That was my thought earlier today,,, "isn't today Monday?"
I just didn't have the umph to get the kitchen going today, just kinda blah I guess. Last week a family friend 61 years old was mowing, got hot, came in to cool off, sat at the computer and keeled over, never got him back up. Then yesterday 7am, get a call that Hommie's sister who just turned 39 on Wednesday had a heart attack, they got her to the hospital in time and is okay. Actually, she got in her car, drove her and her daughter to her parent's house, waited for her dad to get dressed, combed his hair, etc and took her to the hospital! AAAACCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK Are these people loco, whatever happened to calling 911. Thankfully it was a small blood vessel that was blocked and they decided to just keep her on Plavix (sp?) I could strangle the Dr. he is an capital Azzhole! Found out this morning the nurses are letting her go downstairs to the atrium to SMOKE! AAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH!
So that's my day, how bout yall?