Tucson Tuesday

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Tucson Tuesday

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:43 am

Good morning gals!

Julie is wearing me out! We are on the go every day. And then she takes us to a restaurant for dinner each night and pays for my meals. David goes with us and either stays in the car with the AC on while we are browsing shops, etc, or he comes with and we find a cool place for him to sit while we walk around. He doesn't seem to mind.

Yesterday, we went to the De Grazia art museum in Tucson. This guy was mostly a painter but did other types of art as well. He spent a lot of time with the local Native Americans and they were the subject of most of his paintings. It was interesting.

Julie and I have spent a lot of time talking about gourd art, and other things she wants to try. I showed her some examples of using alcohol ink and now she wants to try doing that. So we will be going to Hobby Lobby later to pick up some things for her to get started. I bought a really cool jean jacket the other day at the antique mall and I want to dress it up some with a little bling, etc, so now she wants to do some stuff with rhinestones to some of her stuff, too. We have a fun time in the evenings watching YouTube videos on how to do all this stuff.

She told me last night that both she and David have noticed a big change in me, how much calmer and more focused I am now. So that was good to hear. She said they have both really enjoyed having me here. She said David has been a lot more talkative with me here. I try to bring him into the conversations as much as I can. I feel I have bonded a lot more with them on this visit. It feels good to reconnect with family. Julie and I have a lot in common. Besides art, we are both interested in paranormal/psychic stuff, and similar spiritual ideas. I feel really good about this trip.

I will head back home tomorrow morning. My cat sitter said that Sophie has come out to see her and has let Debbie pet her, but Romeow is still MIA in the closet.

I see a lizard on my bedroom window (outside of course). I see them a lot running across the windows here. I have seen some pretty big ones out here! Also looks like the Saguaros are about to bloom here soon too. Too bad I will miss that. I took some pics yesterday of other cactus's blooming.

Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Tucson Tuesday

Postby Cudedog » Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:34 am

Good morning, Barbie, and all who follow.

I am so very happy for you that you are having such a wonderful trip. Thanks for sharing, it truly brings a smile to my face. You are very blessed to have a sister-in-law with whom you share so many common interests.

Have a safe trip home, and I (and I am sure all of us on here) will be anxiously awaiting the next news of your adventure.

Thank you.

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Re: Tucson Tuesday

Postby OregonLuvr » Tue Apr 23, 2024 12:11 pm

Morning. Another nice day here so I will take advantage of that and do some more work in my yard. Had breakfast, showered, will take a trip to Home Depot,Lowes and the Plant warehouse. Want to see what they have. Rain is coming on Thursday so need to finish up some stuff outside. Then will return to the bathroom ha ha it is very much a work in progress but it will get there. I am over stressing about things that dont matter what the time frame is. In October I will be here 4 years. Where does the time go. I seem to try to have a project each year. Have had some spendy years LOL but this year isnt too bad so far.
Barbie glad you are having a good time. Always good to get out of Dodge (so to speak) even if just for a day or so. Beth is home and getting things organized I am sure she is quicker than I am LOL Anita hoping your brother is able to continue his treatments and does well. Sounds like you have a great road trip coming up.
Anne have you started your garden yet??? I am just getting started amending the soils in my raised beds. Now the Hugelkultur bed is a work in progress, just filling it up. Got the logs, yard debris, and now starting to fill with the old dirt out of the other pots and raised beds first. Then compost and raised bed soil I am spending a fortune on soil and compost already. And will probably need more, oh well it is only money ROFL and I cant take it with me!!! I will at least get lots of enjoyment out of it.

