until the weekend is beyond me! I do need to pull something out of the freezer to have for dinner tonight but not sure what I want to fix! Pretty much the same as of every other day for me! Karen,I was glad you heard from Velda. I had been wondering how it was going for her now that Chris is home. Barbie, glad you had a good visit with your brother and sil. Glad kitties are happy to have you home! Now I really should get going and get to the store! Have a great day all!
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Re: Mixed Weather Saturday

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat Apr 27, 2024 11:21 am

Good morning gals!

Yesterday morning I had my PT evaluation and therapy session. I left early for it and stopped to get a donut which was fresh out of the oven, warm and crispy! I was so distracted by how yummy it was, I drove way past my turn for the clinic! Turned around and got there just in time. But, then I was told the PT dr who was evaluating me was at their other clinic and they have been trying to call me to let me know to go there. Apparently my voice mail is full (scammer messages :roll: ) so I didn't get the message. Anyways, I got back in my car and headed there. It is in Coachella, which is just a ways south of where I live. I haven't been that way before so had to use my GPS to find the other clinic. I got evaluated by a really nice guy who was very thorough but explained things easily. Then started my PT. Everyone there was so nice and the equipment was new and state of the art, compared to the other place which I have been to before. I decided when I was done to just keep going to that location. It is about the same distance as the other location, from my house.

Still feeling kind of crappy from this cold so I don't have a lot of energy. I will putz around the house today and get some little stuff done.

The wind finally calmed down! It was so crazy windy the past couple days! :shock: The sky was just brown from all the dust in the air. Being out in it and just listening to it howling outside makes me anxious. I should be grateful tho that we don't get the storms going thru the midwest right now! I remember those days back in MN. We used to have a lot of bad storms and tornadoes when I was a kid. MN was at the top of "tornado alley" back then, but in the past 20+ years, those bad storms seem to go thru Iowa and then move northeast into Wisconsin instead.

I have been looking online for embroidered patches to put on my new jean jacket I bought. I don't want to over-do it but just add a little decoration to it.

The cats are shedding a lot right now so I need to brush them good to get all that undercoat off. I will do that in the bathroom so I keep the loose hair contained to an easy area to clean up.

I need to hose off the deck and do the second coat of paint on that path that I didn't get to before my trip. Then just clean up some spots I got on the side of the house (I didn't put the blue tape up high enough :roll: ), and put the trim back on, put the new rug down, and get the furniture back up there. Temps are going back up so I need to do that soon. Shouldn't take long tho.

Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Mixed Weather Saturday

Postby SoCalGalcas » Sat Apr 27, 2024 12:23 pm

Everyone is so busy with their individual projects,and here I sit doing nothing. Going out with Hazel on the scooter (me riding and Hazel running along side). Three times a day is about it.
I have been watching some videos on uTube about a man that volunteers at a local animal shelter. He goes in with the terrified dogs and sits and talks with them. It’s very heart warming when he is able to get them to receive love. It is important that he not look at them so he keeps his face turned away while he talks with them.
These dogs are so petrified they cower in the corner shaking. He is thrilled when they finally take a treat from him. That is my exciting life!

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Re: Mixed Weather Saturday

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat Apr 27, 2024 1:05 pm

Lynn, I have seen those videos. More people need to work with those dogs to help get them over their fear. Those are the dogs who usually will be euthanized. I think more shelters are getting volunteers to spend time with cats and dogs to be more socialized.

Sounds like you stay busy "walking" Hazel 3 times a day! You get out way more than I do!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Mixed Weather Saturday

Postby Bethers » Sat Apr 27, 2024 1:59 pm

I bet Hazel loves those walks, Lyn. I've been getting my walking in today. I was reading electric for bills here. I wasn't the only one, and it gets me out more. Just checked and already have over 8000 steps for the day.

Then I went in to see about getting a site for my C in the storage area. They gave me a list of available sites and suggested I pick one as sometimes they are harder to get than others. So Ty and I walked over and I starred the second one I looked at and looked at a few more before deciding that one I starred was just fine. It was the shortest but my rig will fit with no problem. So that's locked in with just finishing some paperwork when I move the C into it.