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Tuesday, April 23

Postby Othersharon » Tue Apr 23, 2024 12:13 pm

Afternoon all. We are having a nice sunny and warmish day today with rain moving in again tonight, typical springtime in PA. There is another frost freeze watch again for tonight but again depends on where you are. Beth, nice that you’ve made it to your casita and had Ginger visiting too. Shelia, hope you were able to get the charge for gas corrected. Anita, too bad you aren’t able to take the Sling this trip. I have a few things to do this afternoon so it won’t be a day at home working in the yard plus tomorrow morning I’ll need to get moving to get to the lab for bloodwork before my appointment next week with my PCP. This will actually be the first time in probably a couple of years where I’ll see my primary vs her nurse for my annual visit. It certainly isn’t easy to make an appointment with the doctor even booking out a year. Such is modern medicine, I guess. Buddy and I will take a walk after I get home later. May not get one tomorrow. I still can’t get Buddy using the treadmill. I need to figure out how to close the sides in so he can’t jump off as easily. But for now I’m enjoying our walks in the woods. Buddy’s the first dog in a long time that doesn’t get on my bed at night. I’m still crating him at night with the hope he will be able to at least come up to my room at night. For now we have a workable routine and he settles right down. Otherwise I probably wouldn’t get much sleep! Velda, how’s Chris doing now that he’s home? Judy, hope you are enjoying your time at Grayton. It was always a stop when we had our timeshare. I suppose I should start getting myself ready to head out in a bit. Luckily my errands are all herein town so not far to go. Hope everyone has a good day and travel safe if you are on the move.
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Re: Tucson Tuesday

Postby Bethers » Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:28 pm

Barbie, I'm so glad you're having such a good visit with your brother and sil. Karen, I'm becoming a great procrastinator. Ty and I got an hour long desert walk this morning and otherwise have accomplished next to nothing. I've promised myself I'll get the RV fridge emptied and off in a little while and get a load (my washer only does small loads) going. I should be doing two or three and getting it all over with. But...

Sharon, you reminded me of a story of my biggest dog, Tips. My ex was adamant he'd never be allowed on the bed or couch, etc. He slept on the bedroom floor while our other dog slept on the foot of the bed. My ex was an early riser, getting up about 5 am and going fishing every morning. One morning he must have forgotten something and returned a couple minutes later. Tips was laying stretched out in his place with his head on his pillow, sound asleep. I awoke to my ex yelling at Tips and I looked and Burst out laughing. I have no idea how long he'd been doing this. But it became a morning routine and he slept in bed with me and Moxie after the divorce. So never rule out what the future will bring.

Off to do something. Anything on the to do list!
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Re: Tucson Tuesday

Postby chalet05 » Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:51 pm

Funny story, Beth! I'm in the minority I suppose with no desire to have a four-legged animal in/on my bed.

Velda, hope Chris is settled in and doing well. Sheila, sometimes the charge is 'pending' waiting for the correct amount. Meant to mention about digital coupons that I use the store app to look at their ads ahead of time so I catch deals and digital coupons.

In case there is confusion, I am going to Long Beach, Washington not California.

Just had a good talk with the new manager about several things. Upstairs neighbor hasn't reported they have a cat - that's a no-no. Also sent my list of excess noise. Maybe I'll come home from Alaska and they'll be gone! Just hope the next neighbors aren't worse. :roll:

It's another beautiful day. Ran into neighbor with sweet Great Pyrenees outside - they are off on a hike up one of the canyons. Love how Luna leans up against me while I pet her. Now that office talk is out of the way, going to see if I can figure out how to change the wiper blade on my back window!
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Re: Tucson Tuesday

Postby JudyJB » Tue Apr 23, 2024 6:44 pm

Went for a bike ride today. I have been off and on about selling my bike because I feel a bit wobbly riding it, and as I get older, an afraid a fall will put me in a nursing home. But I do like it, so I am going to try to do more riding instead of riding only once every few months. Maybe that will make me more confident and improve my skills. Had to put air in tires and get out battery and other things. Also, put water bottle in one of the over the shoulder carriers, and discovered two $20 bills in it! Must have put them in a year or so ago when I last used it! Nice to have a bonus.

This state park is surrounded by two extremely popular tourist areas--Grayton Beach village on one side and Seaside planned development on the other side. Both are busy during the week and absolutely packed on weekends, so the campground is an absolute oasis of quiet and nature. I keep thinking that without all these state parks, the coast and a lot of Florida would be bumper-to-bumper paved areas with hotels, tourist trap stores, restaurants, and the rest. Anyway, I rode to the beach and sat on a bench for a while, then rode to Grayton Beach village and looked at all the shops. Nothing I would want to buy anyway, so headed back home. Now I am worn out and resting.

Tomorrow, I head to the grocery store. Don't need a lot, but I do need some things that are important. Need to also find a post office.
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Re: Tucson Tuesday

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:16 pm


This is what I have been doing for the past two days, tearing down the walkway up to the back of the house. I gave up ever finding anyone to tear it down and decided to do it myself. I got the deck boards off and some of the railing. The cats walk up the steps and wonder where it went. lol When I get it all down I'll get some dirt to level it off. I thought about getting it rebuilt but I walk up the hill in the front so I can walk up to the back too.

Barbie, glad you are having such a good time with your brother and SIL.

Judy, I have seen a few women fall of bicycles at campouts and I'm very leary about getting one. Some zip around on the E-bikes going way too fast. There are some nice 3 wheel trikes and would consider one of those. I would have to get one of the basket things that fit in a trailer hitch.

The people I got Luna from have a daughter in Baton Rouge. They are going to be in Louisiana in a couple of days and want to visit Luna. Guess I better clean house. It will be interesting to see if she remembers them. When they brought her to me at the campground she really missed them and would smell where they had parked.

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Re: Tucson Tuesday

Postby snowball » Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:59 pm

Ok am in Nebraska City Nebraska for the night... after driving for awhile I decided that Lincoln would be a good goal something on the outskirts of the city right wrong thought (operative word) I saw a motel sign so took the exit for it it wasn't and there was no changing my mind I was on 77 and heading toward some town 38 miles south busy time of the night so really hard to change my mind sure glad I wasn't towing :o saw a sign for Nebraska City and thought I remember that name I had looked at it last night trying to figure out if I could get from there to Pella Iowa relatively easy... but couldn't figure that part out (I forgot my paper maps.... maps on the phone work if you know where you are going but I've found them hard if you don't know for sure what your plans are) so I took myself to Nebraska City found a motel and haven't gone out sure glad I got some watermelon at Love's although not the best in the world.... tomorrow I will see what maps tells me when I put in Pella why Pella??? to see if the tulips are blooming and to check out the bakery I drove little ove 700 miles was not in the plans tomorrow will be a walk in the park lol
as to the money I thought that as well Anita so decided to not call but it's still 75.00 out so not sure if I should call tomorrow or give them another day as to the receipt I normally get them and I did inside when I paid the 75 it didn't offer it again at the pump however I did write down the information on the receipt from inside... I'm hoping that that will suffice ...
I didn't mention last night and should have glad that you made it to AZ on Beth I'm sure you will enjoy your time there...
sounds like you are having a good time Barbie with your family... did you get to go see the Desert Museum? have a safe trip home
Anita I'm sorry your family is having so much health issues what part of AK are you going to? Because I'm so tired I can't recall how you are going to Longbeach WA bet it will be fun
Karen the new raised garden bed that you are doing do you know what you will be planting in it?
BJ where in Illinois do you live?
Judy I would worry about falling as well would feel more secure I guess on the 3 wheeled bikes... enjoy your stay
Velda how did Chris like his remodeled room??? hoping all is well you you all
Sue that will look really nice when all done it already looks nice
I'm sure I missed someone or something yes Anna how is everything in your neck of the world???
you all have a great day
I will try not to get too lost tomorrow I thought earlier today it's ok I'm going East so going in the right direction... :roll:
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Re: Tucson Tuesday

Postby Bethers » Wed Apr 24, 2024 12:34 am

Sheila, you're doing good. I hope the tulips are blooming in Pella. As for trikes, several people have them at the park my TT is. I might have to consider one.

I did more than I thought I would today. Got all my duty y clothes washed, did my bed linens, then did the sheets I'll use on the daybed in the casita. Did get the fridge emptied in the RV and also brought some boxed foods, etc into the casita. I have to be careful about buying anything at all food wise. It'll be a first for me to have to empty my fridge and cabinets come fall. Especially the fridge. I'm sure I could keep some canned products in the RV or casita over the winter. So I'll be eating from the freezer until it's close to empty and only purchasing go withs. It'll save money this summer but then I'll be pretty much starting from scratch when I return to Texas. This will be interesting lolol

I've forced myself to stay up. I realize it's only 10:30 here but it's 12:30 am on my clock from a couple days ago. I do want to start getting up earlier here because while night's are still cooling off wonderfully right now, that'll be changing and the cooler time if day will be early, early mornings. I well remember Ty and I getting our biggest walks of the day at about 6 am last summer when here.

But my eyes are closing and Ty has been asleep for a couple hours so I'm hoping I go to dreamland as easily as he does.
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