There's a chilly wind here today. I'll deal with this over what so many are seeing. I'm about to do some browsing about some places to maybe go later in the summer before heading to SD to renew my driver's license.
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Re: Mixed Weather Saturday

Postby MandysMom » Sat Apr 27, 2024 2:06 pm

I'm very behind, but think about all of you daily, wondering what you are up to. I'm very busy, caring for Chris, at moment, but, bit by bit, he and I are noticing improvement. Example, today, instead of 30-45 min of repeated attempts to stand at bedside to get walking, today it was take pain pills, wait 30 min and up in 10 min, walk using cane to bathroom then to living room on his own. Bit by bit. I help with shower, scrubbing parts he can't reach, due to stiff shoulders, fetch him water/ice, RXs, food, etc, but, yesterday, he moved from recliner to a regular chair and worked on my laptop for a while ( it really needed updating and defragging). He has been to chiropractor twice and will go again next week . DR noticed increased ability to move joints and improved ability to stand and walk between first and second visit, calling it 30% improved. I'm up early to help him and his night routine takes nearly an hour to get him settled with pillows in right support for right wrist and left hip, so we start way earlier than when he was independent. I'm tired, but starting to get my treadmill time and vibration therapy in again. We are planning meals lower in carbs for him, as weaning down on carbs is a challenge but ESP so when taking drugs which drive carb addiction, but he's trying! we have PT and OT twice a week and a nurse visit one to three times. We await a referral for his right wrist to a hand surgeon, as new X-ray shows erosive arthritis plus possible septic arthritis. It will need tapping to make sure no strep still there and probably MRI and possible surgery. It's holding up his progress as he can not put any weight on that arm to stand. I suspect same may be affecting left hip, so, if that does not improve with chiropractor and PT, he will get MRI of hip too. The consequences of beta strep sepsis are devastating and far reaching....But I'm very glad he is home and finally able to make progress.
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Re: Mixed Weather Saturday

Postby Redetotry » Sat Apr 27, 2024 2:25 pm

The weather is weird here also, it's warm one day and cold the next. I admire all of you who are able to do so many home repairs. And Sharon I definitel understand the problem with finding a handyman!! My brother can do anything but I hate to ask. The handyman I do hire on occasion is about to retire. I want someone to come in and reorganize and clean our basement and garage but the chances of finding someone is slim.

Martha have I used the original Sentinel for heart worms and fleas for at least 20 years and find it works well. Johnstons Baby Shampoo or Dawn dish soap will kill existing fleas if you can stand the smell! Also you can also use a Seresto collar in the summer but be sure and buy it from your vet. If you get a prescription for heart worm pills you can order from Chewy and it is usually delivered in 1-2 days.

I just went to pick up a prescription at the drug store and think a robber walked passed me on my way in! He had on a tight hood and a mask and was walking rather fast. When I came out there were 2 police cars and they had just put someone inside of one but couldn't see in to tell if it was the person I passed! Too many strange things going on! Yesterday at the Walmart at the other end of town someone left their windows cracked for their dog and they think someone fed it some thing with poison in it. I read about it on FB today but I was in the waiting room at the vet yesterday when a woman brought her dog out. She was crying and said they thought someone had poisoned her dog. So horrible!

Today is our 28th wedding anniversary and it doesn't seem possible. DH recreated a pop-up card for the occasion. I still have my hat and dress but the dress is probably too large.
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Re: Mixed Weather Saturday

Postby chalet05 » Sat Apr 27, 2024 4:38 pm

Happy Anniversary, BJ and what a sweet card! Velda, I know we do whatever we have to in your situation, but it can definitely be tiring. Glad Chris is progressing! Lyn, you get out more than I do, but that's my own fault. Good intentions but doesn't happen. Beth, you are going to be so organized with your rigs!

Keeping an eye on tornado watches and warnings particularly in Kansas. Sheila, hoping your family is safe! What devastation there has already been!

I have no ambition today (like many days), but I think I'm overwhelmed with the idea of packing not just for one trip but three, figuring out food, etc. The train trip will have to be with a smaller suitcase, but realized the other two trips I don't have to be so careful especially needing warmer clothes.
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Re: Mixed Weather Saturday

Postby JudyJB » Sat Apr 27, 2024 8:32 pm

Lots of post today. Everyone must be more energetic. I was lazy again today, but I did do some laundry and took a walk around the campground. I had chatted with the couple across the road from me a couple of days ago. They are from Winnepeg and I am going past there in August on my way to Lake Louise and Banff. She stopped by yesterday afternoon with a note about campgrounds in the area, but was not feeling well from abdominal pain. They had been to urgent care, but there was no cat scan machine there, so urgent care people said they really needed to go to hospital emergency room.

I baked a couple of small loaves of bread yesterday afternoon and noticed they were gone, so I left a note on their door to stop by when they got home. Except they had gone to hospital and the hospital admitted her. Went over today when I saw him out and chatted. They are talking about surgery, but after talking with their insurance company in Canada, they are instead trying to arrange a medical flight so she can have surgery there--expensive here and more family for aftercare in Canada. Not sure what the problem is, but something with her stomach and/or bowels. Anyway, she is on IVs but no food as they try to figure out if Canada can guarantee her a room in hospital as soon as she gets there. Husband spent part of today packing up stuff so his RV will be ready to go fast. He can fly in plane with her, and leave RV and car with friends not too far from here. Then insurance will fly him back later to pick up car. RV stays in storage here anyway.

Makes you consider what can happen when you are traveling like I and a lot of people are doing. My biggest fear is falling and breaking something. :(

Velda, can't you get some respite care???
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Re: Mixed Weather Saturday

Postby snowball » Sat Apr 27, 2024 10:35 pm

went to the graveside service and then on to the church for sub way sandwiches ... they cater and that it not how it's spelled is it? it didn't come up red but for some reason looks not right :roll: then went to see Larry's cousin... took awhile to find the right building but then when I did we had a good visit... then back to sister in law's house... was going to stop and get gas on the way but looked at the time and feared I'd be really late.. so went on and after was so afraid that I wouldn't find a gas station in time...when I did they didn't use the term premium so was concerned thought it was right but only got 20 dollars worth it was more expensive anyway so after visiting stopped and finished filling it up at a station not far from the one I was going to use it was only 3.99 the first option that I didn't do was 4.09 so glad I stopped at the middle one it was easier to get into anyway...
as to weather we have been under a tornado watch and sever weather till think it was 8:30 tornado watch was till midnight... got lots of rain and lighting and thunder... maybe it washed off the bird poop that I couldn't get off :lol: lots of heavy wind as well still planning on going tomorrow but will reevaluate with looking at weather...
there was a town just a few miles off the interstate part way to DesMoines that was pretty well demolished today so sad but as they said they will rebuild as that is what they do...
am hoping that I can go tomorrow but if not that is the way it is need to be safe it's thundering now I think but a ways away earlier it was like it was over the top of the building... :o
my sister in law doesn't sleep well so want to be in my room by 11:30 so if she can't she will be able to sit in living room and not be disturbed by me ...
Velda hope you can find some quite time where you can rest a bit during the day
glad that he is improving hope they can figure out the arm and hip so he can be more independent
barbie you and sue will need to post pictures when completed as well as Karen
Sharon have you thought about going to a trade school and see if there is a student in the area of what you need to have done that might be willing to do some hands on...
Good Sam's and I'm sure other's have it where you can have insurance to get you home (due to medical issues) including the rv and for the piece of mind that it gives it's worth it and not overly expensive
you all have a great day
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Re: Mixed Weather Saturday

Postby Acadianmom » Sat Apr 27, 2024 11:20 pm

The wind has been crazy here today. We are under a wind advisory. On the way to town any where there was plowed fields there was a lot of dust. When I went to Walmart I looked for a smoke alarm and couldn't find one. Our Walmart is moving everything around again. In the area where there was usually 1/2 & 1/2 and cream they put some new brand of dairy. The cream was in a cooler on an end cap. They moved the frozen food all around. Today I decided to go to Lowe's for a smoke alarm. The cheapest one they had was $30. They use to be under $10. I should have looked online. The one I got says it talks to you so you can tell which one is beeping. That should help me.

Good to hear from you Velda. Hope Chris continues to improve and doesn't have any setbacks.

Happy Anniversary, BJ. Your husband is so talented. Luna is on the shot every six months for heart worms and monthly Nexgard for fleas. I'm not sure if the Apple Cider Vinegar and water is helping but she doesn't seem to be scratching as much. I hope that lady's dog wasn't poisoned. People can be so horrible. Every time someone posts on Facebook about rehoming pets someone warns them about dog fighting. I don't know why the police can't shut something like that down.

I had been looking for a blue jean jacket to put patches on and found one about a year ago at TJ Maxx. The patches are still floating around here and I don't know where the jacket is. About all I have are good intentions. lol

Sheila, glad you aren't where the tornados were. Hope the bad weather moves on so you can head for home.

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Re: Mixed Weather Saturday

Postby Bethers » Sun Apr 28, 2024 12:45 am

Velda, I'm glad there's improvement and enough so you might get a chance to take a few deep breaths. I think about you and Chris daily.

BJ, Happy Anniversary! That card is awesome. Do you save all the wonderful cards he makes for you. Those are the types of things I would have great trouble parting with.

Martha, wind here has been more than I want. I'm glad I wasn't driving the motorhome in it. But not as bad as yours, I think. And I'll take it over the tornadoes and storms in Iowa and other places.

After so many steps this morning, it was a laid back afternoon. Ginger came visiting. For a few hours. With or walk with Ty before she left I did get up to about 11,000 steps for the day. I need more days back up there. It used to be every day without any extra effort, and I know it's good for both Ty and me.

Sheila, I'm glad you've been safe from the storms around where you're traveling.
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